Ms. H's Subjects

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Homework: Wed. Oct. 26th


1. Please bring cans in for our Halloween drive. ( You may include dry foods such as pasta as well. )

2. Quebec Trip for Grade 8: Please bring in your cheque or cash deposit. Cheques can be post dated for Nov. 11th

Grade 7


1. TB 2.7 Ques. 8, 9 b d f, 10, 11, 15. 20
2. W.B. 2.7
2. Please watch video and take notes.    Multiplying Decimals

Language: Language worksheet due Tomorrow.

Science: Science Worksheets due Tomorrow.

Grade 8

Health: Please take notes on the following video. Brainstorms are due tomorrow.    
Food Revolution Episode 2

History: Please sign your history test ( Ch. 1)

Geo: Bring Box

Phys. Ed: Bring a change of clothes and indoor shoes.

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