Ms. H's Subjects

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Homework: Oct. 5th


1. Terry Fox Run Oct 6th ( Please bring in $2)
2. Red and White Day Oct 6th ( Students can wear red and white for the Terry Fox Run)
3. Please sign all assessment folders

Grade 7

Math: Pg. 38 Ques 1 - 12

Lang.: Do Chapters 5 and 6. Please bring rough copy to edit.

Science: S.S. Pgs. 235 - 241 Highlight notes and answer questions in book.
               TB pG. 19 - 22 Ques, 1 - 4 Make notes.

Grade 8

1. Please be ready to make you notes on chart paper with your groups

2. Readings: Physical Features Pgs. 15 - 16
                     Political Features 17 - 21
                     Economical Features 23 - 38

3. Success Criteria For History Notes

* Connections
*Paraphase ( In your own words)
* Big ideas only on chart paper
*Chart Paper
- big font

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