Ms. H's Subjects

Monday, October 17, 2016

Homework: Monday. Oct. 17th

1. Grade 8 Quebec Trip Info Session for parents @ 6:30pm in Mme. Cote - Campbells classroom.

Grade 7 


1. TB. Pg. 50 - 52 Ques. 4, 5, and 8

2. WB. 2.4 ( All Ques. ) * Mr. P's students please only do the WB.

3. Math video link. If you need to go over your notes with the video please do so.

Rate vs. Ratios


1. Scrapbook Due Friday, Oct. 21st


1. Trivia Game on Chapter 10 please study.

2. Science Video link. If you need to go over your notes with the video please do so.

 Bill Nye: Structures

Grade 8


1. William Shakespeare Pg. 8 Due Tomorrow.

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