Ms. H's Subjects

Monday, October 31, 2016

Homework: Oct 31st

Have an enjoyable and safe Halloween!

Grade 7

Math: Test has been re- scheduled for Thurs Nov. 3rd.

Grade 8

Geo: Please bring in your materials for your communities

Friday, October 28, 2016

Homework: Friday, Oct. 28th, 2016


1. Halloween Day Mon Oct. 31st. No mask or plastic weapons.
2. Halloween Haunted House in the morning and Dance in the afternoon
3. You may bring treats for the class. You must have nut free treats. ( We spoke about this in class)
4. Quebec Money Cheque or Cash

Grade 7


1. Test Ch. 2 Tuesday Nov. 1st ( Volleyball Girls will do their test the following day.)
2. TB: Chapter Review: Pg. 75 Ques.  1 - 13
3. WB: Test Yourself
4. If you would like to practice more for the test you may also do TB. Pg. 73 Ques. 1 - 18


1. Grammar Worksheet.

Grade 8


1. Work all materials to work on your project Monday Oct. 31st


1. Sign and return R&J Test


1. Finish Mexican Skull Art

Thursday, October 27, 2016

Homework: Oct. 27th 2016


1. Please bring Cans for the food drive ( Pasta, rice, etc. is also acceptable.)

2. Grade 8 Please bring in your Quebec Trip Deposit (Cheque or Cash)

3. Civies Day ( Students are allows to wear non -uniform

Grade 7

Math: TB 2.8 Ques. 8 c), 9 (d, f), 10, 11, 13, 16, 19
           WB. 2.8 All Ques.

Science: Please sign your test.

Grade 8

Geo: Please work on your "Ideal Community" and bring your items for Mon. Nov. 1st

Health: Please remember to have your brainstorm ready in class for your in class assignment on healthy eating tomorrow.

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Homework: Wed. Oct. 26th


1. Please bring cans in for our Halloween drive. ( You may include dry foods such as pasta as well. )

2. Quebec Trip for Grade 8: Please bring in your cheque or cash deposit. Cheques can be post dated for Nov. 11th

Grade 7


1. TB 2.7 Ques. 8, 9 b d f, 10, 11, 15. 20
2. W.B. 2.7
2. Please watch video and take notes.    Multiplying Decimals

Language: Language worksheet due Tomorrow.

Science: Science Worksheets due Tomorrow.

Grade 8

Health: Please take notes on the following video. Brainstorms are due tomorrow.    
Food Revolution Episode 2

History: Please sign your history test ( Ch. 1)

Geo: Bring Box

Phys. Ed: Bring a change of clothes and indoor shoes.

Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Homework: Oct. 25th


1.  Grade 8 Quebec Trip Deposit. Please bring this as soon as possible to Mme. Cote - Campbell
( cheque or cash)

2. Grade 7 Please bring in can goods for our food drive. ( 2 cans per person)

Grade 7

1, Interrogative and Declarative Worksheet ( Due Thurs. Oct. 27th)

2. Sensing Halloween/Autumn Short Stories Worksheet Due: Tomorrow. Please also make sure you have picked which sentence starter you will be using for your short story. Please remember that the story must have Mystery elements.

Grade 8

1. Please fill in the details to your brainstorm for the Food Revolution Video.

Video Link: Food Revolution Video

Monday, October 24, 2016

Homework: Monday, Oct. 24th, 2016


1. Remember to bring in can goods. 

Grade 7

Lang. : 
1. Worksheet " Compound Subjects and Predicates
2. Watch Video and make notes to help with your understanding with Simple. Compound and Complex Sentences. 

1. W.B. 2.6
2. TXT Pg. 60 - 63 Ques. 7 a,c,e, 8 a,d,e, 10 - 14, 16 - 18

1. 11. 1 Ques. 1 - 5, Pg. 32 - 36

Grade 8

1. We will be starting our urban planner project tomorrow. Please make sure you have your boxes. 

Friday, October 21, 2016

Homework: Friday Oct. 21t

1. Quebec Trip Money and Former


1. Pg. 56 - 59 8, 9 b and d, 10, 11, 13, 15
2. WB 2.5

1. Please bring in a book for Silent reading

Grade 8

1. CH. 1 Test

1. Bring in a box

Thursday, October 20, 2016

Homework: Thurs. Oct. 20th, 2016


1. Pizza Order Forms Due Tomorrow
2. Quebec Trip Deposit and Forms Deadline Nov. 11th (Please bring them in as soon as possible.)

Grade 7

1. Simple Subject and Predicate Worksheet
2. Autobiography Project Due Tomorrow. Please have all rough copies in the black folder when handing in your project.

Science: Chapter 10 Test

Grade 8

No Homework

Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Homework: Wednesday, October 19th, 2016

1. Pizza Order forms
2. Quebec Trip Forms


1. Sentence and Fragment Worksheet
2. Autobiography Project Due Friday Oct. 21st

1. Ch. 10 Test Friday Oct. 21st


1. Geography Presentation

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Homework: Tuesday, October, 18th


* Please sign all assessments. Also please share your key questions with your parents.

Grade 7

1. Ch.2 Mid Chapter Review Pg. 55 All Questions.

1. Scrapbook Due Friday Oct. 21st

Grade 8

1. Notes due tomorrow

1. Study for quiz on R&J characters.

Monday, October 17, 2016

Homework: Monday. Oct. 17th

1. Grade 8 Quebec Trip Info Session for parents @ 6:30pm in Mme. Cote - Campbells classroom.

Grade 7 


1. TB. Pg. 50 - 52 Ques. 4, 5, and 8

2. WB. 2.4 ( All Ques. ) * Mr. P's students please only do the WB.

3. Math video link. If you need to go over your notes with the video please do so.

Rate vs. Ratios


1. Scrapbook Due Friday, Oct. 21st


1. Trivia Game on Chapter 10 please study.

2. Science Video link. If you need to go over your notes with the video please do so.

 Bill Nye: Structures

Grade 8


1. William Shakespeare Pg. 8 Due Tomorrow.

Friday, October 14, 2016

Homework: Friday, Oct 14th, 2016

Grade 7

Math: 2.3 Workbook

Lang: Scrapbook due Friday, Oct., 21st

Science: Review Chapter 10 for our Trivia game on Monday
Students are to define and connect all keywords in Chapter 10 science.

Example of Chart:

Grade 8

Drama: Review Act 1 and find evidence of the relationship of 
a) Juliet and Lady Capulet 
b) Juliet and Nurse

Focus on who is a better mother figure in Juliet's life and why?

Thursday, October 13, 2016

Homework: Thurs. Oct. 13th


1. Picture Day Tomorrow

Grade 7

Math: Please make sure your homework is up to date. (Pg. 44- 45 Quest. #7 - 8 (a, d) 9, 11, 14, 15- 16 / W.b. 2.2 (Mr. P's students please just do W.B. if not completed).

Lang.: Please bring scrapbook materials to work on our last work period for autobiographies. All other work is to be completed at home. Due date for the assignment is on Friday, Oct. 21st

Science: We will be taken up the answers for science, please make sure it is up to date ( Chapter Review pg. 28 Quest. # 1 - 13)

Grade 8

Drama: Show evidence from Act 1 Scence 1 - 3 of the distant relationship of Lady Capulet and Juliet and the the close relationship of Juliet and the Nurse

Geography: Bring in materials ( eg. Markers)  for your note taking assignment in class.

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Homework: Wed. Oct., 12th

Hello Students,

Since some of you may be away for cross country, I have posted the homework early so that you are aware of what is to be done for Thursday Oct. 13th.

Grade 7

Math: WB. 2.2 All questions.  ( Mr P's students please do the following workbook as well)
           TXT 2.2 Ques.  7,8 (a, d), 9, 11 13, 14, 15, 16

Lang: Also in regards to typing your scrapbook paragraphs, if you do not have access to a printer you can either bring it on USB ( memory key)  and I will print it on Thursday or you can write it very neatly.

Science: Chapter 10 review Pg. 286 Ques. 1 – 13.
Grade 8

Drama: Romeo and Juliet read Act 1 Scene: 1 -2

Thursday, October 6, 2016

Homework: Thursday, Oct. 6th, 2016

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.

God Bless, 
Ms. Singh

Grade 7

Language: Please finish Chapter 7. Please type out all chapters that have been completed and bring it in on Tuesday, along with your scarpbook materials. We will have a work period during language. 

Grade 8

Drama: We will be reading R&J on Tuesday, please bring your books. 

Phys. Ed.: Please bring your gym clothes as we will be having phys. ed outside on Tuesday, weather permitting. 

Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Homework: Oct. 5th


1. Terry Fox Run Oct 6th ( Please bring in $2)
2. Red and White Day Oct 6th ( Students can wear red and white for the Terry Fox Run)
3. Please sign all assessment folders

Grade 7

Math: Pg. 38 Ques 1 - 12

Lang.: Do Chapters 5 and 6. Please bring rough copy to edit.

Science: S.S. Pgs. 235 - 241 Highlight notes and answer questions in book.
               TB pG. 19 - 22 Ques, 1 - 4 Make notes.

Grade 8

1. Please be ready to make you notes on chart paper with your groups

2. Readings: Physical Features Pgs. 15 - 16
                     Political Features 17 - 21
                     Economical Features 23 - 38

3. Success Criteria For History Notes

* Connections
*Paraphase ( In your own words)
* Big ideas only on chart paper
*Chart Paper
- big font

Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Homework: Tuesday, October 4th


1. Terry Fox Run  Thursday, Oct. 6th
2. Curriculum Night Thursday Oct. 6th

Grade 7


1. Please sign worksheet


1. Please complete Chapter 4

Grade 8


1. Please sign Chapter 1 Test.

2. Map on North America

3. Please bring in a Box or Foam Boards for your Urban Development Project. We will be starting on Friday.


1. Read William Shakespeare handout

2. Mind Map on William Shakespeare Due Wed. Oct. 5th

Monday, October 3, 2016

Homework: Monday, October, 3rd, 2016


1. Blue Jay Day Tomorrow ( Blue and white clothing or blue jay or jersey attire) In order to participate in this dress down fundraiser day, you will need to bring in one dollar.

2. Terry Fox Run Thursday Oct. 6th in the afternoon.

3. School Mass Thursday Oct. 6th in the morning.

4. Curriculum night Thursday Oct. 6th at 7pm.

Grade 7

1. Chapter 1 Math Test
2. Please sign all key questions and update your assessment folder.

1. Chapter 3 paragraph for Autobiography scrapbook needs to be completed ( Rough Draft). Please bring in for tomorrow to edit. [All other previous chapters (1 and 2) should be already edited.]

1. If not completed in class, please complete the Structure Worksheet for tomorrow.

Grade 8

1. Map due Wednesday, Oct. 5th

1. Please bring Romeo and Juliet book in.
2. If you need to purchase this book please see me and I will provide you with one. Cost: $8.

French: Read play