Ms. H's Subjects

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Homework: Tuesday, May 10th, 2016

Grade 7:

Math: 8.3 Worksheet Due Tomorrow
           Mid Chapter Review Due Thurs.

Lang: Plot Diagram Due Thurs.

Science: Ecosystem package Due Thurs.

Phys. Ed. Bring a change of clothes. Outside phys. ed weather permitting.

Drama: Working on backdrops and props for play.

Grade 8:

Math: 11. 2 and 11.3 Due tomorrow.
           11.4 and 11.5 Due thursday.

Lang: V.S. speech rough copy due Thursday.

Phys. Ed: Bring Change of clothes. Outside phys.ed weather permitting

Drama: Working on backdrops and props for play.

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