Ms. H's Subjects

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Homework: Thurs. May 5th, 2016


1. Dress down day tomorrow. Please bring $1.
2. Lemonade sale (75 cents) and bracelet sale ( $1) @ lunch
3. Cookie Drive ( $1) @ lunch
4. Track & Field Practices.
5. Yearbook forms and money.
6. Assembly for 7/8 with officer O'Neil in the AM

Grade 7

Math: 8.1 & 8.2 Worksheets Due Tomorrow

Science: 5.4 # 1 - 5
              5.5 #  1 - 5


His : Editorial Cartoon Decoding Worksheet.

Grade 8

Math: Worksheet 11.2 (Not #2)
           We will be going over the concept once again and introducing volume. Please remember the
            formulas for surface area of a cylinder.
           As voted by the class we have moved our math rap video's for Tues May 10th.

Science: 5.3 #2 - 5
              5.6 # 1 - 3


His : Editorial Cartoon Decoding Worksheet.

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