Ms. H's Subjects

Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Homework: May 31st

Grade 7

Math: 9.5 worksheet must be neatly done.

Phys. Ed: Indoor - we will be playing volleyball.

Grade 8

Math: Ch. 8 review Pg. 279 Ques 1- 8. Test tomorrow.

Lang: Story plot presentations.

Phys. Ed: Indoor - we will be playing volleyball.

Monday, May 30, 2016

Homework: Mon. May 30th

Grade 8

Math: 8.6 Worksheet
           Chapter 8 Test Wed

Geo: Map due tomorrow : Wildfirr Devastates Fort McMurray

Grade 7

Math: 9.5 Worksheet

Geo: Map due tomorrow : Wildfirr Devastates Fort McMurray

Friday, May 20, 2016

Homework: Friday May 20th, 2016

Happy Long Weekend!

Grade 7


1. Chapter 8 Math test TuesdayMay 24th


1 . Present your skits Tues. May 24th. Please bring all materials needed.

1. Wildfire devastates Fort Mcmurry article.

Grade 8


1. Please sign your chapter 10 and 11 assessments.
2. Pg. 205  Ques. 1-9 (textbook)

1. Sign V.S speech assessment
2. Bring Device to work on story plot presentations for language.


1 . Present your skits Tues. May 24th. Please bring all materials needed.

1. Wildfire devastates Fort Mcmurry article.

Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Homework: May 18th

Good Luck Track Students!

Grade 7


Math: We did not have a chance to take up our math review. This will be taken up tomorrow. The test will be  on Friday, May 20th

Lang: Plot diagrams presentation continued.


Drama: Dress rehearsal continued. Performance Tuesday May 24th. Feedback of groups will be posted later today.

Health: Sign Health Poster

Grade 8


Language: V.S speeches continued.


Drama: Dress rehearsal continued. Performance Tuesday May 24th. Feedback of groups will be posted later today.

Health: Sign Health Poster

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Homework: May 17th, 2016

Grade 7


Math: Worksheet 8.6 and Test yourself Due Tomorrow. Chapter 8 Math Test on Thursday May 19th

Language: Plot Diagram Presentations

Science: Please get Chapter 5 Test signed. 


Drama: Ready Set Action! We will be presenting our plays tomorrow in the afternoon ( Before French and before Phys. Ed) 

Phys. Ed. Weather permitting we will have outdoor phys. ed

Grade 8 


Language: V.S. oral speech presentations

Science: 6.1  ( Q # 2 - 6) and 6.2  (Q #1 - 5)


Drama: Ready Set Action! We will be presenting our plays tomorrow in the afternoon ( Before French and before Phys. Ed) 

Phys. Ed.:  Weather permitting we will have outdoor phys. ed

Monday, May 16, 2016

Homework: Monday, May 16th

Grade 7
Lang: Thank you for handing in your work. We will begin presentations tomorrow.

Math: Worksheet 8.5 page 1 .

Science: Chapter 5 test.

Drama: Time will be give tomorrow to work on backdrops again.

Inst. Music: Bring music material.

Phys. Ed: Outdoors weather permitting.

Grade 8

Math: Ch. 11 test

Lang: V.S. speech present Wednesday. Please make sure you have a copy to hand in.

Drama: Time will be give tomorrow to work on backdrops again.

Phys. Ed: Outdoors weather permitting.

Ins. music:  Bring music material.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Homework: May 13th

Grade 7


Math: Algebra worksheet will be taken up on Monday in class.

Language: Plot diagram presentations Due Monday. Be ready to present. Please have work saved on a usb. 

Science: I have posted the answers for science review, Please correct ,I will be checking if you have corrected your work on Monday. Test on Tuesdsay May 17.


Drama: Drama: We will change the date of our presentations. We will continue to work on our backdrops tomorrow. Please make sure you memorize your parts for your script and that all narrators write their lines on que -  cards given out in class.

Health: Those that did not hand in your health posters you are to hand them in on Monday. A late penalty will be given.

Grade 8


Math: Worksheet 11.6. Due Monday. Chapter 11 Test will be given on Tuesday.

Language: Oral presentation for V.S. speeches Due Monday.

Science: Chapter 5 Test on Monday. We took up the review in class, but I have also posted the answers up so that you can prepare for your test.


Drama: Drama: We will change the date of our presentations. We will continue to work on our backdrops tomorrow. Please make sure you memorize your parts for your script and that all narrators write their lines on que -  cards given out in class.

Health: Those that did not hand in your health posters you are to hand them in on Monday. A late penalty will be given.

Science Grade 7 Chapter 5 Review Answers

Chapter 5 Review Answer:

1. The “ingredients” of photosynthesis are carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight.

2. Sample answer: kelp → sea urchin → sea otter → shark

3. If dead organisms did not decompose, the bodies would quickly cover Earth and nutrients contained in the bodies would not be recycled for other organisms to use.

4. Decomposers play an important role in the carbon cycle.

Ecosystem Role
Grass, maple trees
Cow, rabbit
Lion, polar bear
Black bear, human
Vulture, hyena
Earthworm, beetle
Bacterium, mould

6. A producer gets its energy from the Sun. A consumer gets energy from the other organisms it eats.

(a) A food chain includes only one link to and from each organism. A food web can have many links going to or coming from each organism.

(b) A carnivore kills organisms for food. A scavenger eats the remains of organisms that are already dead.

(c) Decomposers break down wastes and dead plant and animal matter into simpler substances, and consume those substances. Detrivores consume larger pieces of wastes and dead plant and animal matter.

(d) A primary consumer eats producers. A secondary consumer eats primary consumers.

8. In this ecosystem the algae would be producers, mosquito larvae would likely be primary consumers, salmon would be secondary consumers, and eagles would be tertiary consumers.

9. The saying “energy flows and matter cycles” is related to the fact that new matter is not created; it is recycled in an ecosystem. Energy cannot be recycled. It can flow only one direction in an ecosystem. New energy must continually enter the ecosystem.

10. An organism stores in its body only about 10 % of the energy from the food it takes in. Only the energy stored in an organism’s body can be passed on to the next organism in the food chain. Such large energy “losses” at each level of the energy pyramid of numbers means that there is relatively little energy left after a few levels to support many organisms.

11. Four ecological roles are producer, scavenger, detrivore, and decomposer. Grass is an example of a producer. A raven is an example of a scavenger. A beetle is an example of a detrivore. Bacteria are examples of decomposers.

12. Every time energy passes from one organism to another, a great deal of energy is “lost,” and only a small amount of energy is available to the next level of the energy pyramid (link in the food chain). Long food chains are less effective in transferring energy because a larger number of organisms is needed at lower levels to support the organisms at the highest levels.

13. Sample answer: The two arrows pointing from the sky to the trees represent plants taking in carbon dioxide during photosynthesis. The arrow pointing from the trees to the air and from the grass to the air represents organisms releasing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. The arrow pointing from the smokestack into the air represents carbon dioxide being released into the atmosphere through the burning of fossil fuels. The arrow pointing from the trees into the ground represents carbon being stored in the remains of dead organisms. The longest arrow, pointing from the ground up into the air, represents carbon dioxide being released into the atmosphere when organisms decompose. The arrow pointing from the shallow subsurface to the rocks deeper underground represents carbon being stored in fossil fuels, which form when the remains of organisms are buried and compressed.

 (a) It takes more energy to raise animals than to raise plants because you must first raise plants to feed the animals. So, vegetarianism allows for a shorter food chain, which results in less “lost” energy.

(b) Sample answer: I agree that vegetarianism would be a good way to help the environment because less land would be needed for farming, and less energy would be needed to grow and transport food crops.

Grade 8 Science Chapter 5 Review Answer

Science Chapter 5 Review Answers

1. “Selectively permeable” means only certain things can pass through. In a cell membrane, proteins act as gatekeepers, allowing some particles to pass through, but not others. The layers of fat particles making up the membrane allow some small particles to diffuse through directly, but prevent larger particles from doing so.

 2. Particles diffuse from an area where they are more concentrated to an area where they are less concentrated.

3. Without a concentration gradient, diffusion would not occur. The concentration gradient allows particles to move from an area where they are more concentrated to an area where they are less concentrated.

4. Oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged across the cell membranes of red blood cells and muscle cells.

5. Particles of water, oxygen, and carbon dioxide are all small enough to diffuse freely across the cell membrane.

6. Osmosis is a type of diffusion in which water moves across a membrane. The more solute particles you have on one side of the membrane, the greater the concentration gradient. Water particles will move from the side of the membrane where they are more concentrated (and the solute particles are less concentrated) to the side where they are less concentrated (and the solute particles are more concentrated).

7. A turgid plant cell is one that is swollen with water.

8. A cell might use exocytosis to remove wastes from the cell or to send chemicals out of the cell that are needed elsewhere in the body.

9. When a living thing takes in nutrients from its environment, we say it is eating. Phagocytosis, which means “cell eating,” is a good name for the type of exocytosis in which the cell takes in large particles from its environment because many cells use the process to take in nutrients.

10. Sample answer: An air freshener is a good model of diffusion because the scent particles are initially concentrated around the freshener and gradually move by diffusion through the rest of the room where the scent particles are less concentrated. An open perfume bottle or a drop of food coloring in a glass of water would be other good models for diffusion.

11. In the picture some dye has been placed in a beaker of water. The dye moves from areas of high dye concentration to lower dye concentration. Over time, the dye will spread evenly throughout the beaker.

12. Water moves by osmosis into a cell because the concentration of water is greater outside the cell than inside the cell. As water enters the cell, the central vacuole fills and the cell swells. As the cell swells, the cell membrane pushes outward (against the cell wall in plants), resulting in turgor pressure.

13. Osmosis is a form of diffusion that takes place across a membrane. In both processes, particles move down a concentration gradient from an area where they are more concentrated to an area where they are less concentrated.

14. An animal cell has a greater concentration of solutes (and a lower concentration of water particles) than distilled water. If you placed an animal cell into a beaker of distilled water, water particles would move by osmosis from where they are more concentrated in the beaker to where they are less concentrated in the cell. The cell would swell up and might die.

15. Water that moves into a plant cell causes the cell to swell, pushing the cell membrane up against the cell wall. The rigid cell wall keeps the cell from bursting.

16. Applying too much fertilizer to the grass will create a concentration gradient between the solution in the soil and the solution inside the plant cells. The concentration of solute outside the plant cells will be greater than that inside and water will leave the plant cells by osmosis. The plant cells will shrink and cause the plants to wilt or even die.

17. Patients receive a salt solution by intravenous injection to match the concentration of the fluids inside cells. If doctors injected plain water, there would be a higher concentration of solutes inside the blood cells, water would enter by osmosis, and the blood cells would burst.

18. The cells of plants from the ocean have a concentration of solutes inside that is equal to the concentration of solutes in sea water. If these plants are placed in fresh water, water will enter the plant cells by osmosis and will likely damage the plant cells. This may be the reason why the saltwater plants do not thrive in freshwater environments.

19. The celery wilted because some of the water inside the cells left the cells by osmosis and evaporated. Mary placed the wilted celery into a glass of water so that water would enter the cells of the celery by osmosis.

24. My strategy would be to ask questions about diffusion and answer them with drawings. For example, I could ask what causes the particles to move, or do the particles ever stop moving? My drawing could show the fewer particles calling the greater particles to join them. Some limitations are that I would have to be able to answer the questions to draw the answers, and also that the drawing would only approximate reality.

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Homework: May 12th

Grade 7


Math: Algebraic expression package.

Lang: Short Story Plot to be handed in and you will be working on your powerpoint presentations. Please bring devices. 

Science: Chapter 5 Review Ques. 1 - 15


Health: Posters Due tomorrow. 

Grade 8

Lang: Good Copy of V.S. speeches due tomorrow. 

Science: Chapter 5 1 - 14 and 24


Health: Posters Due tomorrow. 

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

No homework.

No additional homework, however due dates apply on any previous assigned work.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Homework: Tuesday, May 10th, 2016

Grade 7:

Math: 8.3 Worksheet Due Tomorrow
           Mid Chapter Review Due Thurs.

Lang: Plot Diagram Due Thurs.

Science: Ecosystem package Due Thurs.

Phys. Ed. Bring a change of clothes. Outside phys. ed weather permitting.

Drama: Working on backdrops and props for play.

Grade 8:

Math: 11. 2 and 11.3 Due tomorrow.
           11.4 and 11.5 Due thursday.

Lang: V.S. speech rough copy due Thursday.

Phys. Ed: Bring Change of clothes. Outside phys.ed weather permitting

Drama: Working on backdrops and props for play.

Monday, May 9, 2016

Homework: Monday, May 9th


1. Track ans Field Practice

2. Soccer intermediate girls tryouts : Wed May 11th and Thurs. May 12th at lunch 11:15. Please bring soccer gear.

Grade 7

**Please sign all assessments given and update folder.**

Lang: Plot diagram handout  Due Thurs. May 12th.


Phys. Ed: Outdoor if weather is nice

Drama : Bring props and supplies to make setting backdrops for skits.

Grade 8


**Please sign all assessments given and update folder.**

Lang: V.S. speech rough copy due Thursday, May 12th

Math: Videos due tomorrow


Phys. Ed: Outdoor if weather is nice.

Drama : Bring props and supplies to make setting backdrops for skits.

Friday, May 6, 2016

Homework: Friday, May 6th, 2016


1. Track and Field

2. Will be checking assessment folders please make sure they are up to date.

Grade 7


Math: Algebriac Worksheets

Lang: Sign plot diagram assessment.


Geo: Sign Death at Sea article question assessment.

Grade 8


Math: 1. Math rap video's due Tuesday.
2. Math worksheet-  surface area of a cylinders.

Science: Diffusion and Osmosis worksheet.

Lang: Sign plot diagram assessment.


Geo: Sign Death at Sea article question assessment.

Thursday, May 5, 2016

Homework: Thurs. May 5th, 2016


1. Dress down day tomorrow. Please bring $1.
2. Lemonade sale (75 cents) and bracelet sale ( $1) @ lunch
3. Cookie Drive ( $1) @ lunch
4. Track & Field Practices.
5. Yearbook forms and money.
6. Assembly for 7/8 with officer O'Neil in the AM

Grade 7

Math: 8.1 & 8.2 Worksheets Due Tomorrow

Science: 5.4 # 1 - 5
              5.5 #  1 - 5


His : Editorial Cartoon Decoding Worksheet.

Grade 8

Math: Worksheet 11.2 (Not #2)
           We will be going over the concept once again and introducing volume. Please remember the
            formulas for surface area of a cylinder.
           As voted by the class we have moved our math rap video's for Tues May 10th.

Science: 5.3 #2 - 5
              5.6 # 1 - 3


His : Editorial Cartoon Decoding Worksheet.

Wednesday, May 4, 2016

Homework: Wednesday, May 4th, 2016


1. Yearbook money due may 13th.
2. Track and field practices

Grade 7


Math: 8.1 A-F


Instrumental Music: Bring music materials

Grade 8

Math: Filming videos


Instrumental Music: Bring music materials

Tuesday, May 3, 2016

Homework: Tuesday, May 3rd, 2016


1. Rosary @ 9:45
2. Track and Field practices.
3. Yearbook cover page submissions to Mme. Kisseh by May 19th
- First and Last name
- Grade
- Colourful
- No Pencil markings
- 81/2 by 11 ( No landscapes)
- Have it represent the school
4. Band concert assembly @ 1pm

Grade 7


Science: Please watch the video and make notes in preparation for another exit ticket.
Bill Nye the Science Guy (Food Web)


Phys. Ed: Bring a change of clothes for phy.ed outdoors.

Grade 8


Science: Please watch the video and make notes in preparation for another exit ticket.
Bill Nye The Science Guy ( Cells )

Math: If time permits you will have another day to work on your math video's before going to rosary. Due Monday May  9th. 


Phys. Ed: Bring a change of clothes for phy.ed outdoors.

Monday, May 2, 2016

Homework: Monday, May 2nd, 2016


1. Track & Field practice with Mr. Ward tomorrow.

2. Mass in the morning.

Grade 7


Math: Test Yourself Worksheet. Chapter 10 & 11 Test tomorrow.

Science: 5.2  Quest. 1 - 5


History: Finish News Headliner Assignment.

Grade 8


Math: Key Question assessment to be signed if lower than 70%.
          Bring in props for taping of Music Math Video.

Lang.: Outline for V.S. Due Tomorrow.

Science: 5.1 Quest. 1 - 4
              5. 2 Quest. 1 - 5


History: Finish News Headliner Assignment.