Ms. H's Subjects

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Homework: Monday March 21st.


DPA: Running/walking club.  Please be prepared to run or walk at 11am tomorrow.

Grade 7

AM Class

Math: Ch.6 Test. Make sure all key question assessments are signed and assessment folders are up to date. 

Science: Bring in devices and materials for another work period for science which will occur  after our math test. 

Lang: The Necklace story must be read and vocabulary words must be done. Please follow worksheet for instructions.

PM Class

Geo: Finish Global warming worksheet.

French: Sign quiz

Phys. Ed: Please bring clothes and be ready for outdoor gym (weather permitting ) Reminder dance groups will begin on Thurs March 24th from 2pm - 3pm.

Grade 8

AM Class

Math: Ch.6 Test. Make sure all key question assessments are signed and assessment folders are up to date. 

Science: Bring in devices and materials for another work period for science which will happen after our math test. 

Lang: The Necklace story must be read and vocabulary words must be done. Please follow worksheet for instructions.

PM Class

Geo: Work on tradition economy system project. Due Thurs. March 24th

French: Sign quiz

Phys. Ed: Please bring clothes and be ready for outdoor gym (weather permitting ) Reminder dance groups will begin on Thurs March 24th from 2pm - 3pm.

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