Ms. H's Subjects

Wednesday, March 23, 2016

Homework: Wednesday, March 23rd.

Grade 7


Math: Lesson 7.1  Textbook- Pg. 230 - 231 (Ques. 5, 9, 10, 15)
          Worksheet 7.1 ( All Ques.) Please get Ch. 6 test signed and update your assessment folder.
          Due: Tomorrow

Science: Diorama's and written portion
               Due: Tomorrow


Geography: Textbook Read Pg 73 - 77
                    Questions 1 - 3 on Pg. 77
                    Worksheet: Patterns in Physical Geography Climate.
                    Due: Tomorrow

Art (Dance) : Please come prepared with your personal devices. speakers, props and a change of                               clothes to work on dance unit tomorrow.

Grade 8


Math: Lesson 7.1 Testbook - Pg. 224 - 225 ( Ques. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)
          Worksheet 7.1 ( All Ques. ) Please get Ch. 6 test signed and update your assessment folder.
          Due: Tomorrow

Science: Diorama's and written portion must be completed for tomorrow. No exceptions.
               Due: Tomorrow


Geography: Tradition Economy Project ( Success Criteria has been given already to students). Please                     be ready to present.
                    Due: Tomorrow.
                    Define following keywords and add them appropriately to your project either in text or                         orally when presenting. The more key terms you use the better.
                    a) bartering
                    b) economic activity
                    c) formal economic activities
                    d) gross domestic production (GDP)
                    e) gross national production (GNP)
                    f) Industrial Revolution
                    g) informal economic activities
                    h) material wealth
                    i) non - material wealth
                    j ) quality of life
                    k) revolution
                    l) Stone Age
                    m) Urbanization
                    Due: Tomorrow

                    Worksheet: "Extra, Extra...."
                     Due: Tomorrow
Art (Dance) : Please come prepared with your personal devices. speakers, props and a change of                               clothes to work on dance unit tomorrow.

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