Ms. H's Subjects

Friday, March 4, 2016

Homework: Friday March 4th


Grade 7

Math: Worksheet to completed for Monday,  March 7th: "The Chef's Amazing Soup" Please watch the following link to add to your math notes on subtracting with negative and positive integers. 
Also, remember you will have to create a drama skit to enforce the rules of subtracting integers. Bring props and your dramatic fabulous spirit. 

Video link: Subtracting Integers

Science: Day 3 of science projects will be done in class. I will be gifting you with your wish list. If you have specific items please email me with them. Our goal is to have all science projects done by Wednesday March 9th, so that we can begin presentations and conclude on our strand on Heat in the Environment. This is a great transition into our next strand Interactions in the Environment. 

Grade 8 

Math: Math worksheet 6.6 is due Monday March 7th. We will be taking up the answers for both 6.5 textbook and worksheet. Good job leading your math groups today with the grade 7's. Please keep up the great work. Your math place-mats were very well done. Monday we will have a gallery walk and will be voting on the best place-mat. Make sure you are ready with your acting skills to help lead the drama skits for the grade 7's. Remember to bring props.

Science: Day 3 of science projects will be done in class. I will be gifting you with your wish list. If you have specific items please email me with them. Our goal is to have all science projects done by Wednesday March 9th so that we can begin presentation and conclude on our strand Water systems. This will be a great transition into our next strand Cells. 


Grade 7/8

History: Great work period on History stamps. I will be putting up your fabulous work. Those of you who were not in class will need to catch up on completing this assignment during lunch recess. Make sure you bring in necessary brainstorms/notes as well as images of what you want to represent on your stamps. 

Art: I have purchased fine brushes for you to work with on Monday for art. Please make sure you bring an acrylic paint that is necessary for your art piece. I will be purchasing some primary colours, but not all colours. I encourage you to go to your nearest dollar store where you can purchase this paint. Excited to see your artistic work on Monday. 

1 comment:

  1. if you could get our group some grass or turf that would be great ...I think Andrew said that he wasn't going to be at school tomorrow. -Allegra
