Wednesday, March 30, 2016
Homework: Wed. March 30th
Tuesday, March 29, 2016
Homework: March 29th
AM Class
Grade 7/8
Lang.: Finish The Necklace Question package for tomorrow.
Science: Oral presentations Monday April 4th with multimedia portion.
Math: 7.1 workbook has been marked, please be prepared for a key quetion tomorrow.
PM Class
Grade 8
Geo: If you did not hand in your geography project today you will be receiving a late penalty. Please refer to previous post on the details of the project. (Wed. March 23rd)
Phys. Ed: Please bring gym clothes.
Friday, March 25, 2016
Homework Thursday, March 24th.
Hello Grade 7's and 8's
Due to cancellation of buses and the high amount of absent students, all work (that was due on Thursday March 24th) has been rescheduled for Tuesday March 29th.
God Bless,
Ms. H
Wednesday, March 23, 2016
Homework: Wednesday, March 23rd.
Math: Lesson 7.1 Textbook- Pg. 230 - 231 (Ques. 5, 9, 10, 15)
Worksheet 7.1 ( All Ques.) Please get Ch. 6 test signed and update your assessment folder.
Due: Tomorrow
Science: Diorama's and written portion
Due: Tomorrow
Geography: Textbook Read Pg 73 - 77
Questions 1 - 3 on Pg. 77
Worksheet: Patterns in Physical Geography Climate.
Due: Tomorrow
Art (Dance) : Please come prepared with your personal devices. speakers, props and a change of clothes to work on dance unit tomorrow.
Grade 8
Math: Lesson 7.1 Testbook - Pg. 224 - 225 ( Ques. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10)
Worksheet 7.1 ( All Ques. ) Please get Ch. 6 test signed and update your assessment folder.
Due: Tomorrow
Science: Diorama's and written portion must be completed for tomorrow. No exceptions.
Due: Tomorrow
Geography: Tradition Economy Project ( Success Criteria has been given already to students). Please be ready to present.
Due: Tomorrow.
Define following keywords and add them appropriately to your project either in text or orally when presenting. The more key terms you use the better.
a) bartering
b) economic activity
c) formal economic activities
d) gross domestic production (GDP)
e) gross national production (GNP)
f) Industrial Revolution
g) informal economic activities
h) material wealth
i) non - material wealth
j ) quality of life
k) revolution
l) Stone Age
m) Urbanization
Due: Tomorrow
Worksheet: "Extra, Extra...."
Due: Tomorrow
Art (Dance) : Please come prepared with your personal devices. speakers, props and a change of clothes to work on dance unit tomorrow.
Tuesday, March 22, 2016
Homework: Tuesday, March 22nd
AM Class
Grade 7/8
Lang: Short story "The Necklace" Finish direct and indirect characterization of Mr and Mrs Loisel
Science: Bring materials to work on your last day in class work period for dioramas. They must be finished for Thursday March 24th with written component. Oral presentations will start on Tuesday March 29th. More information on oral component will be given on Thursday.
PM Class
Grade 7
Phys. Ed. Remember to bring gym clothes.
Grade 8
Geography : Work on traditional economy projects. Due date; Thurs March 24th. Please bring electronic device to look up key terms for Geography tomorrow.
Phys. Ed. Remember to bring gym clothes.
Sunday, March 20, 2016
Homework: Monday March 21st.
DPA: Running/walking club. Please be prepared to run or walk at 11am tomorrow.
Grade 7
AM Class
Math: Ch.6 Test. Make sure all key question assessments are signed and assessment folders are up to date.
Science: Bring in devices and materials for another work period for science which will occur after our math test.
Lang: The Necklace story must be read and vocabulary words must be done. Please follow worksheet for instructions.
PM Class
Geo: Finish Global warming worksheet.
French: Sign quiz
Phys. Ed: Please bring clothes and be ready for outdoor gym (weather permitting ) Reminder dance groups will begin on Thurs March 24th from 2pm - 3pm.
Grade 8
AM Class
Math: Ch.6 Test. Make sure all key question assessments are signed and assessment folders are up to date.
Science: Bring in devices and materials for another work period for science which will happen after our math test.
Lang: The Necklace story must be read and vocabulary words must be done. Please follow worksheet for instructions.
PM Class
Geo: Work on tradition economy system project. Due Thurs. March 24th
French: Sign quiz
Phys. Ed: Please bring clothes and be ready for outdoor gym (weather permitting ) Reminder dance groups will begin on Thurs March 24th from 2pm - 3pm.
Thursday, March 10, 2016
Homework: Friday March 11th
Pink Day Tomorrow
Grade 7:
Math: 6.8 Ques. 5, 6, 7, 8
Chapter Self Test ( All Questions)
Grade 8
Math: 6.7 Ques. 5, 6, 8, 9, 11
6.8 Ques. 4, 8, 9
No homework, please be ready to take up your geography questions.
Wednesday, March 9, 2016
Homework: Wed., March. 9
Grade 7:
Math: Please go over your homework yesterday as we will email taking up our answer tomorrow. Great job on skits!
Grade 8:
Math: Math quiz will be tomorrow since stations of the cross happened today. Great job on skit!
Grade 7
Geo: Pg. 92 Ques. 1 and 2. Please make sure you are adding to your chapter chart notes.
Art: Please bring newspapers for art.
Grade 8
Geo: Please read Pg. 77 - 81 abd underline the big ideas. We will continue our discussion on these pages. Please do Ques. 1-3 for tomorrow, as it will add to our discussion in class. Make sure you have completed your service and goods chart, that was discussed in class.
Art: Please bring newspapers for art.
Tuesday, March 8, 2016
Homework: Tues. March 8th
1. Hot chocolate sale. Bring mugs for Wednesday.
2. Pink Day Friday
Grade 7
Math link make notes
Subtracting and adding integers
Math- 6.7 Textbook 7, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14
Bring props for skits.
Grade 8
6.6 Textbook 7, 8, 9, 11, 13, 17, 18, 21, 23, 24
Math quiz 6.1 - 6.6 tomorrow
Grade 7/8
Art- Please bring newspaper for art.
Geography- Get IMF paragraph signed.
Monday, March 7, 2016
Homework: March 7th, 2016
1. Friday March 11th Pink Day. Students wear Pink to support Anti Bullying.
Grade 7
Math- 6.6 Textbook Ques. 7, 8, 9, 11, and 18; Worksheet 6.6
Lang.- All speeches have been marked and handed back. Please get your parents to sign you assessment folders.
Science- All materials for science projects have been given. Please make sure all students have contributed equally to the project as it is a team effort.
Art- Please bring in a ruler and a pencil ( not mechanical) for art.
Phys. Ed- Pleae bring a change of clothes and shoes for Phys. ed
Grade 8
Math- 6.6 Worksheet.
Dividing and Multiplying Integers
Please watch the following and make notes.
Lang.- All speeches have been marked and handed back. Please get your parents to sign you assessment folders.
Science- All materials for science projects have been given. Please make sure all students have contributed equally to the project as it is a team effort.
Art- Please bring in a ruler and a pencil ( not mechanical) for art.
Phys. Ed- Pleae bring a change of clothes and shoes for Phys. ed
Friday, March 4, 2016
Homework: Friday March 4th
Thursday, March 3, 2016
Homework: Thursday March 3rd.
Please make sure if any homework that has not been handed in must be emailed to me. A hard copy is to be handed in on the following day.
AM Class
Grade 7
Math: Please read over 6.6 and watch the video to make notes for tomorrow. We will be going over the lesson and working in groups on various questions. Please be prepared with your questions or statements as we will be answering and reviewing them in class.
Grade 8
Math: 6.5 ( A - I) Due tomorrow.
PM Class:
Grade 7/8:
As you know we are workimg on completing our influential african- candian historian. Pease make sure you bring in your influential Canadian portrait and various symbols that you want to add to your stamp assignment. We have completed the writing portion in class as will be moving on to the image and colouring of our stamp.
Art: We will be creating our grids on our canvas as well as sketching our portrait. Please make sure you bring a rulers and pencil (not lead pencils). Acrylic paint will be used as a medium for our art piece. If you have specific colours please go to your nearest dollar store as I only will be contributing regular standard colours.
Wednesday, March 2, 2016
Tuesday, March 1, 2016
Homework: March 1st
Please have your saint paragraphs typed and ready to hand in. As a class we have discussed that we will hand in our final copy in the morning typed ( font 12). Please make sure you staple your rough copy and edit sheet, when handing in your work.
Math: Please get Mid Chapter 6 test signed.
Science: Mind Map must be handed in tomorrow.
Video Links:
Bill Nye Emoji Climate Change
Native Aboriginal Student speaks of UN Climate Change
Bill Nye Climate Change 101
UN Speech by Leo Di Caprio
Climate Change 101 Part 2
Dear Future Generation Sorry
Mind Map Example
Please use colour and pictures to bring your mind map to life.
Refer to the S.C. given to you as a model. Since you are watching
more than one video you will need to merge your ideas on one sheet of paper.
You may use legal size paper if you like or two blank sheets of paper taped together.
Grade 7/8 PM Class
Phys. Ed:
Please bring a change of clothes for indoor phys. ed
You will be writing your history paragraphs in class. If you did not finish your rough copy it will be considered late (unless absent).
Please bring in a ruler. Students you did not bring in a canvas will be using chart paper instead and using crayons/pencil crayons unfortunately as you will still need to complete the assignment intended.