Ms. H's Subjects

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Homework: Feb. 28th


1. Students may have an option of buying graduation hoodies at a cost of $25 dollars.
2. Congratulations Liliana for winning 3rd place in our annual speech competition. We are so proud of you!


1. WB. 6.8 All Ques.
2. TB 6.8 Ques. 4, 6, 8 and 10
3. Review 6.7 corrections as you will be given a key question tomorrow.

1. Read and take notes: Pgs. 40 - 49
Unit 1 Geography Link PDF
( Please save pdf to your computer for future references)
2. Maps due Friday March 1st
3. Presentations for Quebec and French Countries continue March 1 st and March 2nd

1. Study and Review Chapter 1: Test March 6th
2. Read Ch. 2 pgs. 30 - 34 Ques. 1 and 2 Due March 6th

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Homework: Thurs., Feb. 22nd

1. Pizza forms are due tomorrow. Last day.



1. Test Ch. 4 Cells The Basic Units of Life on Tues. Feb 27.
2. Complete cue cards for tomorrow so that you can practice in class.


1. Multimedia presentation - usb keys are due tomorrow with completed presentation on them. Please label your usb keys thank you.

2. Presentations begin Monday Feb. 26th


1. Ques. 2 Pg. 23 - 28 Due Tomorrow. ( Chart of economic features, regions and symbols with explanations.)


1. Depending on the weather we will be going for a nature walk in Edwards gardens. Please dress appropriately (i.e. shoes)

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

French Rubric for Multimedia presentation

French Powerpoint Slide – Voyage à Québec

Success Criteria/Guidelines

___ 3 photos avec une explication (3 phrases complète)

___ 3 personnes importants/fameux avec 3 phrases complète + les photos des personnes

___ Réflexion Personnelle (1 paragraphe) – As-tu aime l’excursion? Oui/Non?

___ Écrivez au présent de l’indicatif

___ Présentation seulement en française

___ Question en française pour la présentation

La Rubrique

Rubric/Success Criteria Writing + Presentation

Success Criteria
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
I can write:
-          A caption for photos in a full sentence
-          A short explanation for “Famous People of Quebec”
-          A personal reflection in paragraph format
-          1 question to ask the audience during the presentation
I can write very little of the success criteria.
I am using little to no vocabulary from the unit. My vocabulary is not at grade level.
I have over 7 mistakes.
My sentences are simple with major mistakes.
I can write some of the success criteria.
I am using some vocabulary from the unit.
I have 5-6 mistakes.
My sentences are simple with some minor mistakes.
I can write most of the success criteria.
I am using vocabulary from the unit and some new vocabulary.
I have 3-4 mistakes.
My sentences are simple with no mistakes.
I can write all of the success criteria and go above and beyond
I am using new and higher level vocabulary.
I have 1-2 mistakes.
My sentences are complex.
I can use writing strategies like looking at a mon lexique, reference book, French-english dictionary and examples.
I can use writing strategies with limited effectiveness.
I can use writing strategies with some effectiveness.
I can use writing strategies with considerable effectiveness.
I can use writing strategies with a high degree of effectiveness.
During my oral presentation, I was able to use French language only to explain my slides and to interact with the audience during open and closed activities. 
I can present with limited effectiveness.
I can present with some effectiveness.
I can present with considerable effectiveness.
I can present with a high degree of effectiveness.

Oral French Rubric:

Niveau 4
Niveau 3
Niveau 2
Niveau 1
Voix &
Claire, fort, et avec la
bonne prononciation
Claire et fort
un peu claire, mais pas  fort et avec un peu de
prononciation appropriée
Ce n’est pas claire, ni
fort et presque aucun mot a la bonne
toutes les phrases sont
 complètes et complexes
Toutes les phrases sont complètes
La plupart des phrases
sont complètes
Peu de phrases
sont complètes
toutes les phrases ont des détailes
la plupart des
phrases ont des détailes
quelques phrases ont des détailes
Peu ou aucunes
phrases ont des détailes
Le vocabulaire est variés et est utilisé bien
Vocabulaire apprit est utilisé bien
quelques mots du vocabulaire apprit est utilisé
Peu du vocabulaire apprit est utilisé
Discussion (open and closed ended)
Je peux demander et répondre a tous les questions
Je peux demander et repondre a la plupart des questions
Je peux demander et repondre a quelques questions.
Je ne peux pas demander et repondre aux questions, mais je comprends la discussion.

 Mlle Kelowan will highlight your feedback?

Next Steps
You communicated your understanding well.
Some of your ideas were difficult to understand.
You used many English expressions. You need to use the French expressions we practice in class.
You did not use the word wall, anchor chart or examples to help you write words and expressions correctly.
You did not share a minimum of five clothing suggestions.
Overall, you were very successful at communicating your ideas in a clear way.
Next time, read the success criteria carefully.  You may want a friend to read over your work just to make sure you’ve included all that you need.
Next time, use available resources to help you write expressions and vocabulary words correctly.
Participate daily in class to improve your confidence when writing.
Continue to participate in class activities! It shows in your ability to communicate with others through writing!
Ask for clarification if you don’t understand the task before you hand in your work.

Homework: Feb. 20th, 2018


1. High school application forms should be signed off by the teacher. Please bring them in if that is needed for your child.

2. Pizza Forms. Due on Friday., Feb. 23rd.


1. Quebec Trip Presentation new deadline as Mme. Kelowan has added a new component to our project. ( French Slides). Please follow the success criteria given in French class.

Read Pgs. 23 - 28 Answer Ques. 2
*USB sticks are due in on Friday Feb. 23rd.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Homework: Feb. 13th


1. Those students that were selected to do the prayer of the
    faithful are asked to come in tomorrow with them.


Science: Pg. 32 - 33 Ques. 1 - 3, 7 - 9, 12 - 15, 18, and 26.

Geography: Quebec/French Trip Fec. 22nd Powerpoint

Language: Speech presentations tomorrow.

Monday, February 12, 2018

Monday Feb. 12th, 2017


1. Those that have requested for interviews have been given a time slot that is accompanying your child's report cards.


1. Due Tomorrow: Op Art worksheet. You are to use techniques discussed in class to colour the image to promote an illusion.

2. Magazine art was due today please hand it in if you have not done so tomorrow. A late mark will be given.

1. Pyeong Chang 2018 Winter Games news article and graphic organizer must be completed tomorrow.

2. Good Copy of your speech was to be handed in today, if you did not do so this must be handed in tomorrow. A late penalty will be given.

3. Practice Speech for Oral presentation Wed. Feb. 14th and Thurs Feb. 15th.

1. Please review 6.1 and 6.2 for those students that will be receiving a redo KQ. It is important that you understand adding and subtracting integers. Please refer to the video posted last week for additional help.

2. Please watch and make notes on the following videos to help your understanding with Multiplying and Dividing Integers.

Math Antics: Multiplying and Dividing Integers
Multiplying Integers with counters

Thursday, February 8, 2018

Homework: Thurs. Feb. 8th


1. Parent teacher interviews
2. Report Cards go home on Monday Feb. 12th

Science: 4.8 Notes and Questions 1 - 5 and 6*
*ques 6 in point form

Art: Magazine art due Monday

Health: Exit card due Feb. 15th

Geography: French country presentation work period tomorrow. Please bring materials. No phones, all pictures must be emailed or uploaded on a usb stick.

Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Homework: Wed., Feb 7th

1. Parent teacher interview forms
2. Assessment folders must be updated.



1. KQ questions 6.1 and 6.2 will be given tomorrow due to rosary

2. Math worksheet on intergers.

3. Review previous post for math videos to help you review for the key question


1. Speech rough copy to be handed in tomorrrow. Please make sure it is written in blue pen and that it is neat. If you want to type ot out you may. It is important to write neatly so that peer editing can be done effortlessly.

Phys. Ed.

1. Change of clothes  and shoes.

Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Homework: Tuesday Feb. 6th


1. Parent Teacher Interviews. Please hand them in promptly as time slots will fill in fast.
2. High school course selections should be signed by Ms. Singh.



1. Please review over 6.1 and 6.2. KQ will be given tomorrow in class.
2. Please watch videos to help you with your review.
Positive and Negative Integers
Adding and Subtracting Integers
Adding and Subtracting Integers using Number Lines
Adding and Subtracting Integers using counters
Adding and Subtracting Integers using counters part 2
Integer Matrix
Adding Negative Numbers


1. Wordly Wise Lesson 4 Due: Tomorrow Feb. 7th

2. Please work on your rough copy of your speech. Due Date: Thurs. Feb. 8th. You will need to hand in your rough copy. Please make sure if you did not submit your outline today that you do so promptly tomorrow.

3. Language power will be taken up tomorrow. Lesson 17 - 20.

Science: Due Friday Feb 9th

1. 4.8 Read and make notes.
2. Ques. 1 - 5 and 6 ( point form)


1. Be ready to present your drama skits for Mr. Deej tomorrow.


1. Magazine art Due: Monday Feb. 12th

Friday, February 2, 2018

Homework: Friday, Feb 2nd

1. Parent Teacher Interviews: Tuesday Feb. 13th and Thurs. Feb. 15th
2. P.A Day Friday Feb. 16th ( No School)
3. Family Day Monday, Feb. 19th (No School)



Speech Assignment Due Dates:
1. Speech Outline: Tuesday, Feb. 6th.
2. Rough Copy of Entire Speech : Thursday, Feb, 8th.
3. In Class Peer Editing of Speech: Friday, Feb., 9th
4. Final Copy of Speech Typed Submitted: Monday, Feb., 12th
5. Speech Oral Presentations in Class: Wednesday, Feb., 14th
6. Speech Competition with Catholic Women's League: Tuesday Feb. 20th*
*One student will be selected to represent our class in the competition


1. Multimedia presentation on French based country.
    Students that went on the Quebec Trip will need to do their presentation on Quebec.
    Students that did not attend the trip will need to do their presentation on a French based country.
    Multimedia presentations must be submitted on a usb stick or emailed to me on Wed. Feb. 21st.
    Presentations will be held on Thurs. Feb. 22nd - Friday Feb 23rd.

Thursday, February 1, 2018

Arrival time from Quebec.

Goodevening Grade 8 parents,

I would like to inform all Grade 8 parents that our arrival time (from Quebec)at the school is at 5:45pm. Please do not park in the bus loop.

Thank you 
Ms. Singh