Ms. H's Subjects

Friday, December 14, 2018

Homework: Friday Dec. 14th

Grade 7: Work Due Monday

1. Math Test Ch. 4
2. Science: Read and make notes for 11.6   
    Answer Ques. 1 and 2
3. French Partiquez le Dialogue
5. Drama Skit Presenations in full costume and props

Grade 8: Work Due Monday

1. Math Test Ch. 4 D
2. Science Test Ch. 2
3. Science Mechancial Worksheets 1 and 2
4.  French Partiquez le Dialogue
5. Drama Skit Presentations in full costume and props

Thursday, December 13, 2018

Homework: Thursday Dec 13th

1. Assessment Folders need to be signed.


Grade 7

1. Chapter Review All Questions Textbook

2. Chapter 4 Test Monday

1. Bring in costumes and props for your last practice for your skits.

2. Presentations are next week on Monday and Tuesday.

Grade 8

1. Chapter Review All Questions Textbook

2. Chapter 4 Test Monday

1. Bring in costumes and props for your last practice for your skits.

2. Presentations are next week on Monday and Tuesday.

1. Chapter Review Ques. 19,  to be handed in tomorrow

2. Science Test Tomorrow.

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Homework: Thurs. Dec. 6th

1. No school tomorrow ( P.A. Day)
2. Indoor Shoes
3. Cafe Glace Forms
4. Gift Basket items grade 8

Grade 7

Math: Due Monday
            WB 4.4 All Questions
            TB. Page 133 Mid Chapter 4 Review      
             All Ques.
             Ch. 4 Mid Chapter Test on Monday

Grade 8

Math: Due Monday
            WB. 4.4 All Questions
            TB. Mid Chapter 4 Review All Ques.
            Ch. 4 Mid Chapter Test on Monday

Science: Due Monday
           Chapter Review Ques. 1 - 11 and 15

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Homework: Dec. 5th

1. Cafe Glace Tickets
2. Cafe Glace Grade 8 student volunteer forms due Tomorrow.


Grade 7
Math: Lesson 4.3 TB. Ques. 4, 6, 8, and 10
          Lesson 4.3 WB All Ques.

Science: Video for Grade 7
Structure Video
Watch and make notes.

French: Find 1 new appetizers, plat pricipaux et. desserts.

Grade 8
Math: Lesson 4.3 TB. Ques. 4, 6, and 8
           Lesson 4.3 WB. All Ques.

French: Find 1 new appetizers, plat pricipaux et. desserts.

Hello Parents


We are in need of parent volunteers for Cafe Glace to help with decorating. If  it is possible for you to help in any way that would be greatly appreciated.  

Location: St. Bonaventure Parish Hall
Date: Wed. Dec 12th 
Time: 10am - 3pm

In addition, any items that you may like to donate to our silent auction to help raise money for our Grade 8 graduation trip would be greatly appreciated . In the past items such as gift baskets and tickets to concerts/sporting events have been given to auction off. If you are able to find someone/organization to sponsor some items for the event that would be greatly appreciated. 

Thank you and God Bless, 
Ms. Singh

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

Homework: Dec. 4th


1. Silent Reading. Students need to have their books for silent reading. We dedicate 20 minutes each day for silent reading.

2. Cafe Glace Forms

Grade 7

History: Due Tuesday
1. Re-read Pg. 16
2. Copy Chart on Pg. 16
3. Read Pg. 17
4. Do History Worksheet. ( If you need extra help you can look at Pgs. 10 - 17)

Grade 8

Science: Due Thurs
1. Read Lesson 2.5 and make notes
2. Answer Questions 1 - 5
3. Please watch the following videos and make notes to help you with your learning.
Mechanical Advantage
Simple Machines and their compartments

Monday, December 3, 2018

Homework: Mon. Dec. 3rd


1. We are in need of silent auction items for Cafe Glace. This silent auction helps our school fund for our Grade 8 Graduation trip. If you can donate items for our fundraiser that would be greatly appreciated.

Grade 7

French: Dialogue and highlight key words

Math: Review Fibonacci Sequence Problems.

Language: Celebrity Tweet Grammar test


1. What in the world article package

2. Farmers Assignment must be handed in tomorrow if you have not done already.

Librarian workshop: Printing Machine test tomorrow.

Grade 8

French: Dialogue and highlight key words

Math: TB. 4.1 Ques A - K
           T.B.. 4.2 Q. 6, 7, 9, and 12

Language: Celebrity Tweet Grammar test


1. What in the world article package

2. Stamp Assignment must be handed in tomorrow if you have not done already.

Librarian workshop: Printing Machine test tomorrow.

Thursday, November 29, 2018

French Homework: Due Tomorrow

Pg. 45 et 46.

Homework: Thursday, Nov. 29th, 2018

* All Due Monday Dec. 3rd

Grade 8

History: Celebrity Tweet Test

Language: World War One Article Package

Math: TB. 4.1 A-K and TB 4.2 Ques. 6, 7, 9 and 12

Religion: Act of Contrition prayer test

Grade 7

History: Celebrity Tweet Test

Language: World War One Article Package

Math: TB. 4.1 A-I and TB 4.2 Ques. 6, 7 a) b) 8a) b) 9 and 10

Religion: Act of Contrition prayer test

Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Homework: Wednesday, Nov. 28th


1. Indoor Shoes
2. Skating Tomorrow
3. Note Taking Test on Printing Press from Workshop provided by our Librarian Tech 

Grade 7 

1. W.B. 4.1 and 4.2  All Questions
2. Please watch video and make notes
Fibonacci Numbers
Golden Rule Video

1. Act of Contrition Prayer Memorized for Friday.
Video: Act of Contrition Prayer

1. Worksheet for 11.1 Due Monday Dec. 3rd

1. Twitter Celebrity  Grammar Sheet Due Tomorrow

Grade 8 

1. W.B. 4.1 and 4.2 All Questions
2.  Please watch video and make notes
Fibonacci Numbers
Golden Rule Video

1. Act of Contrition Prayer Memorized for  Due Friday
Video: Act of Contrition

1. Stamp Assignment Worksheet Chart  Due Thursday.
2. Rough Copy of Stamp Coloured, Labeled and Outlined Due Friday.

1. Twitter Celebrity  Grammar Sheet Due Tomorrow

Monday, November 26, 2018

Homework: Monday, Nov. 26th


1. Indoor Shoes

Grade 7/8

1. Please watch the following video. We will be starting chapter 4 Patterns and Relationships in class tomorrow. 

1. Figurative Language Test tomorrow. Please study. 

1. Act of Contrition Prayer needs to be memorized for your test on Friday. You can find the prayer in your agenda on pg. 11, as well in your journals. 

I have also found a video to help you practice. 

Friday, November 23, 2018

Homework: Friday, Nov. 23rd


1. Please bring Indoor Shoes

Grade 7


A. Second Package of Dividing and Multiplying with decimals Due Monday.

B. CH. 2 Test on Monday


A. Figurative Language Test


A. 5 Enivornmental factors with examples of species web. Due Monday

Note taking:

A. Test on Friday.

Grade 8


A. Second Package of Dividing and Multiplying with decimals Due Monday.

B. CH. 2 Test on Monday


A. Figurative Language Test on Monday


A. Population Density Assignment Monday

Note taking:

A. Test on Friday.

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Homework: Thursday, Nov. 22nd, 2018


1. Indoor Shoes.

2. Please wear appropriate clothing for recess and outdoor play. (Gloves, mitts, hat's, etc.)

Grade 7

Geography: Due Tomorrow

1. Read and make notes on the following Pgs.  22 - 26

2. Answer question 1 and 2

History : Due Tomorrow

1. Read Ch. 1 Pgs. 13 and 14

2. Answer question 1 and 2

Math: Due Tomorrow

1. Multiplication and division with decimals sheet needs to be completed if you have not done so already.

2. Textbook Pgs. 75 All Questions

3. Workbook Test Yourself.

4. Ch. 2 Test on Monday. *


1. Study for test. ( -er, -partir, -re)


1. Please review your key question in preparation for your figurative language test on Monday Nov. 26th.  I have given you a blank worksheet for you to practice.

2. Video clip for key assessment.
Figurative Language Video

Grade 8

Geography: Due Tomorrow

1. Read and make notes on pgs. 24 -31

2. Answer questions 2 - 4.

History: Due Tomorrow

1. Read and make notes on the following Pgs. 17 - 20.

2. Answer questions 1 and 2

Math: Due Tomorrow

1. Review for math test on Monday.

2. Chapter Self test (optional)

Science: Due Tomorrow

1. Lesson 2.3 Read and make notes.

2. Answer question 1 - 4


1. Please review your key question in preparation for your figurative language test on Monday Nov. 26th.  I have given you a blank worksheet for you to practice.

2. Video clip for key assessment.
Figurative Language Video

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Homework : Wed Nov. 21st


1. Indoor Shoes

2. Skating (weather permitted) Please dress warm for the walk.

3. Please remember to wear proper winter clothing for the days ahead. It is important to wear your jacket, gloves, and hats outside, especially at recess.

4. Tissue boxes are needed as we are running out. Please donate for our class.

Grade 7

Math :

* WB. 2.6, 2.7 and 2.8 All Questions.

*Please make sure you are using your recess time to ask any questions about math if needed.

* Ch.2 test Monday. No calculators are allowed for this test but a multiplication grid chart will be supplied.


* Please remember to review Figurative language concepts. We will have a test on Friday Nov. 23rd. You will receive your marked  key assessment tomorrow.


* Pg. 44
* re verb test

Grade 8

* Chapter Review Pg. 85 All Questions.

* Please practice your multiplying and dividing with decimals. Please review the last math video posted yesterday for help.

*Please make sure you are using your recess time to ask any questions about math if needed.

* Ch.2 test Monday. No calculators are allowed for this test but a multiplication grid chart will be supplied.


* Please remember to review Figurative language concepts. We will have a test on Friday Nov. 23rd. You will receive your marked  key assessment tomorrow.


* Pg. 44
* re verb test

Tuesday, November 20, 2018

Book Lists for Grade 7 and 8 for Silent Reading

Hello Students and Parents!

 Here is a link of book suggestions for the students to read. As you know,  we all have different interests. Please take the time to look through the list to see what evokes your interest.  It is encouraged that you have 2 novels, one for silent reading at school and one for your personal reading time.

Grade 7 Book List Suggestions

Grade 8 Book List Suggestions

Happy Reading!

God Bless,
Ms. Singh

Homework: Nov. 20th


1. Indoor Shoes
2. Skating Thursday
3. Grade 7 's please sign your Science Assessment.

Grade 7 and 8


1. Multiplying and Dividing Decimals Worksheet. You must write and show all your work on a separate sheet of paper. Please make sure it is neat and spaced out accordingly.

2. Here is a video to help support you when doing your worksheet.

Multiplying and Dividing with Decimals


1. Peacemaking journal. Please use the brainstorm that we co-constructed in class and apply it to your journal.

2. Here is a video to help support you with your journal entry. Proactive vs. Reactive

Proactive vs. Reactive

Grade 7 :

1. Pg. 44
2. Verb Test ( Er, Aller, Partir)

Grade 8 :

1. Pg. 44
2. All Verbs

Monday, November 19, 2018

Homework: Mon. Nov. 19

Congratulations Grade 7 and 8s for hitting our target goal of 75 percent as a class on our meaning test. Remember to use the proper study habits to achieve your best. Also remember to take pride in each and everything you do always.

Reminders: Sign Assessment folders for 

1. Grade 7's: Science, Language, and art assesments

2. Grade 8's: Language assessment

Grade 7


1. Please look over math Ques. From Mid Chapter review 1 - 3 because you will be getting a key question tomorrow.


1.  Sniper Revisions on lined paper.


Study Verbs
Test Friday and listening test tomorrow.

Grade 8

Textbook 2.8 Ques. 6 and 8
Workbook 2.8 and 2.9 All Ques.

2. Sniper Revisions on lined paper

Study Verbs
Test Friday and listening test tomorrow.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

Homework: Nov. 15

1. Please watch all math posted videos to date.

Grade 7

Math: Monday, Nov. 19th
1. Mid Chapter Review Pg. 55 All Ques.
2. Multiplying and dividing with decimal worksheet.

Language: Monday, Nov, 19th
1. Sniper Booklet with revisions

Verb Test on Monday

Grade 8

1. Mid Chapter Review Pg. 63 All Ques.
2. Multiplying and dividing with decimal worksheet.

Language: Monday, Nov, 19th
1. Sniper Booklet with revisions

Verb Test on Monday

Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Chapter 2 Math Review

Hello Grade 7 and 8

Here is our Rate, Ratio, and percent lessons that we covered for Chapter 2,
Please feel free to review the lessons again. I would suggest to do the interactive questions to help you for the upcoming test next week.

Also there are additional exercises for you to complete if you want to practice more as well as the answer key. Remember Self Regulation is about regulating your own goals so that you can be the best version of yourself. Baby steps help you to achieve that final goal.

God Bless,
Ms. Singh

Chapter 2 Lessons

Homework: Nov. 14th 2018

1. Parent Teacher Interviews
2. No skating tomorrow. 

Grade 7: 

Math: Due Tomorrow
Textbook Lesson 2.5 Ques. 8, 9 (a,b,c), 10 (d,e,f) 11, 13 (a,c), and 18

Language: Due Tomorrow
The Sniper Short Story Booklet Due Tomorrow

French: Partir, er, ir Test Monday

Geography: Maps due Monday

Grade 8 

Math: Due Tomorrow
Textbook Lesson 2.6 Ques. 7, 8, 10, and 12
Textbook Lesson 2.7 Ques. 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 17

Language: Due Tomorrow
The Sniper Short Story Booklet Due Tomorrow

French: Partir, er, ir Test Monday

Geography: Maps Due Monday

Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Homework: Tuesday, November 13th, 2018


1. Parent Teacher Interview Tomorrow and Thursday Evening.
2. Assessment Folders are to be signed and brought in tomorrow.
3. If you have not done already please watch the previously posted math videos to help with your math review.

Grade 7 

Math: WB 2.5 All Questions

Language: Figurative Language Corrections on a separate sheet.

Science: Pg. 32 - 36 Ques. 1 - 5 ( Please make notes when you read) Due Thursday

French: Partir, er, re Test Monday Nov. 19th

Grade 8 

Math: WB 2.6 and 2.7 All Questions.

Language: Figurative Language Corrections on a separate sheet.

Science: Pg. 35 Ques. 1 and 5 Due Thursday

French: Partir, er, re Test Monday Nov. 19th

Monday, November 12, 2018

Tomorrow's Math Lesson Video's Prep

Hello Grade 7 and 8's

Here are some video's to help you prepare for tomorrow's math lesson:

What are Percents?
Finding a Percent
Comparing and Ordering Fractions, Decimals, and Percents

Percent Math Lesson Powerpoint that will be shown in class:
Percent Lesson

Homework: Monday, Nov. 12th, 2018


1. Sign Assessment Folders
2. Report Cards are sent home.

Grade 7 

Math: Due Tuesday
1. Lesson 2.3 Workbook All Questions
2. Lesson 2.3 Textbook Ques. 7 and 8 a, c, f
3. Please watch the following video's and make notes
Unit Rate
Rates and Ratios

Pgs. 32 - 36 Ques. 1 - 5 Due Thursday.

French: Partir, er, re Test Monday Nov. 19th

Day of the Dead Art Due Thurs. Nov. 15th

Grade 8 

Math: Due Tuesday
1. Lesson 2.5 Workbook All Questions
2. Lesson 2.5 Textbook Ques. 7 and 13
3. Please watch the following video's and make notes
Rates and Ratios

Pgs. 35  Ques. 1 and 5 Due Thursday.

French: Partir, er, re Test Monday Nov. 19th

Day of the Dead Art Due Thurs. Nov. 15th

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Homework: Wed. Nov. 7th


1. Skating tomorrow. Please have helmets gloves jackets and skates ready. We will be going in the afternoon so you are expected to come in uniform and will change in the afternoon into you skating gym clothes, like we do in Phys. Ed.

2. Remember to bring cans for drive. I know you CAN do it! 😊

3.  Remember to apply your learning from the 7 Habits novel. Make sure you take a "Baby Step", shift your paradigm and reflect one of the positive principles we learned today.

Grade 7

*2.2 WB All Ques.
* please watch math videos from previous   post.
*Please get Chapter 1 test signed

*Monkey's Paw Re-Test Friday. Our goal is   a class average 75%
*Please get figurative language worksheets signed. Please review for upcoming test Monday.

*Test on Friday

Grade 8

*2.2 WB All Ques.
* please watch math videos from previous   post.
*Please get Chapter 1 test

*Monkey's Paw Re-Test Friday. Our goal is   a class average 75%
*Please get figurative language worksheets signed. Please review for upcoming test Monday.

* Test on Friday

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Grade 8 Math Lesson on Terminating and Repeating Decimals

This is a review of what we learned today. Please click on the following link.

Repeating and Terminating Decimals

Math Lesson for Nov. 7th.

For those of you who would like to  preview our next lesson, please click on the following link:

Equivalent Ratios

Today's Math Lesson: What are Ratios

If you need to review or if you were away here is the math lesson we did in class. Please make sure to make appropriate notes. Please click on the link.

What are Ratios?

Homework: Nov. 6th


1. Parent Teacher Interview Forms

2. Skating Forms. We will be going skating on Thursday. Please have skates and helmets ready. 

Grade 7

Math: 2.1 WB All Ques.

Lang: Mini Essays to be completed for tomorrow in journals. Double spaced.

           Vocabulary test on Friday. Our goal is to get a 75% class average.

Grade 8 

Math: 2.1 WB All Ques.

Lang: Mini Essays to be completed for tomorrow in journals. Double spaced.

           Vocabulary test on Friday. Our goal is to get a 75% class average.

Friday, November 2, 2018

Homework: Friday Nov. 2nd


1. Skating Forms

2. Parent Teacher Interview Forms

3. Please make sure you have scientific calculators for math.

4. Please make sure you have pencil crayons and a fine black tip marker as we continue on our art throughout next week.

Grade 7

Science: Ch. 10.test has been postponed to Monday since the photocopier was out of service today. Please take the time to review over the weekend.

Language: Monkeys Paw  Vocabulary defintion  Test Monday

History: Good copy of post cards are due on Monday.

Grade 8

Language: Monkeys Paw  Vocabulary defintion  Test Monday

History: Good copy of post cards are due on Monday.

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Homework: Nov. 1st

1. Parent Teacher Interview forms
2. Skating Forms need to be handed in. We will be going next thurs.

Grade 7

Science: Test on Ch. 10

Art: Please bring a fine black marker and pencil crayons.

Language: Vocabulary meaning test on Monday on the Monkeys Paw.

Grade 8

Art: Please bring a fine black marker and pencil crayons.

Language: Vocabulary meaning test on Monday on the Monkeys Paw.

Tuesday, October 30, 2018

Homework: Tuesday, October 30th, 2018


1. Please bring in non-perishable food items for our food drive. Our goal is to 60 items. We have only brought in 8 as a total.

2. Please make sure no masks for Halloween costumes as it is a safety concern.

3. Halloween Dance will happen in the PM.

4. Parent Teacher Interview Forms have been handed out. Please hand in as soon as possible to book in times.

5. Skating Forms need to be handed in as soon as possible since our first skating day will be in the first week of November.

Grade 7/8

Language: Please hand in the following for your short story assignment. Please follow success criteria given for further details that were handed to you.

The following needs to be handed in tomorrow with your short story:
1. Short Story Plot Diagram
2. Rough Copy with Edits
3. 2nd Copy with Oral Feed Back
4. 2 Final Copies with Cover Page Format (one to be handed in and the other to be read from)
5. Please make sure your figurative language is highlighted in the story.
*Please have 2 copies of your short story done for tomorrow. One to hand in, the other to read from. Presentations will happen throughout the day tomorrow.

Art: Skull Art Colouring due Tomorrow

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Homework: Thurs. Oct. 25th

1. Grade 8s please remember to bring your highschool application forms.

Grade 7/8

Math: Test Chapter 1 Tomorrow

Lang: Short Story Due October 31st.

History: Post Card Rough Copy Due    Tomorrow

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Homework: Oct. 24th, 2018

1. Grade 8 Highschool Application Forms

Grade 7 and 8

1. Chapter 1 Workbook All Questions
2. Chapter 1 Chapter Review Textbook All Questions
3. Study for Math Test on Friday

1. Study for Monkey's Paw Test (Vocabulary and Content) Tomorrow

1. Post Card Rough Copy on Historical Event Due Friday

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Homework: Oct. 23rd, 2018


1. Grade 8's Please bring in your high school application form.

Grade 7

1. W.B. 1.8 All Ques.
2. T.B. 1.8 Ques.  6 - 8


1. Monkey's Paw Comprehension Question Due Tomorrow.
2. Monkey's Paw Test Vocabulary and Story on Thursday.

1. Historical Post Cards Rough Copy Due Friday.

*  3 examples of time.

Grade 8


1. Chapter 1 Test on Friday.
2. 1.9 WB All Questions Due Tomorrow
3. 1.9 TB Ques. 4 Due Tomorrow.


1. Monkey's Paw Comprehension Question Due Tomorrow.
2. Monkey's Paw Test Vocabulary and Story on Thursday.

1. Historical Post Cards Rough Copy Due Friday.

* 4 examples of time.

Monday, October 22, 2018

Math Chapter 1Test Review Videos

Hello Kiddo's!

Here are some links to help you with your math review that we watched in class. Happy Studying :)


Prime Factorization

Introduction to Exponents

Exponents and Square Roots

Order of Operations

Homework: Oct. 22nd 2018

1. Grade 8 Highschool forms have been sent home. Please fill them in and send in as soon as possible.


WB: Lesson 1.7 All Ques.
TB: Lesson 1.7 Ques. 8, 10, and 12
Math test Chapter 1 on Friday.

The Monkey's Paw Story Plot and Themes Worksheets need to complete.
Language Test on the Monkey's Paw on Thursday.

Grade 8

WB: Lesson 1.8 All Ques.
TB: Lesson 1.8 Ques. 9 and 11
Math test Chapter 1 on Friday.

The Monkey's Paw Story Plot and Themes Worksheets need to complete.
Language Test on the Monkey's Paw on Thursday.

Friday, October 19, 2018

Homework: Oct. 19th

Grade 7:

1. Lesson 1.6 TB. Pg. 22 - 24 Ques. 8 and 9 
2. Lesson 1.6 WB All Question

1. Read Pgs. 10 - 12 Ques. 1-3 Due Tomorrow

Grade 8 

1. Mid Chapter 1 Pg. 25 All Ques. 
2. Lesson 1.6 TB. Pg. 30 Ques. 7
                      WB. All Ques.


Thursday, October 18, 2018

Homework: Friday, October 19th, 2018

1. Pizza Lunch
2. Photo Day
3. Sign Assessment Folder

Grade 7

Science: Read Pgs. 19- 22 Ques. 1-4
Due Monday

History: Read Pgs. 10 - 12 Ques. 1- 3
Due Tomorrow

Grade 8

Science: Systems Chapter 1 Test

Wednesday, October 17, 2018

Homework: Wed. Oct. 17th


1. Phys. Ed. Tomorrow
2. Photo Day Friday

Grade 7

Mid Chapter 1 Review. All Questions.

Grade 8

TB. 1.5 Ques.  7-10 and 12
WB. 1.5 All Ques.

Systems Test on Friday.

Monday, October 15, 2018

Homework: Monday Oct. 15th

1. Picture Day Friday.
2. Please update assessment folder with signatures.

Grade 7

Math : 1.4 WB All Ques. Please review for upcoming key question.

Grade 8

Math: 1.3 WB All Ques. Please review for upcomong key question.

Friday, October 12, 2018

Homework: Friday, Oct. 12th

1. Photo day on Friday.
2. Parents please make sure you have signed assessment folders from yesterday.

Grade 7/8

Language: Synonyms, Antonyms, and Homonyms Test Monday Oct. 15th

Drama: Morals/Concience Skits Performance Monday Oct. 15th. Please be prepared with costumes and props.

Thursday, October 11, 2018

Homework: Thurs. Oct. 11th


1. Photo Day Next Friday
2. Sign Key Assessment

Grade 7

Math: WB 1.3 All Ques.

Art: Due Tomorrow

Grade 8

Math: WB. 1.2 All Ques.

Art: Due Tomorrow


Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Reminder Phys. ED Tomorrow

Please bring a change of clothes for Phys. Ed.

Homework: Wednesday, Oct. 10th 2018

1. Assessment Folders need to be signed.

Grade 7

Math: W.B. 1.1 All Question
           TB. Pgs.. 4 - 5  Ques. A - E and  6 - 10

Lang: Presentation on the Book of Memories

History: For the students that had their history letter returned please have them
               1. Signed.
               2. Re-Submit with approriate changes

Art: Mona Lisa Due Friday. You will not have class time, all work needs to be completed at home.

Grade 8

Math: W.B. 1.1 All Question
            TB. Pg. 4 - 7  Ques. 5, 6 and 11

Lang: Presentation on the Book of Memories

Art: Mona Lisa Due Friday. You will not have class time, all work needs to be completed at home.

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Homework: Wed. Oct. 3rd 2018

1. Pizza Forms
2. Terry Fox Run Tomorrow.
     Please bring $2 for donations.
     Please wear red and white.

Grade 7/8

1.  Sign Gord Downie Sheets.
2. Journals need to be complete if not  
done in class.
3. Grade 7s must hand in Letters to Historian, if they have not already (Will be marked late).

Tuesday, October 2, 2018

Homework for Tuesday Oct. 2nd 2018

Grade 7

  • Study for Chapter 3 Test Wed. Oct 3rd

  • Pg. 20 Ques. 2   Students are to find physical features and man-made                         features with the description with images. 
a) Why was it chosen
b) Physical or Man made
c) Description of Image ( Where & What)
Due Wed. Oct 3rd

Grade 8 

  • Study for Chapter 3 Test Wed. Oct 3rd

  • Pg. 22 Ques. 2 With images. Due Wed Oct. 3rd 

Monday, October 1, 2018

Homework: Mon., Oct. 1st

Grade 7

  • Chapter 3 Review Pgs. 114 - 115 Ques. 1 - 12 Due Tomorrow
  • Chapter 3 Test Wed. Oct 3rd

  •  Lesson 1.2 Pg. 12 - 15 Ques. 1- 4 Due Thursday Oct. 4th

  • Letter to Historian Due Tomorrow

  • Pg. 20 Ques. 2   Students are to find physical features and man-made                                                                     features with the description with images. 
a) Why was it chosen
b) Physical or Man made
c) Description of Image ( Where & What)
Due Wed. Oct 3rd

Grade 8 

  • Chapter 3 Review Textbook Pg. 117 Ques. 1 - 6 Due Tomorrow
  • Chapter 3 Test Wed. Oct 3rd

  • Chapter 1 Review Pgs. 26 - 27 Ques. 1 - 12 Due: Thurs Oct. 4th

  • Pg. 22 Ques. 2 With images. Due Wed Oct. 3rd 

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Homework: Wednesday, September 26th, 2018

1. Curriculum Night Tomorrow
2. Remember to bring Novel for silent reading.

Grade 7 

Math: Understanding Circle Graphs Math Sheet. Due Tomorrow

Phys. Ed: Remember to bring a change of clothes for Phys. Ed.

History: Letter to a Historian. Please refer to Chapter 1 for your Historian of choice.
              Due Friday Sept. 28th

Grade 8

Math: Circle Graph Package. Due Tomorrow

Phys. Ed: Remember to bring a change of clothes for Phys. Ed.

Science: Lesson 1.4 Pg. 20 - 21 Ques. 1 - 2 Due Thursday Sept. 27th

Welcome to Ms. Singh's Blog


We will be using this blog to highlight the many fun activities and learning that will be happening throughout the year in our class. As well, homework will be posted on the blog, however it is still recommended that you use your agenda daily and homework board in class.

Excited to see all of you!
Ms. Singh

Wednesday, May 23, 2018



1. Please make sure all graduation bio's are done for tomorrow. They must be a full page and emailed to me as a word document or pasted in the body of the email.

2. Please bring in yearbook money/forms. They can also be paid online.

3. Math projects are due May 25th (Friday). Please bring in your materials for our last work period before the due date.

4. Valedictorian rough copy speeches are due May 25th (Friday). Please be ready to have your peers edit your work. The final copy will be given on May 28th (Monday). Remember to have 2 good copies ready for Monday printed. 

5. Science Test Chapter 1 Tomorrow.

6. Those who have not handed in your character posters for Wonder need to be handed in tomorrow. A late mark will be given.

Science Test Overview

Test Outline

Part A - True/False

Part B: Fill in the blanks

Part C: Matching

Part D: Multiple Choice

Part E: Short Answer

Review of Test Content

* Review all systems and examples

*Understand Input and Output

* Physical / Soical Systems - Similarities and Differences

* Understand what side effects are and how they relate toe Input and Output factors

* Explain the differences from systems vs. industries

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

French Exam Info

French Examen – June 1st 2018

- last test before GRAD

Verbes + Verbe Tenses


-        Vouloir = to want

-        Pouvoir = to be able to (can)

-        In pouvoir present tense – it is always followed by a verb in infinitive (original form)

-        Negative forms of all verbes (ne + pas)

-        Imperatif: giving orders/command – RE, -IR, -ER

-        Pronoms for Imperatif: Tu, Nous, Vous

-        Futur Proche (double verb construction) – “I am going to _______”

Aller au present + verbe a l’infinitif

Je vais, Tu vas, Il va, Nous allons, Vous allez, Ils vont


Je vais courrir / Je vais manger / Tu vas manger / Il va manger / Nous allons manger / Vous allez danser / Ils vont regarder la television

-        Vocabulaire au restaurant – Fill in the blank on a dialogue

-        L’horaire de transportation – You will receive a schedule and you will have to write sentences about when you are leaving and departing (depart + partir) pg. 10-11 dans le livre

-        Giving directions in French – You will be given a map and have to write directions from A to B

-        Reading Comprehension: Asking and answering questions about Quebec

-        Writing Task: Writing a postcard – elements of postcard in French​

Monday, April 16, 2018

Homework: April 16th

Hi Grade 8s

Due to bus cancellations  and weather conditions I have posted up the work for today. Please complete the following. -Ms. Singh


Religion & Family Studies:

Write a journal on the following:

If you went back in time and met Jesus what would you do or say? 1 page double spaced. You must make a reference to a biblical even in your journal. Be ready to present this to the class Tuesday.

Math: Due Tomorrow
Chapter 9 Do you Remember All Questions textbook.

Geography: Due Tomorrow
Pgs. 58 – 61 Read and make notes. Answer Questions 1 –3

History: Due Tomorrow
Read pgs. 45 – 48 Make notes as well. Answer Question 1 .

Language: Due Tomorrow

Wonder-ful Words-
Write definition for each word using your own words based on the context within the book:
Mortality p. 65, Monuments p. 65,
Papier – Mache p. 69,  Mane p.69,
Aversion p. 70, Celestial p. 82,
Convert p. 83, Cosmos p. 83,.
Fashionista p. 84, Splay p. 88,
Pettiness p. 94, Perspective p. 97, Dimensions p. 97, Decisively p. 101, Exasperated p. 102

Tuesday, April 3, 2018

Homework: Monday, April 3rd, 2017


1. Wonder Novel needs to be brought in tomorrow as we will begin our novel study tomorrow. 
2. Rough copy of newspaper article due tomorrow. 


1. 8.3 Workbook All Ques. 
2. 8.3 A - J TB. Ques. 


1. Ch. 5 Science Test tomorrow. 

Thursday, March 29, 2018

Homework: Thurs. March 29th

Art: Due April 3rd
1. Black History art shaded and completed.

Language:  Due April 3rd
1.  Read The Luckiest Woman in the World Article
2. Fill out the summary graphic organizer attached.
3. Write a rough copy of a summary.
4. Self edit and make a final copy.
Please have all the steps stapled together and handed in. Please use the rubric to help you with the final copy. Final copies need to either be written in pen or typed up. It would be highly encouraged to use your wordly wise words in the paragraph.

1. We will take up Chapter 5 Review Ques. 1 - 17 and 22 Due April 3rd. Please make notes for 5.6 as well.
2. Chapter 5 Test on April 4th.

Tuesday, March 27, 2018

Homework: Tuesday March 27th


Scientist in the school Thursday April 5th: Cells Workshop.

1. Lesson 5.6 Ques. All Ques. and notes. Due March Thurs. 29TH
2. Chapter Review Ques. 1 - 12 and 22. Due March Thurs. 29th
3. Chapter 5 Test Tuesday April 3rd

1. Please purchase Wonder Novel by R.J Palacio for novel studies for Monday April 9th.

Thursday, March 22, 2018

Homework: Thurs. March 22nd


1. TB 7.5 Ques. 4 - 8 ( Due Tomorrow)
2. WB. 7.5 All Ques. (Due Tomorrow)
3. TB. Chapter Review Pg. 247 Ques. 1- 6
( Due Monday March 26th)
4. WB. Test Yourself
( Due Monday March 26th)
5. Ch. 7 Test Tues March 27th.

Wordly Wise Game continues

5.3 Notes and Ques. 3- 5 Due Tomorrow.


1. Nature Walk in Edwards Gardens - please dress approriately.

2. Banana Spilt Sundae Treat

I will be supplying everyone with bananas and icecream ( 3 flavours) and Mme  Kelowan will be bringing plates and a suprise treat.

List of students and their treats
Please bring small portoins in a small tupperware with the exception of bottled items:

1. Caramel (Leya)
2. Sprinkles ( Maria)
3. Whipped Cream (Liliana)
4. Gummies ( Nathan)
5. Oreos (Daniela)
6. Candy (Tim)
7. Sour Patch Kids (Megan)
8. Strawberries (Nolan)
9. Scoopers (  Daniela and Sofia)
10. Chocolate Chips (Julian)
11. Mike and Ike ( Jainna )
12. Mnms ( Isabella)
13. Chocolate Syrup ( Sofia)
14. Berries ( Jerry)
15. Waffle cones (Aaron)
16. Neoplatin ice cream (Douglas)

Other toppings/items  that students can   bring in, that are not on the list;

1. Pineapple
2. Coconut
3. Brownie bites
4. Rice Krispy cereal
5. Marshmallows
6. Whipcream
7. Sprinkles
8. Napkins
9. Spoons
* Peanut Free items always pls *

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Homework: Tues. March 21st

Math: Tb. 7.3  1 - 14
Pgs. 234 - 235

Wordly Wise 5 Will be taken up tomorrow.

5.3 Notes and Ques. 3 - 5

Friday, March 9, 2018

Homework: Friday March 9th

Have a safe and fun March break! 
- God Bless,  Ms. Singh


1. W.B. 7.1 and 7.2 All Ques. Due Mon March 19th

2. Math grid art was due today. Late submissions must be handed in on Mon. March 19th.

3. Math Ch.6 Test corrections Due Mon. March 19th. Please have your test signed as well.

1. Sentence worksheet with paragraph earthquake account. Due. Mon. March 19th

2. Wordly Wise crossword puzzle.

1. Read and take notes on the following worksheets. Pgs. 52 - 57 Ques. 2 Due Tues March 20th

1. Read pgs. 30 - 34  Ques. 1- 2 Due: Mon March 19th

1. Please print off your black influentical history portrait image in grayscale ( no colour). Due: Mon March 19th

Thursday, March 1, 2018

Homework: Thurs. March 1st

1. Please sign and correct assessments:
Math KQ 6.7
Science: Chapter 4

2. Grad. Hoodies $25

3. Grad. Picture Day March 5th. If you are ordering a composite please bring in money and form on March 5th to give to the photographers.


1. Correct KQ
2. Ch. 6 Test yourself workbook Due Tomorrow
3. Ch. 6 Test Mon. March 5th

1. Corrections for science test ch. 4 Due Tomorrow

1. Read and make notes pgs. 44 - 49
Due Tomorrow
2. Map Due Tomorrow
3. Quebec presentations continue March 2nd and March 5th

1. Study and Review Chapter 1
Test March 6th

2. Chapter 2 Read pgs. 30 - 34  Answer Ques. 1 and 2 Due March 6th

Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Homework: Feb. 28th


1. Students may have an option of buying graduation hoodies at a cost of $25 dollars.
2. Congratulations Liliana for winning 3rd place in our annual speech competition. We are so proud of you!


1. WB. 6.8 All Ques.
2. TB 6.8 Ques. 4, 6, 8 and 10
3. Review 6.7 corrections as you will be given a key question tomorrow.

1. Read and take notes: Pgs. 40 - 49
Unit 1 Geography Link PDF
( Please save pdf to your computer for future references)
2. Maps due Friday March 1st
3. Presentations for Quebec and French Countries continue March 1 st and March 2nd

1. Study and Review Chapter 1: Test March 6th
2. Read Ch. 2 pgs. 30 - 34 Ques. 1 and 2 Due March 6th

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Homework: Thurs., Feb. 22nd

1. Pizza forms are due tomorrow. Last day.



1. Test Ch. 4 Cells The Basic Units of Life on Tues. Feb 27.
2. Complete cue cards for tomorrow so that you can practice in class.


1. Multimedia presentation - usb keys are due tomorrow with completed presentation on them. Please label your usb keys thank you.

2. Presentations begin Monday Feb. 26th


1. Ques. 2 Pg. 23 - 28 Due Tomorrow. ( Chart of economic features, regions and symbols with explanations.)


1. Depending on the weather we will be going for a nature walk in Edwards gardens. Please dress appropriately (i.e. shoes)

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

French Rubric for Multimedia presentation

French Powerpoint Slide – Voyage à Québec

Success Criteria/Guidelines

___ 3 photos avec une explication (3 phrases complète)

___ 3 personnes importants/fameux avec 3 phrases complète + les photos des personnes

___ Réflexion Personnelle (1 paragraphe) – As-tu aime l’excursion? Oui/Non?

___ Écrivez au présent de l’indicatif

___ Présentation seulement en française

___ Question en française pour la présentation

La Rubrique

Rubric/Success Criteria Writing + Presentation

Success Criteria
Level 1
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
I can write:
-          A caption for photos in a full sentence
-          A short explanation for “Famous People of Quebec”
-          A personal reflection in paragraph format
-          1 question to ask the audience during the presentation
I can write very little of the success criteria.
I am using little to no vocabulary from the unit. My vocabulary is not at grade level.
I have over 7 mistakes.
My sentences are simple with major mistakes.
I can write some of the success criteria.
I am using some vocabulary from the unit.
I have 5-6 mistakes.
My sentences are simple with some minor mistakes.
I can write most of the success criteria.
I am using vocabulary from the unit and some new vocabulary.
I have 3-4 mistakes.
My sentences are simple with no mistakes.
I can write all of the success criteria and go above and beyond
I am using new and higher level vocabulary.
I have 1-2 mistakes.
My sentences are complex.
I can use writing strategies like looking at a mon lexique, reference book, French-english dictionary and examples.
I can use writing strategies with limited effectiveness.
I can use writing strategies with some effectiveness.
I can use writing strategies with considerable effectiveness.
I can use writing strategies with a high degree of effectiveness.
During my oral presentation, I was able to use French language only to explain my slides and to interact with the audience during open and closed activities. 
I can present with limited effectiveness.
I can present with some effectiveness.
I can present with considerable effectiveness.
I can present with a high degree of effectiveness.

Oral French Rubric:

Niveau 4
Niveau 3
Niveau 2
Niveau 1
Voix &
Claire, fort, et avec la
bonne prononciation
Claire et fort
un peu claire, mais pas  fort et avec un peu de
prononciation appropriée
Ce n’est pas claire, ni
fort et presque aucun mot a la bonne
toutes les phrases sont
 complètes et complexes
Toutes les phrases sont complètes
La plupart des phrases
sont complètes
Peu de phrases
sont complètes
toutes les phrases ont des détailes
la plupart des
phrases ont des détailes
quelques phrases ont des détailes
Peu ou aucunes
phrases ont des détailes
Le vocabulaire est variés et est utilisé bien
Vocabulaire apprit est utilisé bien
quelques mots du vocabulaire apprit est utilisé
Peu du vocabulaire apprit est utilisé
Discussion (open and closed ended)
Je peux demander et répondre a tous les questions
Je peux demander et repondre a la plupart des questions
Je peux demander et repondre a quelques questions.
Je ne peux pas demander et repondre aux questions, mais je comprends la discussion.

 Mlle Kelowan will highlight your feedback?

Next Steps
You communicated your understanding well.
Some of your ideas were difficult to understand.
You used many English expressions. You need to use the French expressions we practice in class.
You did not use the word wall, anchor chart or examples to help you write words and expressions correctly.
You did not share a minimum of five clothing suggestions.
Overall, you were very successful at communicating your ideas in a clear way.
Next time, read the success criteria carefully.  You may want a friend to read over your work just to make sure you’ve included all that you need.
Next time, use available resources to help you write expressions and vocabulary words correctly.
Participate daily in class to improve your confidence when writing.
Continue to participate in class activities! It shows in your ability to communicate with others through writing!
Ask for clarification if you don’t understand the task before you hand in your work.