Ms. H's Subjects

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Homework: April 13th, 2016


1. Good Friday No School
2. Easter Monday No School

Grade 7

Religion/ Lang:

1. Maps to be completed for Tues. April 18th
2. Please watch the following video and write a journal entry on the following:

You must have a 1 page summary double spaced. Here are some prompts to help you. Please use the following to help you in your writing.


Some things to write about:        
1. Retell what you have read.
2. Summarize what you have read.
3. Describe the major ideas.         
4. Describe the most significant and relevant parts.

   5. Describe parts that you find confusing, attempt to 
       work out their meaning through your writing, and 
       formulate questions about them for discussion.

Some possible prompts:
1.      This was about …
2.      I noticed that …
3.      The most significant ideas/event was …
4.      An event that I especially liked was …
5.      I particularly liked/valued/enjoyed …   
6.       An idea that captured my interest was …            
7.      Words that I found particularly effective were …
8.      An idea that inspired me was …
9.      The author’s style is …

 10. I didn’t understand this part because …


Some things to write about:
1.      Make connections between the text and your own life (e.g., personal experiences, feelings), other texts (e.g., books, music, films, television programs, websites), or the world at large (e.g., current events).
   2. Relate your thoughts about the text to your own life, giving examples.

Some possible prompts:
1.      Something I identify with is …
2.      What I found especially meaningful or significant was …
3.      This text relates to my life in the following ways: …
4.      This book, compared with others by the same author, is …
5.      The text is similar to my experience when …

   6. What is described in this text is very much like what is happening today in …


Some things to write about:
     1.      Why this text is important to you The author’s conclusions·
     2.      Your judgement about the text/author’s conclusions·
     3.      Your opinions about the ideas/events in the text
     4.      Your opinions about the style of this text compared with the style of other texts on the same topic
     5.      Your judgement about the credibility of the text
     6.      Whether you feel the text is current and/or accurate
     7.       Whether reading the text has changed the way you feel or think about something, and if so, how
     8.      Any relevant questions you have
     9.      Anything about the text that still confuses or frustrates you

Some possible prompts:
  1.      The passages that I find most meaningful are..
  2.      because …
  3.      I think that …
  4.      I wonder why or what if …
  5.      I realize now that …·
  6.      How …?
  7.      This author’s style differed from …
  8.      on the same topic in the following ways …
  9.      This information is very different from what I read in …
10.  What is the author trying to make me think/do? I wonder why I feel so …
11.  Reading this text changed the way I think and behave because …
12.  A question raised in my mind is …
13.  My predictions about this text were …
14.  Something that pushed my thinking was …
15.  This text was a challenge for me because …
16.  I learned that …

Grade 8 

Phys. Ed. (Dance): Due Thurs April 27th

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