Ms. H's Subjects

Tuesday, February 21, 2017

Homework: Tuesday, Feb. 21st

Grade 7

Math: Due Wed. Feb 22nd
1. In Notebook do 6.2 Ques.  A - J
2. Graph paper do 6.2 Ques. 1- 4
3. WB 6.2 All Questions.

Science: Due Thurs. Feb 23rd
1. Read and make Notes Pgs. 14 - 17
2. Answer Ques. 1- 4

Grade 8

Geo: Due Tues. Feb 21st. Please make use this is handed in tomorrow if you didn't submitted in today.  You will receive a late mark.
1. Poster for your product you created.

History: Due Wed. Feb 22nd
1. Read Pgs. 52 - 60
2. Make notes
3. Answer Ques.  1 Pg. 60
* Please use the success criteria that was discussed and writtten in class.

French: Due Thurs. Feb. 23rd
1. Post card good copy.

Instrumental Music: Due Wed. Feb. 22nd
1. Bring your mouth pieces, instrument,  and other music materials needed for class tomorrow.

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