Tuesday, February 28, 2017
Homework: Feb. 28th, 2017
Textbook Ch. 6 Mid Chapter Review All Questions.
Group A (Students that were given textbook today must complete homework for tomorrow.)
4.4 Ques. 1-4
4.5 Ques. 1-4
Group B ( Will take textbooks home Wed. March 1st. and it will be due for Thurs. March 2nd)
Grade 8
Art Critisim needs to be typed with a cover page and subtitles for each section. Due Tomorrow.
Your good copy sketch should be completed. You are to colour it in class tomorrow (with your selected medium). Please bring your art supplies in to do this. I will be only supplying tissue paper, construction paper, oil pastels or paint. (Markers, crayons, and pencil crayons must be brought in).
Monday, February 27, 2017
Homework: Monday, Feb. 27th, 2017
1. Carnival Week March 6th - March 10th
2. Play Day March 8th
3. Rosary @ 10:35am on March 8th
4. Mass Wed. March 1st ( Ash Wed.)
5. Please bring hearing and seeing forms with attached cheque or cash (exact change) as soon as possible. ( Testing Date is on March 20th and 21st)
Grade 7
1. 6.5 WB ( All questions) 6.5 TB 5, 6, 7 (a, e) 8, 9, 11, 12 Due Tomorrow
1. Saint Worksheet : Read, highlight and answer questions. Due Tomorrow
Grade 8
1. Art Criticism Worksheet Due Tomorrow ( Sketch will be done in class).
Thursday, February 23, 2017
Homework: Thurs., Feb. 23rd, 2017.
Wednesday, February 22, 2017
Homework: Wed.,Feb. 22nd, 2017
Tuesday, February 21, 2017
Homework: Tuesday, Feb. 21st
Grade 7
Math: Due Wed. Feb 22nd
1. In Notebook do 6.2 Ques. A - J
2. Graph paper do 6.2 Ques. 1- 4
3. WB 6.2 All Questions.
Science: Due Thurs. Feb 23rd
1. Read and make Notes Pgs. 14 - 17
2. Answer Ques. 1- 4
Grade 8
Geo: Due Tues. Feb 21st. Please make use this is handed in tomorrow if you didn't submitted in today. You will receive a late mark.
1. Poster for your product you created.
History: Due Wed. Feb 22nd
1. Read Pgs. 52 - 60
2. Make notes
3. Answer Ques. 1 Pg. 60
* Please use the success criteria that was discussed and writtten in class.
French: Due Thurs. Feb. 23rd
1. Post card good copy.
Instrumental Music: Due Wed. Feb. 22nd
1. Bring your mouth pieces, instrument, and other music materials needed for class tomorrow.
Thursday, February 16, 2017
Homework: Feb. 16th, 2017
1. Parent Teacher Interviews with Afternoon teachers Grades 7 and 8 Thursday Feb 16th and Friday Feb 17th.
2. P.A. Day Friday Feb. 17th, 2017 ( No School)
3. Family Day Holiday Monday Feb. 20th, 2017 ( No School)
Grade 7
1. Textbook 6.1 Questions 7, 8, 9 (a, c, e) 10, 11, 12, 16
2. W.B. 6.1
1. Speeches will be presented on Tuesday, Feb. 21. You will need to make two copies (typed or neatly printed). One to be handed in to the teacher and the other for your personal use during the presentation.
1. Science presentations continued.
2. Read and make notes Pgs. 14 - 17 Que. 1- 4 ( I will be posting the pages online tomorrow morning.)
Grade 8
1. Posters due Tuesday, Feb 21st.
1. Please review your notes on confederation and look up the key term that I mentioned on the last slide.
Monday, February 13, 2017
Homework: Mon. Feb.13th
1. Ski Forms
2. Grade 7s please bring party items.
3. Red, pink and white day tomorrow. Please bring can goods and $2.
Grade 7
Science- presentations saved on usb and you will be presenting
Geography- Maps Due tomorrow
Grade 8
History- Pgs. 52 - 60 Make notes and answer question 1.
Geo- Sketch poster with pencil we will be painting in class.
Saturday, February 11, 2017
Homework: Friday Feb 10th
1. Ski Forms
Grade 7
1. What in the World news article due Monday Feb. 13th
2. Map Due Tuesday Feb 14th
3. Body of speech Due Feb. 13th
4. Impromptu speech game continued on Monday. Feb 13th
1. Playground presentations due Feb 14th. Please save it on a USB or email it to me.
Grade 8
Geo: Draft of enterpernuer ad.
Thursday, February 9, 2017
Homework: Thurs. Feb. 8th
1. Ski Forms. Ski Day Feb 15th
2. Valentine's day dance Feb. 14th Cost: $2 and canned goods
3. Red, white, and pink day Feb 14th
4. Parent teacher interviews Thurs Feb 16th and Friday Feb 17th.
5. Please sign updated assessment folders. ( Gr. 7 Exam and notes marks/ Gr. 8 Geo enterpernuer mark)
Grade 7
1. Please work on your body of the speech. Due Feb. 13th
2. Impromptu speech game tomorrow. Please practice at home with the rules you learned today.
1. Playground Presentation Due the week of February 13th - February 16th
Grade 8
1. Please bring in 5 examples of ads. Due tomorrow.
2. Draft of your poster for your enterpernuer ideas. Due tomorrow.
3 . Ch. 3 assessment. Due tomorrow.
Phys. Ed:
1. Outdoor gym. Please dress warmly. Runners please.
Tuesday, February 7, 2017
Homework: Tuesday, Feb. 7th 2017
1. Grade 7s please get your assessment folders signed. (Exam mark)
Grade 7
Lang: Speech Intro Due tomorrow. I will be checking over your work.
Science: Please bring large device for your work period.
Grade 8
Geography: pages 70 - 71 Pick your own business and answer questions 1 - 5. You will present your answers tomorrow in class.
Monday, February 6, 2017
Homework: Monday, Feb. 6th
1. Ski day has been cancelled due to freezing rain.
Grade 7
Lang: Please bring your speech outline to work on your speech intro in class.
Science: Please bring your large devices to work on your PowerPoint for science.
Grade 8
Art: Chinese lanterns must be completed for tomorrow. Any other pending art work must be handed in tomorrow.