Ms. H's Subjects

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Homework: Thurs. Dec. 8th, 2016


1. Lip Sync Rehersal in the Gym @ 9am

2. Grade 8's please bring in Cafe Glace

3. ROM forms

4. Hoza forms

5. Ski Forms Grade 7's

6. Ski Quebec Forms Grade 8's

Grade 7


1. Textbook 4.1 Questions (A - I). Please find a minimum of 4 patterns in Pascal
2. WB. 4.1
3. Please watch the video to help you find patterns in the Pascal triangle. Also it will prepare you for tomorrow's lesson on Fibnocci Sequence.
Pascal's Triangle
4. You can re-watch the video we viewed today in class.
History of the Pascal's Triangle


1. Ch. 12 Review Pg. 80 - 81 Ques. 1 - 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 14

Grade 8


1. Ch. 2 Read pgs. 37 - 39 Ques. 1, 2, and 4

Grade 8 History Textbook link


1. Please bring in one large garbage bag.

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