Thursday, December 22, 2016
Tuesday, December 20, 2016
Homework: Dec. 20th
1.. Class party for Grade 7's on Dec. 23rd after first recess. You can bring nut free treats for the class
( 28 students). If you need a list of the students names for Christmas Cards please refer to Maya as she has been given a class list.
2.. Class party for Grade 8's on Dec. 23rd after 3rd recess. You can bring nut free treats for the class,
( 14 students)
3. Ugly Christmas Sweater Dec. 21st
Grade 7
1. WB 4.5 All Questions
Grade 8
1. Map Due Dec. 21st
1. Study for your test Act 4 and 5 Friday Dec. 23rd
Monday, December 19, 2016
Homework: Dec 19th
1. Mass @ 9am
2. Class party for Grade 7's on Dec. 23rd after first recess. You can bring nut free treats for the class
( 28 students). If you need a list of the students names for Christmas Cards please refer to Maya as she has been given a class list.
3. Class party for Grade 8's on Dec. 23rd after 3rd recess. You can bring nut free treats for the class,
( 14 students)
4. Ugly Christmas Sweater Dec. 21st
Grade 7
1. Lesson 4.4 Txt. Ques. 6 - 10
2. Math Test Friday Dec. 23rd
Grade 8
1. Questions Act 4 and 5 will be taken up tomorrow.
2. Test on Act 4 and 5 Friday Dec. 23rd
Wednesday, December 14, 2016
Homework: Dec. 14th
1. Grade 7 trip: ROM on Friday. Please bring a lunch.
2. Cafe Glace Tomorrow. Grade 8's please bring your trays and waiter uniform. Also reminder that all forms need to be handed in to part take in this event.
Grade 7
Science: Ch. 12 Test tomorrow. Please review over your notes and answers.
Grade 8
History: Please read Pgs. 40 - 43 and answer Ques. 1 in a chart form.
Online textbook link: Grade 8 History Textbook
Tuesday, December 13, 2016
Homework: Dec. 13th
Grade 7
Math: 4.2 WB
Science : CH. 12 test Thurs.
Grade 8
Drama: Finish reading Act 4 for Thurs.
Friday, December 9, 2016
Homework: Dec. 9th
Math: 4.1 Key Question Monday, Dec. 12
Lang ( Media): Please bring items for the christmas box art.
Grade 8
Art: Christmas Names Due Mon. Dec. 12th
Thursday, December 8, 2016
Homework: Thurs. Dec. 8th, 2016
1. Lip Sync Rehersal in the Gym @ 9am
2. Grade 8's please bring in Cafe Glace
3. ROM forms
4. Hoza forms
5. Ski Forms Grade 7's
6. Ski Quebec Forms Grade 8's
Grade 7
1. Textbook 4.1 Questions (A - I). Please find a minimum of 4 patterns in Pascal
2. WB. 4.1
3. Please watch the video to help you find patterns in the Pascal triangle. Also it will prepare you for tomorrow's lesson on Fibnocci Sequence.
Pascal's Triangle
4. You can re-watch the video we viewed today in class.
History of the Pascal's Triangle
1. Ch. 12 Review Pg. 80 - 81 Ques. 1 - 4, 6, 7, 8, 9, 14
Grade 8
1. Ch. 2 Read pgs. 37 - 39 Ques. 1, 2, and 4
Grade 8 History Textbook link
1. Please bring in one large garbage bag.
Wednesday, December 7, 2016
Homework: Dec. 7th
2. Hoza forms
3. Skiing forms grade 7
4. Quebev skiing forms grade 8
5. Christmas donations for our box
6. Gingerbread forms
Tuesday, December 6, 2016
Homework: Dec 6th
1. ROM forms
2. Hoza forms
3. Skiing forms grade 7
4. Quebev skiing forms grade 8
5. Christmas donations for our box
6. Gingerbread forms
Grade 7
Math: Ch. 4 Do you remember all questions.
Religion: journal on the questions you read in class on page 17
Media: Christmas box design. Includes side, front, and birds eye view. Please include materials. Due tomorrow.
Science: Chapter 12 review Due Thurs.
Grade 8
Drama: Act 3 test tomorrow
Monday, December 5, 2016
Homework: Dec. 5th
1. Christmas gift box contributions
2. Hoza forms
3. Skiing forms
4. ROM forms
5. Quebec trip ski forms
6. Update assessment folder
Grade 7
Science: Notes on pg. 74 and 75
Answer ques. 1-5 on pg. 76
Grade 8
Drama: Act 3 questions due tomorrow
Thursday, December 1, 2016
Homework: Dec. 1st 2016
1. ROM permission forms
2. Hoza permission forms
3. Ski permission forms
Grade 7
Science: Please write notes on pgs. 74 &75. Ques ,1 - 5 on pgs. 76
Grade 8
Drama: Act 3 Test on Monday Dec. 5th