Ms. H's Subjects

Monday, January 11, 2016

Homework: Jan 11th

Hello Kiddos!

I have not been feeling well, but I hope all of you were on your best behaviour and worked diligently on the work I have set aside for you. Miss you all and I will be seeing you soon.

God Bless,
Ms. H

Grade 7:

Math: Mid Chapter 5 All Ques. (Textbook)

Language: Finish the Book Thief as we will be preparing for presentations for each section of the book. 

Geography: H.W. Pgs. 46 Ques. 1 a) - b)

Phys. Ed: Bring a change of clothes for indoor phys.ed

Grade 8:

Math: Lesson 5.5 Ques. 4 - 16

Language: Finish the Book Thief as we will be preparing for presentations for each section of the book. 

Geography: H.W. Pgs. 57 Ques. 1 - 4

Phys. Ed. : Bring a change of clothes for indoor phys.ed.

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