Ms. H's Subjects

Thursday, January 28, 2016

No Homework for Jan 28th, 2015

Due to our debate conference. that we will be attending, no new homework will be due tomorrow.

Grade 7/8

Health: Rap lyrics need to be handed in tomorrow, as per deadline given previously.

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Homework: Wed, Jan. 27th, 2016

Reminder: Binder checks will be done for both AM and PM classes. Make sure all tabs, worksheets, and notes are in order. As well as assessments.

Grade 7

Math: 6.3 Worksheet

Language: Outlines are due tomorrow for speeches.

Health: Health Rap on healthy eating -  lyrics need to be handed in by Friday, July 27th. Presentations will begin on Feb. 8th. Please make sure you follow the success criteria and rubric when making final changes on your assignment.

Geography: We will continue on our in class documentary on the IMF. Please make sure you bring markers to finish your T charts in class.

Grade 8 

Math: 6.3 Worksheet

Language: Outlines are due tomorrow for speeches.

Health: Health Rap on self confidence -  lyrics need to be handed in by Friday, July 27th. Presentations will begin on Feb. 8th. Please make sure you follow the success criteria and rubric when making final changes on your assignment.

Geography: We will continue on our in class documentary on the IMF. Please make sure you bring markers to finish your T charts in class.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Homework: Jan 26th 2016

Grade 7

Math: 6.2 Textbook Ques. A- 4
          6.2 Worksheet Ques. All

Lang: Work on outline for speeches. Outline for Speeches Due Thursday, Jan 28th

Health: Bring electronic device for Health Rap

Grade 8

Math: 6.2 Textbook Ques. 5 - 7, 11, 16
          6.2 Worksheet Ques. All

Lang: Work on outlines for speeches.  Outline for Speeches Due Thursday, Jan 28th

Health: Bring electronic device for Health Rap

Monday, January 25, 2016

Homework: Jan. 25th 2016

*Please bring in $2 for your debate entrance tomorrow.

Grade 7 

Math: 6.1 Textbook Ques. 7 - 12, 16, 18
           6.1 Worksheet ( All Ques.)

Lang: Please bring your questions and concerns about your speech topics for our teacher student conference.

Health: Work on health rap. All lyrics should be 80% complete. We will have another work period for writing and will be moving on to presentation work period for raps. Due: Friday Jan. 29th.

Science: We will be taking up questions # 1- 5 from 7.1.

Geo: We will be watching a documentary on the IMF in class tomorrow. Please make sure you bring in your markers and other writing materials for the lesson.

Grade 8

Math: 6.1 Textbook Ques. A - 3
          6.1 Worksheet (All Ques. )

Lang: Please bring your questions and concerns about your speech topics for our teacher student conference. Those students that I have reviews please make appropriate changes.

Health: Work on health rap. All lyrics should be 80% complete. We will have another work period for writing and will be moving on to presentation work period for raps. Due: Friday Jan. 29th.

Science: We will be taking up questions # 1- 3 from 10.2

Geo: We will be watching a documentary on the IMF in class tomorrow. Please make sure you bring in your markers and other writing materials for the lesson.

Thursday, January 21, 2016

Homework: Jan 21st, 2016


1. Those that have received below a level 2+ must submit redo assignment on Monday Jan. 25th.

Grade 7

Math: Do you remember? Pg. 185 Ch. 6 Ques. 1 - 8

Lang: Speech Outline Due Wed. Jan 27th.

Health: Health Rap on Healthy Foods. Please have at least 30% of your lyrices completed as well as the song selection. Please remember to bring personal devices to school on Monday Jan. 25th to work on your project.

Grade 8 

Math: Do you remember? Pg. 181 Ch. 6 Ques. 1 - 9

Lang: Speech Outline Due Wed. Jan 27th.

Health: Health Rap on Self Esteem. Please have at least 30% of your lyrices completed as well as the song selection. Please remember to bring personal devices to school on Monday Jan. 25th to work on your project.

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Homework: Wed., Jan., 20th


1. Please bring in the $2 for the snacks and drinks for the  debate conference we will be attending.  If you will be getting pizza to an additional $2 will have to be brought in.
2. Please make sure topics are selected for speeches as we will be starting our outline for the competition.
3. Make sure your binder and assessment folders are up to date.
4. If you have recieved the book thief assignment and recieved a level below 2+ make sure corrections are completed and handed in by Mon., Jan., 25th.

Grade 7
1. We will continue with the oral science assessment.
2. Please make notes from your brainstorm that was completed in class of  Lesson 7.1 pages 10 - 12
3. 7.1  Ques. 1 -4 Due Tomorrow.

Grade 8
1. Please make notes from your brainstorm that was completed in class of  Lesson 10.2 pages 268 - 269
2. 10.2  Ques. 1 -3 Due Tomorrow.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

Homework: Jan 19th 2016

Grade 7

Please make sure that your Ski Forms are signed for the new ski date.

- Please make sure you have picked a topic for your speeches.
 - If you have recieved your Book Thief Assignment back, make sure you copy the feedback on the back of your assignment, that has been written on the stick note given and it must be signed by your parents.

Math: Ch. 3 Math tests need to be signed and filed away.

Science: We will be continuing with the oral assessment for our unit.

History: Influential Canadian Presentation will be continued.

Grade 8

Please make sure all Quebec money has been handed in.

- Please make sure you have picked a topic for your speeches.
 - If you have recieved your Book Thief Assignment back, make sure you copy the feedback on the back of your assignment, that has been written on the stick note given and it must be signed by your parents.

Math: Ch. 3 Math tests need to be signed and filed away.

Science: We will be continuing with the oral assessment for our unit.

Geography: Presentations will continue. If assignment on Aid groups is not completed a failing mark will be given.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Homework: Jan 12th

Grade 7

Reminders: Ski Day on Fri Jan 15th. You must be at school for 7:15am and you will be returning at 4:30. Please dress appropriately. 

Math: 1. 5.6 Ques. 6, 7, 8, 10 (Textbook)
           2. Chapter 5 notes should be complete Wed Jan 13th
           3. Chapter 5 handout with formulas should be complete
          4. WB 5.6 All Ques. 
          5. Exam Thurs. Jan 14th

Lang: Please make sure The Book Thief novel is complete as we will be moving in projects in the next week. 

Geo: Read Physical Regions Pgs. 47 - 51 Ques. 1 - 3. Keywords and notes must be completed. 
         Poster Final Due: Mon Jan 18th
         Draft Due: Wed. Jan 13th 

Grade 8 

Math: 1. 5.6 Textbook Ques. 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 11
           2. Ch. 5 notes should be complete for Thurs Jan 14th
           3. Exam Thurs., Jan 14th. 

Lang: Please make sure The Book Thief novel is complete as we will be moving in projects in the next week. 

Geo: Development Aid Pgs. 58 - 61 Ques. 1 and 3. Keywords and notes must be completed. 
         Ques. #2 Due Fri Jan 15th

Monday, January 11, 2016

Homework: Jan 11th

Hello Kiddos!

I have not been feeling well, but I hope all of you were on your best behaviour and worked diligently on the work I have set aside for you. Miss you all and I will be seeing you soon.

God Bless,
Ms. H

Grade 7:

Math: Mid Chapter 5 All Ques. (Textbook)

Language: Finish the Book Thief as we will be preparing for presentations for each section of the book. 

Geography: H.W. Pgs. 46 Ques. 1 a) - b)

Phys. Ed: Bring a change of clothes for indoor phys.ed

Grade 8:

Math: Lesson 5.5 Ques. 4 - 16

Language: Finish the Book Thief as we will be preparing for presentations for each section of the book. 

Geography: H.W. Pgs. 57 Ques. 1 - 4

Phys. Ed. : Bring a change of clothes for indoor phys.ed.

Friday, January 8, 2016

Homework: January 8th 2016

Grade 7

  •  Exam Thurs, Jan 14th
  • 5.3 Worksheet 
  • 5.4 Worksheet
  • Ch. 5 Notes for Exam. 
  • Research Influential Canadian Member 

Grade 8

  •  Exam Fri Jan. 15th
  • 5.3 Worksheet
  • Textbook (#6, 9, 11, 14) 
  • Mid Chapter Review (All Questions)
  • Ch. 5 Notes for Exam. 
  • Notes on Pg.s 46 - 48 (Textbook) Due Mon. Jan. 11th
  • Assessment on Notes Tues., Jan. 12th

    Wednesday, January 6, 2016

    Homework: Jan. 6th 2016

    1. Skating with PM class.
    2. Remember to have your math notes handed in for the exam if you have not already. You will not receive a 5% bonus, however it needs to be completed.

    Grade 7

    Math: 5.1 Ques. 8, 9, and 12 Pg. 153 - 154
               Exam: Fri Jan 8th
    Lang: Grammar sheets must be completed.

    Grade 8

    Lang: Grammar sheets must be completed.
              Exam: Fri Jan. 8th