Ms. H's Subjects

Friday, February 27, 2015

Short Story Unit

What is Science Fiction?

Brainstorm:  What words come to mind when you think of science fiction? Write down your thoughts.

Define the boundaries of Science Fiction:
  1. View a selection of the movie trailers. 
  2. Record a list of trends that they see in more than one film ex: aliens, futuristic setting, etc. (Worksheet)
  3. Rank these trends by importance and justify your decision
  4. Connect to Text-- What other genres are represented in Science Fiction movies? 
  5. Questioning/ Synthesis--  What are the 3 questions consistently being asked in science fiction movies? 
  6. How does sci-fi help answer "What does it mean to be human?"

Movie Trailer Links

* The movie trailer links are only for note taking purposes. I am not asking you to watch the movies. The trailers are used for commercial purposes on TV. In order for us to understand the elements of Science fiction, I am asking you to review the trailer only.

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