Ms. H's Subjects

Friday, February 27, 2015

Friday, February 27 2015

Homework for Grade 8: Due Monday
Math: key question  works sheets
Language: Science Fiction worksheets
Main Character and supporting character worksheet will be collected on Monday

Homework for Grade 7: Due Monday
Math: Answer the key question worksheet.
Language: Finish the 4  mystery worksheets. Main Character and supporting character worksheet will be collected on Monday

Short Story Unit

What is Science Fiction?

Brainstorm:  What words come to mind when you think of science fiction? Write down your thoughts.

Define the boundaries of Science Fiction:
  1. View a selection of the movie trailers. 
  2. Record a list of trends that they see in more than one film ex: aliens, futuristic setting, etc. (Worksheet)
  3. Rank these trends by importance and justify your decision
  4. Connect to Text-- What other genres are represented in Science Fiction movies? 
  5. Questioning/ Synthesis--  What are the 3 questions consistently being asked in science fiction movies? 
  6. How does sci-fi help answer "What does it mean to be human?"

Movie Trailer Links

* The movie trailer links are only for note taking purposes. I am not asking you to watch the movies. The trailers are used for commercial purposes on TV. In order for us to understand the elements of Science fiction, I am asking you to review the trailer only.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Homework Thursday, February 26, 2015

Grade 8 homework
Math: Student Success Lesson 7.4 and Workbook
Language: one example for each type of irony.
Math workbook: Lesson 7.4

Grade 7 Homework
Language: Give 1 example for each type of irony.
Math:  Answer Chapter 7.4 Student Success and Workbook.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Wednesday February 25th, 2015 

Due tomorrow

Grade 7
Science: 11.6 Make Notes
Language: Main Character worksheet and Characterization Trait worksheet

Grade 8
Language: Main Character worksheet and Characterization Trait worksheet.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Homework Monday, February 23, 2015

All homework was given during class to complete. It is your responsbility to complete it at home and continue the task. I will collect and check everything tomorrow. - Ms. H

Grade 8: 
Math: Workbook 7.3 Due: Tuesday Feb 24th, 2015.
French: Finish the paragraph that consists 5 sentences. Due: Tuesday Feb 24th, 2015.
Art: Cartesian coordinates Due: Tuesday Feb 24th, 2015.
Lang: Work on the POV and brainstorm for your sci - fi short story Due: Tuesday Feb 24th, 2015.

Grade 7:
French: Finish the paragraph that consists 5 sentences. Due: Tuesday Feb 24th, 2015.
Math: Work Book Chapter 7.3. Due: Tuesday Feb 24th, 2015.
History: Finish the corrections Due: Tuesday Feb 24th, 2015.
Lang: Work on the POV and brainstorm for your mystery short story Due: Tuesday Feb 24th, 2015.
Art: Cartesian coordinates Due: Tuesday Feb 24th, 2015.

Friday, February 20, 2015

Friday, February, 20, 2015

Grade 7 Homework
Math:  Text book pg. 234 #3-7 9, 13
            Workbook 7.2
Language: Mystery brainstorm idea

Grade 8 Homework
Math Text book: pg. 228 #7, 8, 10-13
Workbook 7.2
Language: Brainstorm short story

Due on Monday!

Student of the Month, Gratitude, Yuri

"What does Gratitude mean to you?"

"Gratitude for me is thanking somebody for the things that you get in your daily life."

" How can you show others gratitude?"

" I can show others what gratitude is, by saying thank you and you're welcome to the person who has done nice things for me."

Thursday, February 19, 2015

Homework Thursday, February 19th, 2015.

Grade 7
History: Answer Creation Story Questions (1 - 3) Pg. 62. Due: Tomorrow
              Complete answers with supporting evidence.
              Research on the Seven Year War and brainstorm ideas for 3D model.
Math: 7.1 Student Success Due: Tomorrow
          7.1 Workbook  Due: Tomorrow

Science: Sign Test and do corrections.
               11.4 p. 42 - 44 Due: Tuesday Feb. 24th

Grade 8
Geography: Work on Project ( Dragons Den Assignment) Pg. 74 # 3
                    Please Hand in Pg. 74 Ques. #1 and #2  Due: Friday Feb. 20th

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Over Coming Fears of going to Grade 9

     Today we had a presentation from a special guest named Lauren. She taught us the fears of going to High school and showed us many ways to overcome them. Some ways were giving us a surprise test to first show us the fear that we may experience, teaching us some techniques to get over these fears, and giving us a chance to learn how to use a lock. She selected two individuals to use these techniques by reaching their hand down a container which contents were unknown. Both individuals were very surprised by what was actually inside!

Daniella got surprised by a jump-snake from the container!

 Ethan reached down a pile of mealworms in which he first thought was rice!

After that, Lauren said that she had special guests from Australia, Africa and Asia. To our surprise, these special guests were actually insects and reptiles! Lauren brought these in knowing a lot of people have fears of both of these types of animals. Not only that, but she also made up approach and touch them. Some of these animals were cockroaches, stick-bugs, caterpillars, mealworms, and a blue-tongued lizard. Many people were brave enough to hold these animals in their hands while others were scared and just decided to pet... a few. Here are some pictures of the animals:

It was really fun (and quite scary) and it taught us many things we may need once we enter High school! It was a great experience!

By: Patrick B and Mirelle

Wednesday, February 18th, 2015 Homework

Gr. 8
 Gr. 7

Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Homework February, 11, 2015

Grade 7:
Science finish Chapter review questions
Math answer test yourself wb test on Tuesday

Grade 8:
Math test on thursday

Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Homework Tuesday, February, 10, 2015

Grade 8:
Geography: Take notes on Ch. 4 pg. 68-73 due tomorrow
Math: Ch. 6 test on Thursday, make notes for each lesson

Grade 7:
History: Answer the questions
Math: Textbook 6.8 #4,5,9-11 pg. 218, SS and WB

Friday, February 6, 2015

Homework Friday, February 6th, 2015

Grade 7:
Grade 8:

Catholic Women's League Speeches

    For the past few weeks our class has been creating speeches in preparation for the Catholic Women's League that took place on Thursday, February 5, 2015 in the Parish Hall. All the of speeches from our class were equally great, but the two representatives that Ms. H, our teacher, chose were Mateo in Grade 7 and Kayla in Grade 8. These two gladly and greatly, represented our class. Unfortunately neither of them took place as runner-up or winner. 

Here are some pictures:

During Kayla's speech
 During Mateo's speech

 When Mateo received his prize:
 Our two representatives with their speech certificates

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Homework Thursday, February 5th, 2015

Grade 8:

Chapter 5 History notes
   due: Monday

Grade 7:

Math: S.S and WB lesson 6.5

Science: Science questions for lessons 10.1-10.4 typed.
   Test is on Thursday

Reminder: Sign Parent-Teacher Interview and shots sheet

Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Homework Wednesday, February 4th, 2015

Grade 8:

 Grade 7:

Carbohydrates Rap Videos

      For Health class we have been learning about carbohydrates. We have created a music video of our raps about carbohydrates. Here are some:

Vajk, Maher, Kayla, Yuri and Asia's group

Eugene, Josh, Suzanne, Daniella, and Chloe's group

Mirelle, Patrick, Andrew, and Petra's group

Kristian, Douglas, Patrick S., Al-Ain's group

Mateo, Marco, Nicole, and John Rey's group

Jack, Ethan, Jomilee, and Madeline's group

What happened in January?

Snow Valley Ski Trip

     Recently we finished our 3 ski trips to Snow Valley in Barrie. The Grade 4s to 8s enjoyed these  ski trips which took place on January 9, 16, 26. We had to arrive at school before 7:30 in the morning, and started to head back to school at 2:30PM. On the last ski trip, it was very chaotic because of the very long lines for rentals.We ended up waiting around an hour before we got out skis! Although this happened we still had a great time in two hours we had left. I hope everyone enjoyed this trip too!

Here are some pictures at Snow Valley:

Our Christmas Box Decoration Won!

     Congratulations to our class for winning the Christmas box decoration competition. We dressed up our donation box to St. Paul's as an apartment building with children waiting for their presents from Santa. We all contributed greatly because we had to finish it in all just one day of decorating! We thank all those who brought in materials and those who decorated the box. As a prize we got delicious cupcakes! It was well deserved!

By: Mirelle and Patrick B.