Wednesday, January 30, 2019
Homework: Jan. 30th 2019
1. We will be on our trip for the Ilite program. Please bring a bottle of water and a pair of clean socks to donate for the program. Please come to school on time. Students that have yet to hand in the new form and money must bring it in or will not be able to attend.
2. Please make sure the assessment folders are up to date.
Grade 7/8
1. Speech outlines are due Friday Feb. 1st
2. Hot Holiday Gift good copy of report with rough drafts to be handed in on Friday Feb. 1st with cover page. Presentations for the report will begin next week.
Monday, January 28, 2019
1. Please sign Assessment Folders
2. ILITE Trip Forms
Grade 7
Language: Pick and research your topic for your speech. You will submit your topics tomorrow.
Math: Probability worksheets will be taken up tomorrow.
French: Menu's and Invites for group due tomorrow.
Science: Finish Rough Copy of Ecosystems diagrams.
Please bring pencil crayons and a fine tip marker.
Grade 8
Language: Pick and research your topic for your speech. You will submit your topics tomorrow.
Math: Probability worksheets will be taken up tomorrow.
French: Menu's and Invites for group due tomorrow.
Science: Read and make notes 4.1 Ques. 2 - 4 and 4.2 Ques. 1-3
History: Pg. 43 Ques. 1 - 2
Saturday, January 26, 2019
I-LITE Trip Information
Thursday, January 24, 2019
Homework: Jan. 24th
1. Ski Trip Tomorrow. Students are to meet in the school atrium at 7:15am. Please dress warmly with ski pants, jacket, gloves, ski mask, etc. Lunch can be brought from home or bought with students own money at the chalet.
2. I-Lite trip form and money ( $5). Our trip will be on Tuesday, so it is important all the money and forms are brought in as soon as possible.
Grade 7
1. WB 12.1 - 12.3
2. Probablity Worksheet
1. HHG 1st Draft is due Monday
1. Ecosystem 4.1 Please read over and research on the ecosytem given to you in class. If you were not in class, please pick a ecosystem and find information on t the interactions between abiotic and biotic elements in that ecosystem. Please bring information on Monday so that you can work on your assignment in class.
Grade 8
1. WB 12.1 - 12.3
2. Probablity Worksheet
1. HHG 1st Draft is due Monday
1. Read 4.1 Answer Ques. 1 - 4
2. Read 4.2 Answer Ques. 1 - 3
1. Read pgs. 40 - 43 Ques. 1 - 2
Tuesday, January 22, 2019
Homework: Tues. Jan. 22nd
Great job students with successfully completing your math exam today. Students who were absent will have to finish this first thing tomorrow morning.
1. Please remember ILITE permission forms with $5 for our field trip.
2. Upcoming ski trip Friday Jan. 25th
Grade 7/8
Lang. (Media)
1. HHG report plan due tomorrow
2. Please research a topic for your upcoming speech assignment that you would like to write and present about.
3. Students who were away yesterday need to finish there advertising strategy worksheet.
4. Outstanding book reports must be handed in tomorrow. Please ensure both the rough and good copy are handed in. Book reports were due Mon. Jan 21st.
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
Homework: Wednesday Jan. 16
1. Ski payments of $125 need to be handed in asap.
Grade 7/8
Test Tomorrow
Exam review was given. Please study for the exam on Monday.
Book report rough copies were graded based on completion. A work period was given to edit your reports. Please have both rough copy and good copy handed on given due date
Monday, January 14, 2019
Friday, January 11, 2019
Homework: Friday, January 11th, 2019
1. Ski Forms and Money
2. Graduation Hoodie Forms and Money
3. Graduation Parent Volunteer Forms
Grade 7
1. Chapter Review Pg. 56 Questions 1 - 7, and 10
Oral Test on Questions Monday Jan 14th and Tuesday Jan 15th
2. Structural Failure Project Poster Due Tuesday Jan. 15th and Presentation Wednesday Jan 16th and Thursday Jan. 17th
a) Research and present on one Structural Failure in the world.
Please give information:
* What happened?
* Where it happened?
*When it happened?
*Who was affected?
i) Identify the type of Structural Failure:
*Extraordinary Load
*Bad Design
*Foundation Failure
*Faulty Construction
ii) Why did the structural failure happen?
c) Explain how it could of been prevented
* One bristol board. (Colour of your choice)
* Title in the center in large font ( Please cut out or trace the letters neatly)
* 3 pictures that are on topic
* Caption under the images explaining the picture.
* Colourful
1. Food Guide Test Monday Jan. 14th
1. Chapter 7 Test Wed. Jan. 16th
Video on Rotation
2. Exam Chapter 1 - 4 and 7 on Monday Jan 21st
Grade 8
1. Cell Unit Cover Page Due Monday Jan., 14th
1. Food Guide Test Monday Jan. 14th
1. Chapter 7 Test Wed. Jan. 16th
2. Exam Chapter 1 - 4 and 7 on Monday Jan 21st
Tuesday, January 8, 2019
Homework: Jan. 8th
1. Ski Forms and Money. Online payments can be made as well.
2. Students are to borrow or purchase Wonder Novel By R. J. Palacio for our Novel Study
3. Students are to bring a personal novel to read in class during silent reading. ( This does not include the Novel study we are doing. )
Grade 7
Math: Chapter 7
1. Videos to review for extra help
Cartesian and Co-Ordinate Systems
2. W.B. 7.1 All Questions
3. Please watch and make notes
Lesson 7.2 Translations
4. 2. W.B. 7.2 All Questions
1. Paraphrase Article Paragraphs 1 - 20. One sentence per paragraph.
2. Where Has All the Wildlife Gone Answer Questions 1 - 10
Grade 8
Math: Chapter 7
1. Videos to review for extra help
Cartesian and Co-Ordinate Systems
2. W.B. 7.1 All Questions
3. Please watch and make notes
Lesson 7.2 Translations
4. 2. W.B. 7.2 All Questions
1. Paraphase Article Paragraphs 1 - 20. One sentence per paragraph.
2. Where Has All the Wildlife Gone Answer Questions 1 - 10