Ms. H's Subjects

Wednesday, May 23, 2018



1. Please make sure all graduation bio's are done for tomorrow. They must be a full page and emailed to me as a word document or pasted in the body of the email.

2. Please bring in yearbook money/forms. They can also be paid online.

3. Math projects are due May 25th (Friday). Please bring in your materials for our last work period before the due date.

4. Valedictorian rough copy speeches are due May 25th (Friday). Please be ready to have your peers edit your work. The final copy will be given on May 28th (Monday). Remember to have 2 good copies ready for Monday printed. 

5. Science Test Chapter 1 Tomorrow.

6. Those who have not handed in your character posters for Wonder need to be handed in tomorrow. A late mark will be given.

Science Test Overview

Test Outline

Part A - True/False

Part B: Fill in the blanks

Part C: Matching

Part D: Multiple Choice

Part E: Short Answer

Review of Test Content

* Review all systems and examples

*Understand Input and Output

* Physical / Soical Systems - Similarities and Differences

* Understand what side effects are and how they relate toe Input and Output factors

* Explain the differences from systems vs. industries

Wednesday, May 16, 2018

French Exam Info

French Examen – June 1st 2018

- last test before GRAD

Verbes + Verbe Tenses


-        Vouloir = to want

-        Pouvoir = to be able to (can)

-        In pouvoir present tense – it is always followed by a verb in infinitive (original form)

-        Negative forms of all verbes (ne + pas)

-        Imperatif: giving orders/command – RE, -IR, -ER

-        Pronoms for Imperatif: Tu, Nous, Vous

-        Futur Proche (double verb construction) – “I am going to _______”

Aller au present + verbe a l’infinitif

Je vais, Tu vas, Il va, Nous allons, Vous allez, Ils vont


Je vais courrir / Je vais manger / Tu vas manger / Il va manger / Nous allons manger / Vous allez danser / Ils vont regarder la television

-        Vocabulaire au restaurant – Fill in the blank on a dialogue

-        L’horaire de transportation – You will receive a schedule and you will have to write sentences about when you are leaving and departing (depart + partir) pg. 10-11 dans le livre

-        Giving directions in French – You will be given a map and have to write directions from A to B

-        Reading Comprehension: Asking and answering questions about Quebec

-        Writing Task: Writing a postcard – elements of postcard in French​