Ms. H's Subjects

Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Homework: Jan. 24th


1. Photocopy of health cards need to be brought in tomorrow for the Quebec Trip.
2. Assessment folders need to be updated and signed.
3. Please find a new novel to silently read in class. Please bring it in Tomorrow.


Math: Due Tomorrow
1. TB: Do you remember pg. 181 # 1- 9

Language: Due Tomorrow
1. Speech Intro with edits.

Science: Due Friday Jan. 26th
1. 4.5 R/N #4 Pg. 20 - 23

History: Due Tomorrow
1. Hero or Villain Paragraph on Canadian Politian: Should people be judged by their achievements or should their personalities be considered as well?

Health/Media: Due Tomorrow
1. Health Rap Presentations in Class. Excited to see them!

Math/Lang./Art: Due Fri. Jan. 26th
1. Final touches should be done for Pi presentations.

Monday, January 22, 2018

Homework: Jan. 23rd

Math/ Lang.

Please have all your materials in to work on your project tomorrow.

It will be the last work period in class. You will present on Friday.

In preparation of your presentation it is highly recommended that you have all your materials in my Thursday so that you do not forget anything for your presentation for friday.

No extensions will be given. Please be ready on friday to present.


4.2 Ques. 1 - 3 and 4.3  Ques. 2, 3, 4, and 6 will be taken up tomorrow .


Please make sure you have a topic for your speech assignment as I will be writing them down.

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

Homework: Jan 17th

1. Quebec money in full is due tomorrow.

1. Please bring in materials to work on your Pi project

4.1 Ques. 1 - 3 Pgs. 10 - 12

Thursday, January 11, 2018

Homework: Jan. 11th 2018

1. Indoor Shoes.
2. Please update your assessment. I will be checking tomorrow.


1. Lesson 5.6 and Test Yourself
2. We will take up 5.4 and 5.5 in class tomorrow.
3. Please study for your exam on Jan. 16th
4. Math Pi project due Fri. Jan. 26th (Language Oral/ History/ Math)


1. Lyrics are due typed out tomorrow.


1. We will continue with our cell unit tomorrow. Please make sure you review your notes and have them neatly done.

Wednesday, January 10, 2018

Homework: Jan. 10th, 2018

1. Indoor Shoes
2. Please update assessment.

Lang/Health: Health Rap lyrics are due Friday, Jan. 12th. Must be typed.

Math: 1. Math Exam on Chapters 1 - 5 and 12 on Jan. 16th. Please review and study daily as we are
               approaching this date soon.
           2. Watch video and make notes. I will be marking your notes.
               What is Pi (Review)
               Circle Properties ( Review)
               Circles, Circumference, and Area  (Review for Circles and Circumference/ Preview to new                                                                          Lesson on Area for next class)
               Circles and Parallelograms ( Preview to new Lesson on Area for next class)

Rubric for Notes

Level 4
Level 3
Level 2
Level 1
Neatness & Organization
1.Neat handwriting
2.Organized format
3.Easy to read
4.Spaced out
1.Neat handwriting
2.Organized format
3.Easy to read
4.Spaced out
1.Neat handwriting
2.Organized format
3.Easy to read
4.Spaced out
1.Neat handwriting
2.Organized format
3.Easy to read
4.Spaced out
Content Accuracy
1.All info is recorded accurately
All info is recorded accurately.
All info is recorded accurately
All info is recorded accurately
Required Elements
3.Page numbers
4. Underlined when required
5. Highlighted when required
3.Page numbers
4. Underlined when required
5. Highlighted when required
3.Page numbers
4. Underlined when required
5. Highlighted when required
3.Page numbers
4. Underlined when required
5. Highlighted when required
Illustrations & Diagrams
1.Clear illustrations and diagrams
2. Accurate and labelled.
1.Clear illustrations and diagrams
2. Accurate and labelled.
1.Clear illustrations and diagrams
2. Accurate and labelled.
1.Clear illustrations and diagrams
2. Accurate and labelled.

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Homework: Tuesday, Jan. 9th


1. Indoor shoes.
2. Pizza lunch changes:
-Friday Jan. 12th changed to Thursday Jan. 11th
-Friday Jan. 26th changed to Thursday Jan. 25th


1. 5.2 WB
2. 5.2 KQ tomorroe
3. Please sign 5.1 KQ and return your assessment folder.

1. Health lyrics due Jan. 12th typed out.

History: (Math/Language)
1. Pi and Ancient civilization Project due Jan. 26th.
- Please complete the research portion for your group.

Monday, January 8, 2018

Homework: Monday, Jan. 8th, 2017

1. Outstanding Chocolate boxes/money due Wed. Jan 10th
2. Indoor shoes
3. Please be in uniform and all cell phones must be stored in your school bags with the ringer on silent. Devices are to be used under teacher supervision for educational purposes.


Math: 5.1 WB All questions.
           5.1 TB notes/diagram
           5.1 Key Ques Tomorrow

1. Health Rap Lyrics must be typed out and handed in on Jan. 12

2. Presentation of Health Rap videos and skits due Jan. 25th

1. Review science notes on Cells.