Ms. H's Subjects

Friday, September 29, 2017

Homework: Friday, Sept. 29th


1. Stratford Trip On Tuesday, Oct 3rd. Please make sure you bring in your walking forms if you are walking or taking the public transit after the trip. The walking forms must have the date of our trip, the name of the student, and permission authorizing that you are allowed to walk or take the bus home from school, along with your parents signature. We will be arriving at school around 6pm, please ensure that your parents are there to pick you up if you are not walking or taking the bus home. 

2. Curriculum Night Wed Oct 4th at 6:30 pm

3. Terry Fox Run Oct 5th 

4. Update and Sign assessment Folders.


TB: Pgs. 52 - 55 (Ques. 6, 8, 9, and 10
WB: 2.2 All Ques. 

Watch the following videos and make notes as well. 


Please work on projects at home as we were unable to use the school's wifi today. Make sure you print and bring in your findings to work in class during our next geography period.


We will continue with our Hero's vs. Idols presentation on Monday. 

Secret Question:

Who came today to give a speech during our Invictus Games at the Metro Convention Centre?

Thursday, September 28, 2017

Homework: Thurs. Sept. 28th, 2017

1. Permission forms for media and walking.
1.  Decimal Mulitplication worksheet
1. Heros vs. Idols oral presentations continued
1. Chapter 10 test

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Homework: Wed. Sept. 27th


1. Please bring in your field trip money and form to Stratford
2. Picture Day Oct. 12th.
3. Please bring in your Forms for Information and Permission Form handout that was given today. Please make sure your name is on it with your Guardians signature.
4. Contact forms
5. Congratulations Sophia for students of the month for the virture of hospatility. Our next virtue is Gratitude for the month of October.
6. It is important that all students have a novel to read during silent reading that they can keep at school.

Grade 8

Lang.: We will continue with our presentations for Heros vs. Idols.

Science: Chapter 10 Test on Friday. Please review all your notes and answers to all your work in                       Chapter 10.

Phys. Ed.: Please bring a change of clothes for phys. ed and running shoes.

Secret Ques.
What country has the longest coastline in the world?

Tuesday, September 26, 2017

Homework: Tuesday, Sept. 26th


1. Starford Play Permission Forms and Money.

2. Please bring a water bottle to class as it is very hot on the 3rd floor and it is important that we are constantly hydrated throughout the day.

Grade 8

1. Please be ready to present of the Heros and Idol paragraphs that you have written.

1. Lesson 2.1 Ques. 7 - 10 Textbook
2. Lesson 2.1 All Ques. Workbook

1. Ch. 10 Test on Friday. Please review your notes and chapter review.

Monday, September 25, 2017

Homework: Sept. 25th, 2017


1. Please sign all assessments
2. Remember field trip money and permission form

Grade 8

Math: Due Tomorrow

Chapter 2 Do you Remember Ques. 1 - 14 (Textbook)

Language: Due Tomorrow

Hero's and Idol assignment. Please think of 5 Hero's and 5 Idols and explain:
1. Who they are?
2. Why they are important to you?
3. What makes them a hero or an idol?
4. What connections ( text/self/world) you can make to your hero or idol?

Science: Chapter 10 Review Questions 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14


Friday, September 22, 2017

Friday, Sept. 22nd 2017

1. Straford Trip Money and Forms

1. Congratulations Tara and Aaron for a job well done with the student council speeches.

2. Congratulations Aaron for being selected to be on student council and for representing our class. We are very proud of you.

Grade 8

Geography: Due Monday
1. Pg. 8 Ques. 2
2. Pg. 13 Ques. 1, 3, and 4
3. Pgs. 16 - 21 (Read and make notes) Ques. 1 and 2 on pg .21

Language: Due Monday
1. Twelfth Night Act 1 Read and make notes.

Wednesday, September 20, 2017

Homework: Wed. Sept 20th


1. Stratford Permission Forms and money
2. Contact Card

Phys. Ed
1. Change of clothes for Phys. Ed. and proper running shoes.

1. Part 1 Chapter 1 ( 1.1 - 1.5) Test Tomorrow
2. Videos on LCM and GCF to help you with your math review.

LCM Video
GCF Video

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Homework: Tuesday, Sept 19th, 2017


1. Field Trip Form and Money for Stratford
2. Parent Contact Form Card
3. Agenda Money

1. Due: Wed. Sept 20th
* TB 1.8 Ques. 9a) 11, 12, 15, and 16
*WB 1.8 All Ques.

2. Due: Thurs Sept. 21st
*WB 1.9
*WB Test Yourself All Ques.

3. Math Test Ch. 1 (Part 1: 1.1 - 1.5) on Thurs. Sept 21st

4. Math Test Ch. 1 ( Part 2: 1.6, 1.8, and 1.9) on Friday Sept 22nd

1. Due: Thurs. Sept. 21st
* Read and make notes on lesson 1.5 Ques. ( 1 - 4)

2. Due Tues. Sept. 26th
*Chapter Review Ques. (2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14)

3. Science Ch. 10 Test on Thurs. Sept. 28th

Secret Question Blog Check: Who is on the $5 dollar bill?

Monday, September 18, 2017

Homework: Monday, Sept. 18th, 2017


1. Update assessment folder
2. Stratford Trip Permission form and money.
3. Iep forms
4. Handout of all highschool open houses have been sent with your child. Please read over with them.

Math: 1.6 WB All Questions.

Science: Questions are due tomorrow in class. Pgs. 12 - 17 10.2 and 10.3 All questions.

Art: Selfie Goals due tomorrow

Wednesday, September 13, 2017

Homework: Sept. 13th 2017

Grade 8 

1. Girls Baseball Tryouts on Thursday.
2. Boys Baseball Tryouts on Friday.
3. Parent Contact Sheet.

Math: Lesson 1.5 WB ( All Ques.)
          TB 1.5 (Ques. 7, 8, 10, 12, 15, 16, and 17)

Religion: Please write the Apostles Creed and Our Father prayers.

Phys. Ed.: Please bring a change of clothes and running shoes. Students who are not in proper phys. ed uniform will not be able to participate due to health and safety reasons.

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Homework: Sept. 12th 2017

Homework: Sept. 12th

1. Remember to purchase  a scienticfic calculator and water bottle.
2. Assessment folders must be up to date.

1. TB. Pgs. 16 - 18 Ques. 5, 6, 7, and 10.
2. WB. Lesson 1.4 All Ques.

1. Please read Act 1 Sc .2 and makes notes. We will be analysising and summarizing both scenes in class tomorrow. 
2. Questions will be taken up for Shakespeare tomorrow

1. Cover page and french package needs to be completed tomorrow.

Friday, September 8, 2017

Reminder for Grade 8s

Please have your twelfth night books ready for monday.

Homework: Sept., 8th 2017

1. WB. 1.3
2. TB. 4, 7, 8, 10 - 12

1. Ques. 2 Pg. 8
2. Research on your keyword project.

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Homework: Thurs., Sept. 7th, 2017

1. Agenda and Scientist in the school Forms and money. 
2. Curriculum Night Oct. 4th. More details to follow. 
3. Stratford: Twelfth Night Oct. 3rd. More details to follow. 
4. Breakfast Club Forms. 

Grade 8:

1. Lesson 1.2 
*TB. Pgs. 8 - 11 Ques. (7, 8, 11, and 13)
*WB.  1.2 ( All Ques.)

2. Please watch the following video and make notes. 

1. Please complete your answers for the article "Do Cellphones Belong in Schools?"
    Remember your Success Criteria! 

1. Game day. 

1. Secret Question:
What is the longest river in the world?