Ms. H's Subjects

Friday, May 26, 2017

Homework: Friday May 26th

Grade 7 

1. Chapter 10 Review Textbook Pg. 379 Ques. 1 - 8
2. Math Test has been changed to Monday May 29th

Reminder: Students who did not do there science notes must hand it in on Monday.

Grade  8 

Instrumental Music: Please bring your materials

Reminder: Students must bring in toppings to participate in the ice cream day.

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Homework: Thurs. May 25th

1. Girls soccer practice at 7:30am on the field or Gym (if raining)

Grade 7

1. Math test Tuesday 30th
2. WB  10.6 and WB 10.7
3.WB Test Yourself

1. Ch. 2 Chapter review  1- 6, 8 and 12
2. Ch. 2 Test Wed. June 6th

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Homework: May 24th

1. Girls Soccer Practice at 7:30am on the field.

Grade 7

1. Lesson 10.4 Pgs. 360 ( 6, 8, 10, 12)
2. WB 10.4 (All Ques.)
3. Lesson 10.5 Pgs. 364 ( 5 - 7 &9)
4. WB. 10.5 (All Ques.)
5. If you took your Isometric Cube drawings home to complete please remember to work your work tomorrow. Most of you completed this task in class. :)

1. Answer Questions for What in the World Article

Grade 8

History: Please bring materials for confederation project.

Phys. Ed.: Please bring a change of clothes. We will be going outdoors so dress appropriately.

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Homework: Tues. May 23rd

1. Girls Soccer Practice on the field at 7:30am

Grade 7

Math: Due Tomorrow
1. Textbook: 10.3 Ques. 6 - 8
2. WB: 10.3 All Ques. 
3. Mid Chapter 10 Review All Ques. 
4. Math Worksheet

Language: Due Tomorrow
1. Read worksheet and make notes, connections etc. )

1. Worksheet 

Grade 7*/'8                * Mr. Furnari;s Grade 7's

History: Due Tomorrow
1, Read worksheet and answer questions. 

Friday, May 19, 2017

Homework: Friday, May 19th, 2017

1. Girls soccer practice 11:15 on the field. Bring your gear :)

Grade 7

Math: Due Tues. May 23rd
1. Txt 10.2 Ques. 7 - 10
2. W.B. 10.1 & 10.2
3. Worksheet
4. Math video:

Science: Due Tues. May 23rd
1. Read 2.1 Make notes and do Ques. 2 - 6
2. Read 2.2 Make notes and do Ques. 1 - 4
3. Read 2.3 Make notes and do Ques. 2 - 6

Grade 8

Instrumental Music: Bring your materials.

Thursday, May 18, 2017

Homework: Thurs. May 18th

1. Girls Soccer practice at lunch on the field. Please bring cleats and shin guards.

Grade 7

Math: Txt 10.1 Ques. ( A - E). Please complete your net objects. Have them in a separate bag when coming to school so they don't get destroyed. You will be marked on accuracy, neatness, and design.

Science: Chapter 1 Test Tomorrow. Good luck studying :)

Grade 8

History: We will be working on our backdrops tomorrow and props. Please bring pencil crayons and markers to colour in your rough copies.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Homework: Tuesday May 16th

Grade 7

1. Please review notes, homework, and videos in preparation for your test on Chapter 9 Tomorrow. Happy Studying :)

1. Lesson 1.6 Ques. 2 & 4
2. Chapter 1 Review Ques., 1 - 7, 10, 15, 16, 18, 23, and 24.

Monday, May 15, 2017

Homework: Monday May 15th

Grade 7


1. Test Ch. 9 Wed. May 17th
2. Chapter 9 Self Test ( All Questions) Due Tomorrow ( Tuesday, May 16th)
3. Chapter 9 Chapter Review ( All Questions) Due Tomorrow ( Tuesday, May 16th)

Science: Due Tomorrow ( Tuesday May 16th)

Textbook Link ( Pure Substances and Mixtures): Pure Substances and Mixtures Please download and save the pdf if you have not done so already.

1. Lesson 1.2 Ques. 2 &  4 (Please read, make notes, and answer questions)
2. Bill Nye Video: Phases of Matter Worksheet  ( Please make notes on the video)
Video: Phases of Matter
3. Lesson 1.4 Ques. 2 &  4 ( Please read, makes notes, and answer questions)
4. Worksheet: Pure Substances and Mixtures
* Time was given in class as a work period, therefore homework must be completed for tomorrow.

Mr Polese Students:
1. Workbook 1.1 - 1.4 should be completed for tomorrow.
2. Make notes on the Bill Nye Video
Video: Phases of Matter
3. Both worksheets need to be completed: Bill Nye: Phases of Matter and Pure Substances and Mixtures

Grade 8 


1. Please complete the art worksheet " Elements of Art: Colour"
2. Please watch the following video and make notes.
Video: Pointillism


1. Confederation work period will be given tomorrow. Please bring all appropriate materials to complete you Backdrop and Props. Rough Backdrop copy must be coloured in. Rough copy will be due at the end of the day tomorrow.

Sunday, May 14, 2017

Homework: May 12th

Grade 7

Math: TXT Chapter Self Test ( All Questions)
           WB Ch. 9 Test Yourself ( All Questions)

Grade 8

Instrumental Music: Please bring appropriate material.

Thursday, May 11, 2017

Homework: May 11th

Grade 7

1. Math Test Ch. 9 Wed. May 11
2. WB. 9.6 All Ques.
3. TB 9.6 Ques. 7 (a,b,e) 8(a,b,e) 9 (a,b,e), 12, and 13
4. WB 9.7 All Ques.
5. TB 9.7 Ques. 4, 5, and 7

1. Invasive Species Project Due Tomorrow.

Grade 8

Art: Turtle's need to be coloured in. Due Tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 10, 2017

Homework: May 10th


1. Please sign all assessments for tomorrow. I will be checking your assessment folders.

Grade 7 

Science: Please bring in your poster materials for a work period in class. Also all work must be completed for Pure substances and mixtures. Refer to previous post for link to text and questions. Please be aware that the pdf will take sometime to load. When it does load please download the textbook.

Math: We will be taking up Mid Chapter 9 Textbook and 9.5 Textbook tomorrow. Please refer to previous post for questions.

Grade 8

Phys. Ed.: Please bring a change of clothes for phys, ed.

History: Backdrop Rough Drafts are due at the end of the day tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 9, 2017

Homework: Tuesday, May 9th

1. Crowning of Mary ( Morning)/Rosary  Tomorrow
2. 10k Sporting Life Run Sunday May 12th
3. Track Field ( Regional) Thursday, May 18th

Grade 7

( Please refer to previous post for math video's on this lesson)
1. TB: 9.5 Pg. 324 Ques. 7 ( a, c, e) 8(a,d), 10, 15, 20
2. WB 9.5 All Ques.
* We will be taking up questions in class for both mid - chapter and 9.5. Track students please have all work done.

Link for Textbook Online
Pure Substances and Mixtures
1. Lesson 1.1 "What is Matter" Ques. 1 - 3 Pgs. 10 - 13 Answer and Take Notes
2. Work period tomorrow on Invasive Species. Please bring materials to class.

Grade 8

Please finish outline your turtle shell. Please bring the art in tomorrow to proceed with your next steps of the assignment.

Instrumental Music:
Please bring in your materials for class.

Monday, May 8, 2017

Homework: Monday May 8th


1. Crowning of Mary in the gym May 10th

Grade 7 


1. TB Mid Chapter Review Q. 1 - 13  Pg. 321
2. Please watch the following video so that you will be well prepared for tomorrow's lesson.
Track students we watched this in class*. Make sure to make notes.

Subtracting fractions with rectangle models (grids) *
Adding fractions with rectangle models ( grids)


1. Rough Copy of Invasive Species Due Tomorrow in class.
2. I will give you time in class to work on your good copy. Please bring in necessary materials for your project. Good Copy is due Friday May 12.

Grade 8


1. Character Sketch Due at the end of the day Tomorrow. Please bring in your materials for your project.

Friday, May 5, 2017

Homework: May 5th

Grade 7

TB   9.3 Ques., 7,8,9,11 & 14
WB 9.3 All Ques.

 TB  9.4 Ques., 8, 9, &14
 WB 9.4 All Ques.,

Invasive Species Rough Copy Due Tuesday May 9th
Final Copy Friday May 12th

Grade 8

1. A Terrible Hunger Worksheet Completed for Monday May 8th
2. Confederation Project- Please bring in all materials to finish your character sketch assignment.

Stress Worksheet Brainstorm Due Tuesday May 9th

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Homework: Thurs. May 4th

Grade 7

Math:TB  9.2 Ques. 7 (b, c, f) 8, 9, 10, 15
          WB 9.2 ( All Questions)

Science: Please bring your materials to work on your Invasive Species project tomorrow.

* Students that need to complete any outstanding tests will have time tomorrow during the Science work period.

Grade 8

History: Character Sketch Due Tomorrow.

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Homework: Wed. May 3rd

1. Track and Field Monday May 8th
2. Please bring back survey envelopes by Friday May 5th

Grade 7

Science: Invasive Species Wanted Poster Assignment.
              Rough Copy Due: Tuesday May 9th
              Good Copy Due: Friday May 12th

Math: Please watch the following video in preparation for our math lesson tomorrow. You will need to make notes. I will be checking your notes. 😉
Fractions are parts

Grade 8

Phys. Ed: Please bring a change of clothes for Phys. Ed Tomorrow. You will be evaluated on your Hand Clap Dance.
Hand Clap Video

History: Confederation project character sketch on Bristol board Due Fri May 5th.