Ms. H's Subjects

Friday, September 30, 2016

Homework: Friday, Sept. 30th

Grade 7
1. We have moved our Chapter 1 math test to Tues. Oct. 4th.
2. TB Pg. 35 All Ques.

1. Scrap Book Assignment. Ch. 1 and Ch. 2  need to be edited. We will be doing Ch. 3 in class on Monday.

Grade 8
1. Chapter 1 Test Monday Oct. 3rd. Read over notes and look over pages 4 - 23 and define the keywords.
2. Cruising the Northwest Passage Article questions due Monday Oct. 3rd.
3. Cruising the Northwest Passage Map Due. Wed. Oct. 5th
4. Please look for large boxes for your upcoming project. I will store them in the class.

Romeo and Juliet Books

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Homework: Thurs. Sept. 29th 2016

Grade 7


1.If you want to be in the running for Student Council, you will have to be ready to present your speech tomorrow. 

2. Sign your assessment folders

1. WB Pg.10 -11 Ques.#1-17
2. TB Pg. 33 #1-11
3. Ch. 1 Test Monday Oct. 3rd

1.Chart Pg. 18

Grade 8

Reminder: No Fear Shakespeare Romeo and Juliet books need brought in.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Homework: Wednesday, Sept. 28th


If you want to run in the elections for Student Council, speeches  in class are due Friday September 30th.

Grade 7
MATH: TB  Pg. 32 #6-9
             WB  Pg. 9

Grade 8
DRAMA: Finish "A Love Story" handout except the for the "Writing About It" section.

Monday, September 26, 2016

Homework: Monday, Sept. 26th, 2016

Grade 7

1. WB. 1.7 Pg. 7 
2. TB. Pg, 26 - 29  Ques. 8, 12, and 15
3. Please watch the following video and make notes: BEDMAS Video

Grade 8 

Presentations continued

Friday, September 23, 2016

Homework: Friday, Sept. 23rd

1. Shot Forms
2. Walking/Agenda Money Forms
3. Spirit Clothes Forms
4. Confirmation Forms
5. Start looking for scrapbook materials for our upcoming language project. 

Grade 7 

Math: Watch video again to make detail notes. Please go over your math corrections in preparation for a key question on Monday. If not handed in already, please hand in your math storybooks. A late mark will be given for late submission.

Lang./Religion/Fully Alive: Selfie Goals need to be completed. Please make sure it is coloured and ready to be handed in on Monday. Please review the success criteria.

1. Outline with dark colour
2. Neat and clean lines
3. Appropriate shading
4. Complete sentences and logical goals.
5. Spelling/Grammar/Punctuation
6. Appropriate facial traits
7. Proportional

Grade 8

Geography; Borough Anchor Chart Presentation on Monday, Sept. 26th

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Homework: Thursday, Sept. 22, 2016

Grade 7

1. Math Story Book good copy. Due: Tomorrow (Lang./Math)
2. WB. Pg. 6
3. TB. 8, 9 A) B) C) (i-ii), 11, 12, 13, 15
4. Watch Math Video and make notes. 

Religion/Fully Alive:
1. Selfie Goal handout. Please write 3 school related goals for the year only. Please make sure it is neat and the font is big. We will do the rest of the handout in class.  Due: Tomorrow

1. Shot Forms
2. Walking/Agenda Money Forms
3. Spirit Clothes Forms
4. Confirmation Forms
5. Start looking for scrapbook materials for our upcoming language project. 

Grade 8

1. Find 5 facts about each of the six boroughs, as well as the population.

Image result for six boroughs  of toronto

Monday, September 5, 2016


We will be using this blog to highlight the many fun activities and learning that will be happening throughout the year in our class. As well, homework will be posted on the blog, however it is still recommended that you use your agenda daily and homework board in class.

Excited to see all of you!
Ms. Singh