Grade 7
Science: Ch. 12 Ques. #1-12
Lang: Creative writing presentations tomorrow.
Grade 8
Science: 2.1 Ques. 2-5
2.3 Ques 1-4
Lang: Creative writing presentations tomorrow.
Grade 7
Science: Ch. 12 Ques. #1-12
Lang: Creative writing presentations tomorrow.
Grade 8
Science: 2.1 Ques. 2-5
2.3 Ques 1-4
Lang: Creative writing presentations tomorrow.
Grade 7
Math: Application Probability w.s. Due Monday
Science: Ch 11 Review Ques. 1 - 10, 12, 16
Due Monday.
Drama: Read aloud presentations Due Wed.
Grade 8
Math: Exam Ch. 1- 11 Due Mon
9.8 7, 8, 9
9.9 5, 6, 10
9.10 7, 8, 12
Science: About Systems Due Tues
Drama: Read aloud presentations Due Wed.
Grade 7
Science: Structures package.
Math: Probability package.
Grade 8
1. Fraction package
2. Exam notes. Exam is on Monday july 13th.
3. 9.5 # 7, 13, 15
4. 9.6 # 8, 9, 13
Lang: Bios must be sent!
Grade 7
Science: 11.1 (Ques. 1-5 )
11.2 (Ques. 1- 3)
Due Wed. June 8th
11.4 (Ques. 1 - 4)
11.6 ( Ques. 1 - 2)
Due Thurs. June 9th
Drama: Please bring markers and other art material for your gr. 4 read aloud assignment. I will be giving you a work period to complete your assignment.
Phys. Ed: bring a change of clothes.
Grade 8
Reminder: Grad forms need to be signed if you will not be coming to school after graduation. Please return tomorrow.
Math: 9.1 and 9.2 Worksheets
Lang: Re submit edited bios for grad.
Drama: Please bring markers and other art material for your gr. 4 read aloud assignment. I will be giving you a work period to complete your assignment.
Phys. Ed: bring a change of clothes.