Ms. H's Subjects

Monday, February 29, 2016

Homework: Feb 29th


1. Graduation pictures March 1st. (Tomorrow) Please be picture ready in full uniform.

Grade 7/8

Religion: Make sure your paragraph is edited by a peer and that you are ready to write your good copy in class on March 2nd. Please use the checklist to help you with your edits. Both peer and self need to be completed.

Math: Tests will be returned to tomorrow that were completed in class today. If you were away you will need to stay in for lunch recess to complete your test.

Science : Work period day 3 on project in class.

History: Please bring paragraph on African Canadian good copy, so that you are  ready to write on to the stamp handout in class.

Art: We will be doing our art canvas in class. Please bring in a ruler to draw your grid on your canvas. If you have not brought in a canvas please do so.  

Friday, February 26, 2016

Homework: Feb. 26th

Grade 7/8

Lang./Rel. : Rough Draft of Saint Assignment Due: Mon Feb 29th
                    Final Copy: Tuesday March 1st

Science: Please bring materials for ecosystem project for Day 3 work period Mon. Feb. 29th

Math: Mid Chapter 6 Test. Please look over your key questions and worksheets in preparation for the test.

Art: Canvas needs to be brought in for Mon Feb 29th as we will begin painting.

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Homework Tues. Feb. 23rd

Grade 7/8


1. We will be having scientist in the school tomorrow.

2. Speech competition in the afternoon.

3. Please make sure that your assessment folders are signed and up to date.

Science: Please bring in materials for the  water cycle project.

Phys.ed: Due to the length of the speech competition Phys. Ed might be postponed to Thursday Feb. 25th. Please bring indoor clothes in preparation that gym is not postponed for tomorrow.

Monday, February 22, 2016

Homework: Feb 22nd

Grade 7/8
Lang: Impromptu speeches continued
Sci: Box for water cycle project. Please make sure Science Exit ticket is signed and brought back into your assessment folder. All corrections must be made in pen. 
Geo: IMF paragraph.  Follow success criteria. Typed or written neatly. Due: Tomorrow
Phys. Ed: Gym clothes (indoor)
French: Please have all work materials in class.
Art: Bring art canvas

Thursday, February 18, 2016

Homework: Thursday, Feb. 18th

Grade 7

*Ski Trip Tomorrow for Grade 7's*


1. The Story of St. Valentine Handout. Please follow success criteria that has been established in class today. You will be receiving two marks, one for annotation on the reading and another for questions. Due: Mon., Feb. 22

2. Speech grade 7 winners for the first round will be announced on Mon., Feb., 22nd. 


1. Please complete key terms from water cycle sheet Due: Mon., Feb. 22. The link has been posted yesterday as to where you will have to gather the info from. 

2. Please bring in your box for water cycle 3D project for Mon., Feb. 22


To help practice with your integer addition and subtraction drills for Chapter 6 please log on to the following games. Enjoy!

Grade 8


1. The Story of St. Valentine Handout. Please follow success criteria that has been established in class today. You will be receiving two marks, one for annotation on the reading and another for questions. Due: Fri., Feb. 19th

2. Speech grade 8 winners for the first round will be announced on  Fri., Feb., 19th


1. Please complete key terms from water cycle sheet Due: Mon., Feb. 22. The link has been posted yesterday as to where you will have to gather the info from. 

2. Please bring in your box for water cycle 3D project for Mon., Feb. 22


To help practice with Chapter 6 please log on to the following games under integers and operating with integers. Enjoy!

Grade 8 Integer Practice 2

History: Milton Hersey worksheet will be taken up tomorrow, since our health presentations went longer than expected. 

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Homework: Feb. 17th

Grade 7/8

Lang: Presentations continued.

Science: Key terms defined and big ideas explained about water cycle, in preparation for our project. Please use the following link to gather info. Due Mon. Feb. 22nd

The Water Cycle


Phys.Ed: Due to speech competitions in the gym our phys. ed has been postponed. Date TBA.

Health: Please ensure videos are uploaded for health rap presentations tomorrow.

History: Please make sure Hersey worksheet is completed as we will be taken up tomorrow.

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Homwork: Tues. Feb. 16th

Welcome Back from the long weekend!

Grade 7

Lang. : Oral speech presentations continue.

Math: Key questions was given in class and so there was no homework assigned. 

Health/ Drama/ Art: Health Rap Video's are presented in class.

Phys.  Ed: Please remember to bring your gym clothes.

Grade 8

Lang.: Oral speech presentations continue.

Math: Integer worksheets Due Tomorrow.

Health/ Drama/ Art: Health Rap Video's are presented in class.

Phys.  Ed: Please remember to bring your gym clothes

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Homework: Thurs. Feb.11th

Grade 7/8


Lang: Be ready to present your speeches in class Tuesday, Feb. 11th


Phys. Ed: Please remember to bring your gym clothes.

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Homework: Feb. 9th 2016


1. Ash Wednesday Mass Tomorrow morning at 9am.
2. Skating Thursday Feb 10th. (PM)
3. Parent Teacher Interviews Wednesday Feb. 10th 5pm - 8pm and Thursday Feb. 11th 5pm - 8pm
    ( For afternoon students)

Grade 7

Rough Copy for Speeches are due Wed. Feb 10th. Please have your speech ready for editing with checklist that were given out today. We are preparing for our oral presentation for Tuesday, Feb 16th. All instructions are given on handout.

Worksheets for 6.4 and 6.5
Please come with questions to take up from Mid Chapter Review.

Please bring your props and materials for your health rap video.

Remember that every Tuesday and Wednesday we have Phys.ed class and it is important that you have a change of clothes and shoes. As well, we will have skating this Thursday which is also part of our phys.ed curriculum. Please ensure all skates of skate guards and helmets and gloves are a must.

Grade 8

Rough Copy for Speeches are due Wed. Feb 10th. Please have your speech ready for editing with checklist that were given out today. We are preparing for our oral presentation for Tuesday, Feb 16th. All instructions are given on handout.

Worksheets for 6.4
Please come with questions to take up from Mid Chapter Review.

Please bring your props and materials for your health rap video.

Remember that every Tuesday and Wednesday we have Phys.ed class and it is important that you have a change of clothes and shoes. As well, we will have skating this Thursday which is also part of our phys.ed curriculum. Please ensure all skates of skate guards and helmets and gloves are a must.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Homework: Monday Feb. 8th, 2016

Grade 7/8


 All speech outlines have been given back with one on one feedback/suggestions. In class we had class time to work on speeches. Grade 7'S worked on paragraphs 2 and 3, while grade 8's worked on paragraphs 1 and 2. Any other students that did not hand in outlines are expected to bring it in tomorrow to get feedback.

Updated Dates:

1.Speech Rough Draft Feb. Wed. 10th.
2.Final Copy of Speeches will be given on Tues. Feb 16th.
3.Oral presentations will be given on Tues. Feb 16th - Fri. Feb. 19th
4. Contest will be on Wed. Feb. 24th (PM)


Grade 7 
Lesson 7.5 Questions 1 - 5 Please have all notes, keywords, and answers ready to be taken up tomorrow.

Grade 8 

We will have a discussion on Science 10.3 notes and answers to questions 1 - 5 . Afterwards there will be a "exit ticket" that will be assigned. This will be much like a pop quiz. Please update assignment sheets with these dates.

Science 10.5  Ques. 1 - 4  Figure 1 must be drawn into notes. Due Wed. Feb. 10th


Please make sure you have copies of your health rap lyrics (one for each group member and one to hand in.) As discussed in class today we have co -constructed an success criteria. Please make sure you have handed in a draft that has been approved by me in. We will be working on the production of the health raps tomorrow in class.

Learning Goal: Health Rap Videos

Success Criteria

1. Lyrics need to be heard clearly.
2. Story-line should be clear and easy to understand
3. Entertaining to target audience
4. Educational Message
5. Props
6. Different backdrop settings
7. State the type of genre for your video
8. Theme- Lively (Colourful) Serious (Dark)
9. Intro should have title and credits of production and singers.
10. Special Effects - Time lapse
                               - Mirroring
                               - Filters
                               - Captions

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Homework: Feb 3

Grade 7

Math: Ch 6 Mid - Chapter

Science: 7.5 Make notes and answer Ques. 1-5

Health: Please bring in a Nutrition food label from class tomorrow to work on.

Art: Please bring in old magazines.

Grade 8

Math: Ch. 6 Mid - Chapter

Science: Chapter 10  Review Ques. 1-14

Health: Please bring in a Nutrition food label from class tomorrow to work on.

Art: Please bring in old magazines.

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Homework: Tuesday, Feb. 2nd


1. Carnival: Wear red and white clothing to school tomorrow.

Grade 7

Math: Lesson 6.4 Ques# 8, 9, 10, 12 and Lesson 6.5 Ques. 5,7 a, c, e 9, 11

Lang: Speech- Intro and Paragraph #1 of Rough Draft should be completed and edited by 2 peers. Please use pen when editing and at the bottom please write marked by: "Name of Peer".

History: Finish filling out chart from pages 26 - 32. Also write down keywords/notes.

Phys. Ed: Bring gym clothes.

Grade 8 

Math: Lesson 6.4 worksheet

Lang: Speech- Intro and Paragraph #1 of Rough Draft should be completed and edited by 2 peers. Please use pen when editing and at the bottom please write marked by: "Name of Peer".

History: Finish filling out chart from pages 70 - 74 Also write down keywords/notes.

Phys. Ed: Bring gym clothes. 

Monday, February 1, 2016

Homework: Monday, Feb. 1st 2016

1. Important speech assignment dates for CWL
- Rough Copy: Due Tuesday Feb 9th
- Good Copy of Speech: Due Feb 12th
- Oral Speech Assessment: Feb. 15th - Feb 19th * All grade 7's the last day is Feb 18th.
- Speech Contest: Wed Feb. 24th in the afternoon.
2. Ski Day for Grade 7's: Fri. Feb 19th.
3. Skating for PM 7/8 12:30 - 2:30 Thurs Feb. 11th
4. Scientist in the school with Grade 7/8 AM class : Wed. Feb 24th in the morning.
5. Carnival - Tuesday Feb 2nd (Crazy Hat/Hair Day)

Grade 7

Science: 7.3 Ques. 1-5 and Notes/Keywords

Lang: Your outlines have been graded and returned. Please get them signed. Those of you who had to redo your outlines please email them to me so that it can be graded.

History: Please read pgs. 26 - 32 and copy the char from pg. 26.
              You will fill out the chart in class tomorrow.

Phys. Ed: Please have gym clothes ready for tomorrow.

Music: Please have music material ready.

Grade 8

Science: Finish 10.3 Science Notes/Keywords and Ques. 1- 5 ( If not finished)
               Please read 10.5 Notes/Keywords and Ques. 1- 4.

Lang: Your outlines have been graded and returned. Please get them signed. Those of you who had to redo your outlines please email them to me so that it can be graded.

History: Please read pgs. 70 - 74. Copy chart on pg. 71. You will fill it in class tomorrow.

Phys. Ed: Please have gym clothes ready for tomorrow.

Music: Please have music material ready.