Ms. H's Subjects

Monday, November 30, 2015

Homework Nov. 30th

Grade 7

Math: Ch. 3 math test must be signed and returned.

Science: 2.2 Pg. 41 Ques. 1-4 and make notes Due- Wed. Dec 2nd

Geo: Pg. 29 Checkpoint

Grade 8

Science: 8.3  Ques. 1-5 and makes notes. Due- Wed. Dec 2nd.

Geo: Pg. 32 - 34 Make notes/ Keywords

Friday, November 27, 2015

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Homework Nov. 26th

Grade 7

Math: Additional practice for math: Chapter 3 Review. Test on Monday.

Lang: Please bring your outlines for Failure is your Friend assessment.

Science: Ch. 2.1 All Ques. Notes and Key terms.

Grade 8

Math: Additional practice for math: Chapter 3 Review. Test on Monday.

Lang: Please bring your outlines for Failure is your Friend assessment.

Science: Ch. 8.1 All Ques. Notes and Key terms.

Wednesday, November 25, 2015

Homework: Nov. 25th

Grade 7

1. 3.7 Ques. 5, 6 a) b)
2. Chapter Self Test (All Ques.)
3. Ch. 3 Test on Monday Nov. 30th

Language: Failure is your Friend assessment. Outline needs to be brought in. 

History: Posters for Ch.2 Due Tomorrow

Grade 8

1. Chapter Self Test (All Ques.)
2. Ch. 3 Test Monday Nov. 30th

Language: Failure is your Friend assessment. Outline needs to be brought in.

History: Posters for Ch.2 Due Tomorrow

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Homework: Tuesday Nov. 24th

Grade 7

Math: Lesson 3.6 Ques. 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14


1. Poetry assessment on figuritive language for those who were not present in class today

2. Please get your Outline for "Failure is your Friend" paragraph for the in class writing persuasive piece approved for tomorrow by me if it has not been already.

Phys.  Ed:

Please dress in layers so that you are ready for gym outside or indoors.

Grade 8

Math: 3.6 Ques. 4,5,6

1. Poetry assessment on figuritive language for those who were not present in class today

2. Please get your Outline for "Failure is your Friend" paragraph for the in class writing persuasive piece approved for tomorrow by me if it has not been already.

Phys. Ed:

Please dress in layers so that you are ready for gym outside or indoors.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Homework: Mon Nov. 23rd

Grade 7
Math: Lesson 3.5 Ques. 6, 7 a)  8 a) b) c) d), 10, 11, 12
Lang: 1. Poetry assessment on figurative language
          2. Outline for "Failure is your Friend" paragraph for the in class writing persuasive piece.

Volleyball Students:
Math: Lesson 3.6 Ques. 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 14

Grade 8
Math: Lesson 3.5 Ques. 5,  7, 9, 10
Lang: 1. Poetry assessment on figurative language
          2. Outline for "Failure is your Friend" paragraph for the in class writing persuasive piece.

Volleyball Students:
Math: Lesson 3.6 Ques. 4, 5,  6

Saturday, November 21, 2015

Homework Friday Nov. 20th

Grade 7


3.4 Ques. 5-8

Grade 7/8


Jabberwocky - Describe story line and characters. Also write an addition stanza with 2 words made up by the author and 2 words made up by you. 

Please bring the Book Thief for Monday.

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Homework Nov. 18th

Grade 7/8

1. Seeing and hearing forms are to be given to the office,  if you haven't handed it in today. 

2. Skating forms are  to be handed into your morning teacher. 

Math: Please bring math worksheets to correct in class  (3.1 -3.4)

Volleyball Girls: Mid Chapter 3 Review to be done for Friday Nov. 20th. Please make sure you hand in your math sheets to he corrected before leaving to V-Ball. Please place them in your mailbox before leaving.

Tuesday, November 17, 2015

Homework Nov. 17th


1. Please bring in hearing and seeing forms and return to afternoon teachers.

2. Please bring in skating forms and hand into morning teachers.

3. Remember to get all assessment signed and recorded.

4. Picture Day retake tomorrow in the afternoon.

5. Scientist in the school tomorrow.

Math: Worksheets for both grades due Thurs. Nov 19th (3.1 - 3.4)

Language: Please get The Book Thief for our novel studies.

Art: Please bring printed portrait picture for art if needed.

Phys.  Ed: Bring a change of clothes..

Monday, November 16, 2015

Homework Nov. 16th

Grade 7/8

*Grammar Worksheets

*Grade 7 Lesson 3.3 and 3.4 -  venn diagram on database and spreadsheet.

*Grade 8  Lesson 3.5 - venn diagram on bar graph and histographs

*Bring in a portrait image (cartoon or photo) for Warhol art.

Friday, November 13, 2015

Homework: Nov. 12th

Grade 7

Math: Lesson 3.3 Ques. (7 - 10). Keywords need to be written in your own words. Please me mindful to make appropriate notes for each lesson. This will help in the "Mock Mid Term Exam that you will be preparing for.

Lang.: Jabberwocky Poem - Please match terms and definitions that were given.

History: Monday will be the final day to hand in your Historical Letters. If not handed in you will be given an incomplete mark. Late marks are deducted at a rate of  5% each day (not including weekends.)

Geography: Have answers ready to be taken up in class on Monday. Pg 22 - 26 (Ques. 1& 2)

Grade 8

Math: Lesson 3.3 Ques. (4 -7).  Keywords need to be written in your own words. Please me mindful to make appropriate notes for each lesson. This will help in the "Mock" Mid Term Exam that you will be preparing for.

Lang.: Jabberwocky Poem - Please match terms and definitions that were given.

History: Monday will be the final day to hand in your Confederation Historical Letters. If not handed in you will be given an incomplete mark. Late marks are deducted at a rate of  5% each day (not including weekends.)

Geography: Have answers ready to be taken up in class on Monday. Pg 23 - 31 (Ques. 2, 3, 4)

Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Homework Nov. 11th

Grades 7/8

Lang: Finish worksheets and  Literary Analysis Cube.

History: Letters are Due: Nov. 12th (Final Date)

Geography: Will take up answers for questions assigned in class:

Grade 7- Pg. 22 - 26 (Ques. 1&2)
Grade 8- Pgs. 24 - 31 (Ques. 2, 8, 4)

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Homework: November 10th


1. Please bring in your teacher parent interview forms. All scheduled parents teacher interviews will be given out tomorrow.

2. Please bring in novels to read in class for silent period reading.

Grade 7 

Math: Lesson 3.2 Ques. 7, 8, 9, 12

Language: Read the poem " The Road Not Taken" Please underline and make notes on the sheet of any literary devices you see and their meaning for homework. We will take it up in class and together we will fill in the Literary Analysis Cube in class.

History: Hurons/Iroquois/Explorers Letter: Feed back on history letters continue in class. If you haven't received feed back please bring it in tomorrow and if you have please make the appropriate changes. Good Copy Due Date TBA

Phy.Ed.: Please bring a change of clothes.

Grade 8 

Math: 3.1 Ques. 4 - 7

Language: Read the poem " The Road Not Taken" Please underline and make notes on the sheet of any literary devices you see and their meaning for homework. We will take it up in class and together we will fill in the Literary Analysis Cube in class.

History: Confederation Fathers Letter:  Feed back on history letters continue in class. If you haven't received feed back please bring it in tomorrow and if you have please make the appropriate changes. Good Copy Due Date TBA

Phy.Ed.: Please bring a change of clothes.

Monday, November 9, 2015

Homework Nov. 9TH

Please bring Parent -Teacher Interview Forms as soon as possible.

Grade 7

Science : Ch 1 Test

History: Bring in rough copy of letter to be assessed by the teacher. You will be getting feedback. 

Phys. ed.  Please bring in your change of clothes and runners

Music: Bring in instruments and mouth pieces

Grade 8

Science:  Ch. 7 Test

History: Bring in rough copy of letter to be assessed by the teacher. You will be getting feedback. 

Phys. ed.  Please bring in your change of clothes and runners

Music: Bring in instruments and mouth pieces

Friday, November 6, 2015

Homework Nov. 6th 2015

Looking Ahead:
1. Report Cards go home Tues. 10th. 2015
2. Parent Teacher Interviews. Thurs. Nov. 12th and Fri Nov. 13th 
3. Scientist in the school "Fluid Powers" Wed. Nov. 18th. in the morning. 
4. Photo Re-Take Wed.  Nov. 18th in the afternoon. 

Grade 7

Math: Ch 2 Test (2.5 - 2.8) Mon Nov. 9th. For extra practice (Chapter Self Test).
           Your Ch 2 (2.1 - 2.4) Test will be marked and given out to you on Mon. Nov 9th

Lang: Short Story Due Monday Nov 9th * Those that have volleyball, please hand it in to class before going to your tournament.

Science: Test on Tuesday Nov. 10th  * Those that will not be here on Tuesday will do the test on Wed Nov. 11th.

French/Drama: Drama Skits Mon. Nov. 9th

History: Good Copy of Letter (Perspective of European Explorer or Native: Iroquois or  Huron)

Two ways of Aging paper with coffee.

Grade 8 

Math: Ch. 2 Test (2.5 - 2.8) Mon Nov 9th. For extra practice ( Chapter Self Test)
           Ch. 2 Test ( 2.1 - 2.4) Please have it signed and returned on Mon. Nov. 9th

Lang.: Short Story Due Monday Nov 9th * Those that have volleyball, make sure you hand it in to class before going.

Science:  Chapter Review Answers will be taken up in class on Mon. Nov. 9th.
                Test on Tuesday Nov. 10th  * Those that will not be here on Tuesdsay will do the test on                     Wed Nov. 11th.

French/Drama: Drama Skits Mon. Nov. 9th

History: Perspective Letter from one Confederation Father. Draft due Mon. Nov. 9th. Please bring draft to be edited in class on Monday. Good Copy Due Wed. Nov 11th

Link for resources to write Confederation Letter:

Here is a list of webpages that may be useful in your research on a Father of Confederation, choose a webpage that relates to your Father and begin looking for information for your letter. 

List of information of the Fathers of Confederation
National library of Canada
The Path to Confederation
John Hamilton Gray (PEI)
George Coles 
Edward Palmer
NB Fathers

Learning Goal: Use History Text (pgs. 56 - 60, 108) and internet resources to write a letter in the perspective of a Father of Confederation.

* Visual: Letter must look old.
*Grammar, Puntuation* All captials and periods must be correct or it will be an instant level 2, Spelling* Any spelling mistakes will be an instant level 2.
* 1 page ( If typed must be written over in black pen)
* Reflects real histrotical event and people (connections)
* Complete sentences ( No run or fragmented sentences.)
* Letter format - Opening - Closing - Indent first sentence of each paragraph, Date, and Address.

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Homework Nov. 5th

Grade 7

Science : Ch. 1 Ques. 1-18 Due Tomorrow.

Lang: Short Stories New Due Date: Mon. Nov. 9TH. Bring short stories to class to work on during language period. (Peer Editing)

French/Drama: Practice lines for play

Grade 8


Poems due Friday Nov. 6th

Short Stories New Due Date: Mon. Nov. 9TH. Bring short stories to class to work on during language period. (Peer Editing)

Science: Chapter 7 Review Pg. 35 Ques. 1- 15 Due Fri Nov. 6th. Ch. 7 Test Tues. Nov 10th. 

French/Drama: Practice lines for play

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Homework Wed. Nov. 4th

Grade 7


Poetry- You will need to get your poetry edited by two peers. Have each peer write their name on the bottom of the rough copy that they edited. Poetry will be due on Thursday Nov 5th. Please make sure that the good copy must be typed. You will be handing in your Brainstorm, rough copy, and good copy. Please make sure the good copy is in front and that all worked handed in is dated.  Please use the black files I gave you to put all your work in.

Short Stories- Please finish your rough copy of your Halloween story. All paragraphs must be completed in proper format. You will need to get 2 peers to edit your work. Have each peer write their name on the bottom of the rough copy that they edited. Halloween will be due on Friday Nov 6th. Please make sure that the good copy is typed or printed neatly in pen. You will be handing in your rough copies with your final writing. Please make sure the good copy is in front and that all worked handed in is dated.

Math: Chapter 2 Review Pg. 75 Ques. 1 – 13 (Please star any questions you had problem with so that we can take it up on Thursday with any other math questions from the previous lesson.) Ch. 2 Test Mon. Nov 9th.

Science: Chapter 1 Review Pg. 33 Ques. 1- 18 Due Fri Nov. 6th. Ch. 1 Test Tues. Nov 10th

History: Poster Due Friday Nov. 6th 

Grade 8


Poetry- You will need to get your poetry edited by two peers. Have each peer write their name on the bottom of the rough copy that they edited. Poetry will be due on Friday  Nov 6th. Please make sure that the good copy must be typed. You will be handing in your Brainstorm, rough copy, and good copy. Please make sure the good copy is in front and that all worked handed in is dated.  Please use the black files I gave you to put all your work in.

Short Stories- Please finish your rough copy of your Halloween story. All paragraphs must be completed in proper format. You will need to get 2 peers to edit your work. Have each peer write their name on the bottom of the rough copy that they edited. Halloween will be due on Friday Nov 6th. Please make sure that the good copy is typed or printed neatly in pen. You will be handing in your rough copies with your final writing. Please make sure the good copy is in front and that all worked handed in is dated.

Math: Chapter 2 Review Pg. 85 Ques. 1 – 16 (Please star any questions you had problem with so that we can take it up on Thursday with any other math questions from the previous lesson.) Ch. 2 Test Mon. Nov 9th.

Science: Chapter 7 Review Pg. 35 Ques. 1- 15 Due Fri Nov. 6th. Ch. 7 Test Tues. Nov 10th

History: Poster Due Friday Nov. 6th 

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Homework Nov 3rd


1. Grade 8's to meet at Senator at 8:30 in the cafeteria in uniform.

2. Grade 7s please go to assigned classes. Please bring science and math textbook. Also both poem and short story will need to be brought in tomorrow. An outlined agenda will be given tomorrow by the teacher's instructing you what to do.

Grade 7

2.8 Ques. 8 c, 9  d f, 10, 11, 13, 16, 19
2.8 Worksheet

Lang: Work on rough draft Poem  and complete rough copy of short story.

History: Bring materials in for history poster.

Grade 8

2.8 Ques. 6, 8, 9, 10, 11
2.8 Worksheet

Lang: Work on rough draft Poem and complete rough copy of  short story.

History: Bring materials in for history poster.

Monday, November 2, 2015

Homework Nov 2nd

Looking ahead: Pizza Day Friday Nov. 6th

Grade 7

Math :
2.7 textbook 8, 9 (b,d, f), 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 18, 20

Worksheet for 2.7 must be completed if not already done in class

Poem Brainstorm Due Tommorrow (bring personal device tomorrow)  Final due Thurs Nov 5th

History: Materials for poster

Grade 8


Highschool option forms due next Tuesday. The date has been changed as per Mr. Graham

Take your kids to Highschool forms due asap. We will be going Wed Nov. 4th. Students are to meet at Senator at 8:30 in the cafe.


2.8 (steps need to be shown for problem discussed in class)


Poem Brainstorm Due Tommorrow (bring personal device tomorrow)  Final due Thurs Nov 5th