Looking Ahead:
1. Report Cards go home Tues. 10th. 2015
2. Parent Teacher Interviews. Thurs. Nov. 12th and Fri Nov. 13th
3. Scientist in the school "Fluid Powers" Wed. Nov. 18th. in the morning.
4. Photo Re-Take Wed. Nov. 18th in the afternoon.
Grade 7
Math: Ch 2 Test (2.5 - 2.8) Mon Nov. 9th. For extra practice (Chapter Self Test).
Your Ch 2 (2.1 - 2.4) Test will be marked and given out to you on Mon. Nov 9th
Lang: Short Story Due Monday Nov 9th * Those that have volleyball, please hand it in to class before going to your tournament.
Science: Test on Tuesday Nov. 10th * Those that will not be here on Tuesday will do the test on Wed Nov. 11th.
French/Drama: Drama Skits Mon. Nov. 9th
History: Good Copy of Letter (Perspective of European Explorer or Native: Iroquois or Huron)
Two ways of Aging paper with coffee.
Grade 8
Math: Ch. 2 Test (2.5 - 2.8) Mon Nov 9th. For extra practice ( Chapter Self Test)
Ch. 2 Test ( 2.1 - 2.4) Please have it signed and returned on Mon. Nov. 9th
Lang.: Short Story Due Monday Nov 9th * Those that have volleyball, make sure you hand it in to class before going.
Science: Chapter Review Answers will be taken up in class on Mon. Nov. 9th.
Test on Tuesday Nov. 10th * Those that will not be here on Tuesdsay will do the test on Wed Nov. 11th.
French/Drama: Drama Skits Mon. Nov. 9th
History: Perspective Letter from one Confederation Father. Draft due Mon. Nov. 9th. Please bring draft to be edited in class on Monday. Good Copy Due Wed. Nov 11th
Link for resources to write Confederation Letter:
Here is a list of webpages that may be useful in your research on a Father of Confederation, choose a webpage that relates to your Father and begin looking for information for your letter.
List of information of the Fathers of Confederation
National library of Canada
The Path to Confederation
John Hamilton Gray (PEI)
George Coles
Edward Palmer
NB Fathers
Learning Goal: Use History Text (pgs. 56 - 60, 108) and internet resources to write a letter in the perspective of a Father of Confederation.
* Visual: Letter must look old.
*Grammar, Puntuation* All captials and periods must be correct or it will be an instant level 2, Spelling* Any spelling mistakes will be an instant level 2.
* 1 page ( If typed must be written over in black pen)
* Reflects real histrotical event and people (connections)
* Complete sentences ( No run or fragmented sentences.)
* Letter format - Opening - Closing - Indent first sentence of each paragraph, Date, and Address.