Grade 7/8
Looking Ahead :
1. Halloween Activities and Dance tomorrow. Please wear costumes or uniforms. Please bring treats for party.
2. Highschool form selections for grade 8. Please hand in as soon as possible.
3. Pizza forms. Please hand in as soon as possible.
4. Grade 8 Take Your Kids to Highschool field trip Wed. Nov 4th.
Grade 7/8
Lang: Short story paragraph 2 must be completed. Group Poetry handouts due tomorrow.
Grade 7/8
Art: Hand art due tomorrow.
Grade 7
Lang: Poetry Language Handout Due: Friday Oct 28th
Math: Lesson 2.6 answers must be done in proper format, as discussed in class.
History: Please bring materials for history project posters.
Grade 8
Lang: Poetry Language Handout Due: Friday Oct 28th
Math: Lesson 2.7 Ques.9 -13 & 17
History: Please bring materials for history project posters.
Grade 7/8
Lang: Complete Halloween one paragraph Rough Draft.
History: Bring in materials to work on posters.
Grade 7
Math: 2.6 Ques. 7 a,c,f 8 a, d,e 10, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18 Due Mon. Oct 26th
For those of you who were away for the math test it will be on Mon. Oct 26th.
Lang: For those of you who were away for your Modern Day Hero assessment it will be Mon. Oct. 26th
French: Chef á Ecole forms and money.
History: Please bring all materials that you need for your poster history project.
Grade 8
Math: 2.6 Ques. 7, 8, 10, 12
Due Mon. Oct 26th
For those of you who were away for the math test it will be on Mon. Oct 26th.
Lang: For those of you who were away for your Modern Day Hero assessment it will be Mon. Oct. 26th
French: Chef á Ecole forms and money.
History: Please bring all materials that you need for your poster history project.
We will be going to the Urban Water Workshop tomorrow. Please dress appropriately according to the weather conditions. We will be outside rain or shine and students should be wearing appropriate footwear to be working near water (boots or old shoes are best).
Grade 7
Math: 2.6 Ques. 7 a,c,f 8 a, d,e 10, 12, 13, 14, 16, 17, 18 Due Mon. Oct 26th
For those of you who were away for the math test it will be on Mon. Oct 26th.
Lang: For those of you who were away for your Modern Day Hero assessment it will be Mon. Oct. 26th
French: Chef á Ecole forms and money.
Phys. Ed:
Answer the following question:
Give an example of a Canadian made sport.
Please bring a change of clothes and shoes.
Grade 8
Math: 2.6 Ques. 7, 8, 10, 12
Due Mon. Oct 26th
For those of you who were away for the math test it will be on Mon. Oct 26th.
Lang: For those of you who were away for your Modern Day Hero assessment it will be Mon. Oct. 26th
French: Chef á Ecole forms and money.
Phys. Ed:
Answer the following question:
Give an example of a Canadian made sport.
Please bring a change of clothes and shoes.
Looking Ahead
1. Picture Day Tomorrow.
2. Urban Water Workshop Fri. Oct 23rd Please be dressed in appropriate clothing when coming to school. That is, clothing and shoes that you don't mind getting dirty. Also, please have a change of clothes (uniform), socks and shoes to change into afterwards.
Grade 7/8
Language: Modern Day Hero paragraph assessment Thursday Oct 22nd. Please look under the Language tab for the success criteria we created. Please practice writing your paragraphs since you will have only an hour to do it in class with your outline.
Math: Ch. 2 Mid Chapter Test Tomorrow
Practice Questions:
Gr.7 (Textbook)
2.2 Ques. 8 (b,c), 10, 12
2.3 Ques. 8 (b,d,e) 10, 13
2.4 Ques. 6, 7,10 a) b)
Gr. 8 ( Textbook)
2.1 Ques. 11, 13, 14
2.2 Ques. 7, 12, 14
2.4 Ques. 8, 11, 13
Grade 7/8
History: Please remember to bring in appropriate material for your creative presentation on the given chapter notes for tomorrow.
Health: On the topic of safety with devices, thinking of ways in which our society has created methods to help us become more safe with the world around us. Please have more than one thought ready so that we can have a enriching discussion. Remember to have examples and support to back up your claim.
Grade 7
Math: Worksheets to be completed
Lang.: Modern Day Hero Outline.
Science: Good Copy of paragraph
History: Read Pgs 19 - 22
Grade 8
Math: Worksheets to be completed
Lang.: Modern Day Hero Outline.
Science: Good Copy of paragraph
Upcoming Events:
Cross country Meet Wed Oct 14th
Picture Day Wed Oct 21st
Grade 7
Math: 2.4 Ques. 4, 5, and 8
History: Jacques Cartier Graphic Organizer
Grade 8
Math: 2.4 Ques. 7, 9, 12, 14, 18
Grade 7
Math: Lesson 2.3 #7, 8 a, c, f 9, 11, 12, 14, 16, 17
Grade 8
Math: Lesson 2.5 #7, 8, 9, 13
Upcoming Event:
Terry Fox Run Tomorrow. Wear red and white or Blue Jay gear.
Grade 7
Science - 1.4 Pg. 21 (1-4)
Due: Oct. 9th
Grade 8
Science: Keywords and examples.
Due: Oct. 9th
Enjoy the Blue Jay Game !
Upcoming Events: Terry Fox Run Oct. Friday 9th
Grade 7
Math- 2.1 and 2.2 worksheets
Due: Oct. 7th
Science - 1.4 Pg. 21 (1-4)
Due: Oct. 9th
Language - Read/ Label "Building A Stronger Argument Worksheet"
Due: Oct. 7th
Health- Canadian Food Guide
Due: Oct. 7th
Grade 8
Math: 2.2 (6 a) and d) without calculator, rest with. , 8, 9, 10, 11
Due Oct. 7th
Science: 7.1 - 7.3 Key words in chart with definitions and examples
Due. Oct 9th
Language - Read/ Label "Building A Stronger Argument Worksheet"
Due: Oct. 7th
Health- Canadian Food Guide
Due: Oct. 7th
Grade 7
Math: Lesson 2.2 Ques. 7, 8 a) d) 9, 11, 13-16.
Science: Lab #1 Due Oct. 7th
Religion: Liturgical Wheel and Ques.
Geography: World Map Longtitude and Latitude Assignment
Phys. Ed. : Bring a change of gym clothes
Grade 8
Math: Lesson 2.2 Reflecting Ques. 1-2
Science: Lab #1 Due Oct 7th
Religion: Liturgical Wheel and Ques.
Geography: World Map Longtitude and Latitude Assignment
Phys. Ed. : Bring a change of gym clothes
Upcoming Events:
1. Quebec Grade 8 Trip Info Session Tues. Oct. 6th @ 6:30 in Mme. Cotê Campbell
2. Terry Fox Run Fri. Oct. 9th
3. Picture Day Wed. Oct. 14th
Grade 7
Science : Lab #1 Rough Draft must be brought in to be edited in class. Due: Tues. Oct. 6th
Geography: "The World" worksheet Due Wed. Oct 7th
French: Actions for your play. Due: Tues. Oct. 6th
Other: Binder Check
Change of clothes for Phys. Ed.
Grade 8
Math: Lesson 2.1 Pg. 48 - 50 Ques. 7-10 and 12
Science : Lab #1 Rough Draft must be brought in to be edited in class. Due: Tues. Oct. 6th
Geography: "The World" worksheet Due Wed. Oct 7th
French: Actions for your play. Due: Tues. Oct. 6th
Other: Binder Check
Change of clothes for Phys. Ed.