Ms. H's Subjects

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Grade 8 
Geo: presentation day: Thursday April 2nd
French: -er passe compose test: next Wednesday 

Grade 7
Lang: get some information from the 1960's
Math: work book 8.1
His: Bring project to work on ( final work period) Due Date: Tues April 7th.

Monday, March 30, 2015

Homework: Monday, March 30th. 2015

Grade 8

Language: Get Information from the 1960's 
                  Finish 15 keywords for The Outsiders slang worksheet
                  Bring the book "The Outsiders"
Geography: Presentation on Thursday, April 2nd

Grade 7

Language: Get Information from the 1960's 
                  Finish 15 keywords for The Outsiders slang worksheet
                  Bring the book "The Outsiders"

Friday, March 27, 2015

Homework; Friday March 27, 2015

** Reminder: Please bring Outsider Novel Monday to being Novel Studies**

Grade 8:

Language: Short Story Cover  Page Due Date: Monday, March 30th, 2015

Geography: Dragon's Den Project Due Date: Thursday, April 2nd , 2015.

Grade 7: 

Language: Short Story Cover  Page Due Date: Monday, March 30th, 2015

History: Seven Year War Project. Please bring your materials and have 20% of your work done with a plan of what you will do for the duration of the school week in class that will complete the rest for Monday, March 30th, 2015. 

Science: Structure Design Project will be Due: Thursday April 2nd, 2015
March: Forgiveness

 What does Forgiveness mean to you?

Student of the Month: Patrick Sanidas

"Even though it is hard to forget what others have done to you negatively, you cannot hold a grudge if you want to move on and grow as a person." - Patrick. S
Student of the Month: Douglas Love

"Even if someone did something terrible, you always need to learn to accept that people make mistakes and forgive. That is what forgiveness means to me." - Douglas

February: Love

 What does love mean to you?

Student of the Month: Marco Gagliardi


" To me, Love  means to care and show affection for others, I believe that love comes in different ways and forms but in end it love. " - Marco
Student of the Month: Gabriel Williams

" Love is a heart and Valentines day. I love Ms. Wallace." - Gabriel

                                                          January: Courage
Students of the Month:  Nicole Sankar 

                           What does Courage mean to you?

"Courage to me means, being confident and brave" - Nicole
Students of the Month:  Andrew Bettencourt

"Being courageous and fighting for what you believe in, even if it is not the norm." - Andrew

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Homework: Thursday March 26th

REMINDER!!! Skating tomorrow morning. Please bring your skates. Those that are not skating, please dress warmly. 

Grade 7:

Math: TXT pg. 276 - 277 ( 4 - 9) Be ready for KQ assessment.

Science: Please bring in required material for your structure challenge project.

1. Cover Page coloured and approved by author.  ( rough draft must be completed with editing).
2. Please take the time to look for novel Outsiders S.E. Hinton, we will be starting the novel next week.

History: Please bring in materials to work on Seven Years War - " The Plains of Abraham" model.
              BOXES WILL BE PROVIDED BY MS. H. Please just bring other material you will need in creating your project. Please refer to your sketch that you created in class to help you.

Grade 8 :

Math: 4.2 pG. 126 #5 - 9 Be ready for KQ assessment.

1. Cover Page coloured and approved by author.  ( rough draft must be completed with editing).
2. Please take the time to look for novel Outsiders S.E. Hinton, we will be starting the novel next week

Geography: Please bring in materials to work on geography invention assignment.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Homework: Tuesday, March 24th 2015

Grade 7:

1. Language: Work on Cover Page for short story assignment.  Due Date: Mon. March 30th. 

2. Science: Structure Design Challenge: Read Ch. 12 and make sure details of this chapter are present in your project (vocabulary) . Work period to construct structures on Thursday March 26th (bring materials) . Due Date: Tues March 31st

3. Math:  New Chapter in math will begin tomorrow!

4. History: War of 1812 Model. Due Date: Monday, March 30th. 
                  *Please bring in materials for your project  by Thursday, March 26th.

Grade 8: 

1. Language: Fakebook on author S.E. Hinton Assignment. Due Date: Wed. March 25th.
                      Work on Cover Page for short story assigment. Due Date: Mon. March 30th.

2. Math: New Chapter in math will begin tomorrow!

3. Geo: Work on Geography assignment. Due Date: Friday, March 27th.

Friday, March 13, 2015

It was the week of carnaval and all of the students had an awesome tiime.
Monday: PJ Day
Tuesday: Crazy hat Day
Wednesday: Jersey Day
Thursday: Backwards  Day
Friday:Red and white Day

We also played Salute with our class! We didn't win, but we still had a great time.
This picture is called a muarle. Our class all helped by creating this amazing work

Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Wednesday, March, 11, 2015

                                                            Short Stories
In class, the grade 8 students are creating science fiction stories, while the grade 7's are creating mystery stories.

Word of the day:  Perseverate - A repetative action
                      ex:  He may perseverate the light switch by turning it on and off a thousand times.

Monday, March 9, 2015

Monday, March, 9, 2015

Grade 7 and 8 homework
1. Be ready to present your math work with your groups
2. Also, have your short story finished by tomorrow ( 2 copies must be printed)

Friday, March 6, 2015

Grade 7 and 8 Homework
Mini math test and short story is due on Monday
Make sure your short story is typed! 2 copies must be printed.
Be ready to practice reading your story with your partner
Presentations are on Tuesday!!!

Our class has created artwork using math coordinates.

Welcome Groot!

This is our pet Groot. We're very GROOT to have him!
Hope you enjoy our class, as much as we enjoy you!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Thursday, March. 5, 2015

Grade 7 and 8 Homework

Language: continue writing short story
                  have one paragraph done for Ms.Hemachandra to look over tomorrow

Reminder: Dance-A-Thon (Please wear red and white..... and *bling*)

Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Grade 7 Homework
Language: short story must have 980 words

Grade 8 Homework
Language: short story must have 1200 words
Rough copy to be announced

Reminders: Bring your own device to work on your short story 

Monday, March 2, 2015

Grade 7 homework
Language: begin writing your short story

Grade 8 Homework
Language: begin writing your short story

Reminders: Crazy hat day and Lip sync