Ms. H's Subjects

Friday, May 17, 2019

Homework Update

Hello Parents,

This is just to inform you that we have moved to writing in the agenda, as we are preparing our grade 8's for highschool. Agenda's are written by students and signed off by the teacher. If you need further details please email me.

Thank you,
Ms. Singh

Wednesday, April 10, 2019

Homework: April 10th

1. We have Phys. Ed tomorrow, students please bring in change of clothes and running shoes. As the weather is getting warmer we need to make sure we are using appropriate products for hygiene. Please refrain from using AXE and other heavily scented perfumes and cologne.

Grade 7 

1. Chapter 6 Integer Test tomorrow
2. Please have your practice test signed from today.

1. Presenttions on War Diorama's are due Friday. Please make sure all your dioramas are labelled, with a description.

Phys. Ed.
1. Bring change of clothes and running shoes

1. Please bring materials for backdrops and props.

Grade 8 

1. Finish any outstanding cell worksheets.
2. Glue all handouts into interactive notebook.

Phys. Ed.
1. Bring change of clothes and running shoes

1. Please bring materials for backdrops and props.

Wednesday, March 27, 2019

Homework: March 27th

Yearbook Forms and payment online 
Phys. Ed. tomorrow, please bring gym clothes

Grade 7

Math:  Due Tomorrow
Integer Worksheet and 6.2 WB All Questions.

Ch. 4 Test on Ecosystems  Tomorrow

Health:  Due Tomorrow
Food Guide Worksheet

History: Due Friday
Bring materials for project on Historical War.

Grade 8 

Math:  Due Tomorrow
WB.  6.2 All Questions
WB.  6.4 All Questions
TB. 6.2 Ques. 5, 6, and 7
TB. 6.4 7, 8, 9, 12, and 14

Ch. 4 Test on Cells Tomorrow

Health:  Due Tomorrow
Food Guide Worksheet

Thursday, March 21, 2019

Homework: Thursday, March 21st

Grade 7 


1. Please watch and make notes on the following video's on adding and subtracting integers.
Math Antics: What are integers?
Math Antics: Adding and Subtracting Integers

2. Finish Math wheel


1. Chapter Review: Ques. 1 - 12

Grade 8 


1. Please watch and make notes on the following video's on adding and subtracting integers.
Math Antics: What are integers?
Math Antics: Adding and Subtracting Integers

2. Finish Math wheel. 


1. Chapter Review: Ques. 1 - 12


1. Worksheet

Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Tuesday, March 19th, 2019

Grade 7 

1. TB. 11.2 Ques. 9, 11, and 12
2. TB. Mid Chapter All Ques.

1. 4.5 Ques, 1 - 4 ( Will be taken up tomorrow and we will be reviewing the notes)

Grade 8 

1. WB. 11.3 All Questions
2. WB. 11.4 All Questions
3. WB. Test yourself.
4. TB. 11.3 Ques. 9, 11, 12, 13

1. If you did not present your Fathers of Confederation today, you will need to present tomorrow.        ( Late marks will be given for those that did not present today. Please remember your costumes.

Monday, March 18, 2019

Homework: Mon., March 18th

Grade 7

Math: WB 11.2 All Ques
            T.B 11.2 Ques. 7

Science: 4.4 Q 1 - 6
                4.5 Q 1 - 6

Lang.:  Read up to Pg. 90
              Answer Questions in journal
              Remember to bring your novel for    
               assessment on Part 1.

Grade 8

History:   * Fathers of Confederation   
                 * 2 copies one to hand in and the       
                  other to read from.

Math: WB 11.2 All Ques. (2pgs)

Science: Cell worksheet
                4.8 Q. 1 - 6

Friday, March 1, 2019

Homework: Friday, March 1st


1. Grade 8 Grad photos Monday

Grade 7

1. Math Test Wednesday
2. T.B. 5.6 Ques 4, 6, 8, 9 and 10

Grade 8

1. Math Test Monday
2. Test Yourself workbook. All question.

1. Fathers of Confederation Assignment (research and fill notes)
2. Review chart of defence